bikeport湘南ベイサイド - Fujisawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact bikeport湘南ベイサイド

住所 :

2 Chome-14-43 Tsujidonishikaigan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 251-0046
Webサイト :

2 Chome-14-43 Tsujidonishikaigan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0046, Japan
チャリオタチャリドリ魂 on Google

店員さんの対応もよくて 気軽に行けます!
The clerk's response was good Feel free to go!
佐藤智香 on Google

スタッフさんがすごく親切で丁寧な対応をしてくれる メンテナンスや自転車の相談にも真剣に話してくれてとても助かりました
The staff is very kind and polite It was very helpful for me to talk seriously about maintenance and bicycle consultation.

MTBやロードバイクの整備やパーツの購入でいつもお世話になっております。 安心して自転車を預けられるお店だと感じております。
We are always indebted to MTB and road bike maintenance and parts purchase. I feel that it is a shop where you can leave your bicycle with confidence.
大山克己 on Google

店内の雰囲気は、電話予約していったにもかかわらず先客対応に追われていて、自分の対応中にも次々に人が訪れる位に入店しやすく店員さんの対応も物腰が低くやわらかい。 初めてbikeport湘南ベイサイド店を訪れたのは昨年3月。他店で購入したGIANT ESCAP RX2、毎日3カ月ほど使用していたところクランク辺りから「コンコン」という異音発生。購入店で再三に渡り調整、クランク、BB、etc...異音は解消されないどころか症状も確認してもらえず。30年来技術系の仕事に従事してきた自分としては気になってしょうがない。そんな時、以前から気になっていた近所のbikeportに偶然を装ってふらっと入店。事情を説明するや否や「試乗させてください」と福田店長(現在は株式会社となり、代表)。試乗終了後、「症状を確認できました。多分...」と言いながら作業台にクロスバイクを取り付け、リヤタイヤを外し、スプロケットも外しフリーを取り出し、「こいつです」と。さすがにフリーのケースの中までは確認できませんが異音は確認できました。「中のグリス不足が原因ではなかろうか」と...大変感動しました。一言さんかもしれない客のクロスバイクの悩みを一発で見抜きしかも料金は発生しないとは。何度もお礼と感謝を伝えてそのまま購入店へ。bikeportでの出来事は内密に、フリーの状態を説明すると、流石大手量販店、展示車から別のフリーを取り外し交換してくれました。 通勤片道約20㎞、この頃からクロスバイクでの車道乗車に限界を感じ始めていました。ハンドルポジションやペダル等。後、ローディーにも...自分の力不足を棚に上げ、これはロードバイクに乗り換えだと。 ということで、bikeportで完成車CAAD12を購入。現在まで雨の日以外はほぼ毎日乗っています。気になるところがあれば常に福田さんのところに持っていき、調整、修復、アドバイスでお世話になっています。いつも驚かされるのは、全て迅速、的確なところです。車体の作動不調や異音などは目に見えない箇所でもすぐに発見処置、乗り手の体の痛みなどにもフィティング調整。自分にとっては完璧な対応をしていただいてます。 ところが、走行距離5000㎞を超えてきたあたりから自分の「もっと速く走りたい」という欲から、シートポストを上げたりハンドルを下げたりクリート位置を変えたりと浅い知識でいじりはじめました...結果、力が上手く自転車に伝わっていないようなもどかしさを感じ始めました。その矢先、職場の上司がbikeport横浜西口店にオーバーホールで納車した際のことを教えてくれました。整備は完璧にできているのはもちろん、クリート位置まで適正に調整してもらい走りが格段に良くなって大満足だと。その上司は私に対応してくれたスタッフの名刺を渡しこの夏四国に転勤していきました。 その後も自分の走りにはもどかしさを感じつつ、次の休みにbikeport湘南ベイサイド店で診てもらうために福田さんに連絡したところ、その日から出張で代わりにbikeport横浜西口店の木村さんが湘南ベイサイド店に入ると伝えられました。「むむ!あの名刺のスタッフの方だ」福田さんへの背信の念では決してないと自問自答しながらクリート位置だけでも診てもらえないかと連絡してみました。木村さんは快く受け付けて下さい翌日診てもらうこととなりました。 約束の午前中に湘南ベイサイド店に訪店したところ木村さんにフィッティングを診てもらっている先客がいました。具体的な時間を伝えていなかったため自分が悪いのですが。しかしそのおかげでフィッティングを診ているのをはじめてみることができました。「結構細かいところまで診るんだな、まあ自分はクリート位置を診てもらうだけだからな」と思いながら傍観していました。暫くして先客さんも納得した様子で車道に繰り出していきました。木村さんとは昨年末の横浜西口店、湘南ベイサイド店合同恒例の城ケ島ライドでお目にかかったくらいの間柄でしたが、「おまちしておりました」と満面の笑み。と同時に自分のCAAD12をローラー台にセッティングし始めました。「あれ?シューズを診てもらうんじゃないの」戸惑う自分に「はい、普段道理回してみてください」といきなり先客さんと同様にフィッティング診断が始まりました。暫く回したところで「う~ん、色々問題がありますね」と木村さん。8月にしては外は涼しく、とは言えエアコンを稼働させていない店内でケイデンス80で回し続ける汗だくの自分の問題点を次々に指摘修正すること2時間半、今までの自分の力の伝わらないもどかしさ気持ちがいくらい吹き飛んでいきました。そこから初めてクリート位置の調整が始まり、随分とずれていた位置を修正してもらいました。その後勾配6%ののぼりを含む試乗を指示され車道へ。つづく。
The atmosphere inside the store is so busy that even though I made a phone reservation, I was busy dealing with customers, and it was easy for people to come to the store one after another while I was dealing with them. I first visited the bikeport Shonan Bayside store in March last year. When I used the GIANT ESCAP RX2 purchased at another store for about 3 months every day, a strange noise was generated from around the crank. Adjustments, cranks, BBs, etc ... over and over again at the store of purchase ... The abnormal noise was not resolved, and the symptoms could not be confirmed. As a person who has been engaged in technical work for 30 years, I can't help but be worried. At that time, I casually entered the store by pretending to be a bikeport in the neighborhood that I had been interested in for a long time. As soon as I explained the situation, Mr. Fukuda (now a corporation and representative) said, "Please let me test drive." After the test drive, I attached the cross bike to the workbench, removed the rear tires, removed the sprocket, took out the free, and said, "I was able to confirm the symptoms. Maybe ...". As expected, I could not confirm the inside of the free case, but I could confirm the abnormal noise. "Isn't it because of the lack of grease inside?" ... I was very impressed. It is said that you can see the troubles of the customer's cross bike that may be a word in one shot and there is no charge. Thank you and thank you many times and go to the store where you purchased it. The event at bikeport was confidential, and when I explained the state of the free car, another free car was removed and replaced from a major mass retailer and an exhibition car. It's about 20km one way to work, and around this time I started to feel the limits of riding on a cross bike. Handle position, pedals, etc. Later, roadie ... I put my lack of power on the shelf and said that this was a road bike. So, I bought the completed car CAAD12 at bikeport. Until now, I ride almost every day except rainy days. If there is something I'm interested in, I always bring it to Mr. Fukuda, who is indebted to me for adjustment, restoration, and advice. What always surprises me is that everything is quick and accurate. Immediate detection and treatment of invisible parts such as vehicle body malfunctions and abnormal noises, and fitting adjustment for rider's body pain. It's a perfect response for me. However, when the mileage exceeded 5000 km, I started to play with shallow knowledge such as raising the seat post, lowering the steering wheel and changing the cleat position from my desire to "run faster" ... Result , I started to feel frustrated that the power was not transmitted well to the bicycle. Just before that, my boss at work told me about the overhaul delivery of the car to the bikeport Yokohama West Exit store. Not only was the maintenance done perfectly, but he said that he was very satisfied with the fact that he had the cleat position adjusted properly and the running became much better. The boss handed me the business card of the staff who responded to me and transferred to Shikoku this summer. After that, while feeling frustrated with my running, I contacted Mr. Fukuda to see him at the bikeport Shonan Bayside store on the next vacation, and from that day on a business trip, Mr. Kimura of the bikeport Yokohama West Exit store took the place of Shonan Bayside. I was told that I would enter the store. "Mmm! That's the business card staff." I asked myself that it wasn't a rebellion against Mr. Fukuda, and I contacted him if he could see me just by the cleat position. Mr. Kimura is willing to accept it. I will be examined the next day. When I visited the Shonan Bayside store in the morning of the appointment, there was a customer who had Mr. Kimura check the fitting. I'm bad because I didn't tell you the specific time. However, thanks to that, I was able to see the fitting for the first time. I was on the sidelines thinking, "I'm going to look at the details, well, I'm just going to see the cleat position." After a while, the previous customer seemed to be convinced and went out to the road. I had a relationship with Mr. Kimura at the end of last year at the Yokohama West Exit store and Shonan Bayside store jointly at the Jogashima Ride, but he said with a big smile, "I was waiting." At the same time, I started setting my CAAD12 on the roller stand. "Oh? You shouldn't have your shoes examined." When I was confused, "Yes, please try to make sense," and suddenly the fitting diagnosis started, just like the previous customer. After turning it for a while, Mr. Kimura said, "Hmm, there are various problems." It's cool outside for August, but I keep turning with cadence 80 in the store where the air conditioner is not operating. Pointing out and correcting my sweaty problems one after another. Two and a half hours, the transmission of my power so far It wasn't frustrating, and it blew away. From that point on, the adjustment of the cleat position began, and I was asked to correct the position that was far off. After that, I was instructed to take a test drive including a climb with a gradient of 6% and went to the road. to be continued.
Diem on Google

店舗は狭いですが常に自転車に関する知識経験豊富なスタッフが常駐しています かといって一見さんお断りのような入りにくさは無く、フレンドリーな対応。 自転車の相談、試乗、購入、メンテナンス、オーバーホールまで活用させてもらってます
Although the store is small, there are always staff with a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding bicycles. However, there is no difficulty in entering at first glance, and it is a friendly response. We use bicycle consultation, test drive, purchase, maintenance, and overhaul.
成瀬みづき on Google

住んでる場所から、ひかくてき近い湘南ベイサイド店自転車を購入しに来店しました! 購入した自転車を試乗したり、細かく丁寧に 説明していただいたので満足で帰宅しました。 通勤だけの使用かなと最初思っていたのですが、自転車を入れるバッグを予約したので購入したら休みの日とか遠出して常に自転車に乗っていそうです。 自転車をバッグに入れる説明もわかりやすくて丁寧でした。私にできるかなと少し不安ですが前輪と後輪を外す練習してみます。 長々とお店にいて色々と聞いた質問に答えてくれありがとうございましたm(__)m
I came to buy a bicycle from the Shonan Bayside store near where I live! Test drive the purchased bicycle or carefully I was satisfied with the explanation and went home. At first I thought it would be used only for commuting, but I reserved a bag to put my bicycle in, so when I bought it, it seems that I always go out on holidays or go out and ride my bicycle. The explanation for putting the bicycle in the bag was also easy to understand and polite. I'm a little worried if I can do it, but I'll practice removing the front and rear wheels. Thank you for staying at the store for a long time and answering various questions I asked m (_ _) m
kana S on Google

自転車の不具合のことでわざわざ来たのに接客だけで2時間待ちで話さえ聞いてもらえないっておかしいでしょう、、それなら接客は予約制とか書いといて欲しい。もう行くことはありません。 近くのサイクルあさひに持っていったらすぐでしたよ。
It would be strange that even though I came all the way because of a problem with my bicycle, I couldn't even wait for two hours to listen to the customer, so please write down the customer service by appointment. I won't go anymore. It wasn't long before I took it to the nearby cycle Asahi.
さわきまこと on Google

I visited to change the tires of the road racer I've been riding for a long time. The staff are friendly and friendly, and many bicycles and parts are on display in the large store. It seems that mechanical technology can be entrusted with peace of mind.

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