Bike-port - Yokohama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Bike-port

住所 :

メゾン横浜岡野町 1 Chome-11-8 Okano, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 220-0073
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

メゾン横浜岡野町 1 Chome-11-8 Okano, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0073, Japan
moe. o on Google

It is a shop that even a girl on road bike beginners can teach about bicycles very gently. I have a little courage until I enter the store, but once I enter it, the world for bicycles will expand. The event sponsored by the staff was fun, and we had some wonderful friends who could run together. We want to be indebted from now on (* ^ ^ *) ?
青島俊作 on Google

ジャイアントのエスケープR DROPを見たくて訪問。店頭にはなかったが自転車の知識がないことを正直に伝えたら自転車の選定や見極め方を優しく教えてもらえた。 その場で無理に押し売りすることもなく雑談程度で終えれたので改めて購入する際はこの店にしたいと思う
Visited to see Giant Escape R DROP. I honestly told him that he didn't have any knowledge about bicycles, although he didn't have it at the store, and he kindly taught me how to select and identify bicycles. I didn't force myself to sell it on the spot, and I ended up with a chat, so I would like to go to this store when I buy it again.
きよじ on Google

ロードバイクのリアディレイラー調整(変速がスムーズではなくなったため)をご依頼。結果としてチェーンの伸びが原因とのことで交換。3000km程度走行していたので、自身としても納得。 修理終了後の説明としては、変速は全体的にはスムーズになったものの、リアディレイラー自体のバネが余計に伸びているため、一部のギア変速がしにくくなったとのこと。実際に走行するとその通りであるが9割修復されていたため了承。しかしながら、その1週間後に静岡県浜松市から石川県金沢市400km、獲得標高8000mの、過去最高に厳しい旅を予定していたためネット通販でリアディレイラー2万円を注文。しかしながら、5年乗車しただけで最高級レベルのリアディレイラー(デュラエース)が故障するのか疑問視し、3日後にキャンセル。 旅1日目、大雨の中、街から50km離れた人家もない山岳地帯を走行していると突然変速が無反応になり、ワイヤー切断を予測。ギアが最高に重い状態にロックされ、山岳地帯での走行は不能となった。太平洋のど真ん中でエンジンが故障した船状態。その後大雨の中、1日目のゴール地点残り30kmを目指し歩いていたところでタクシーに遭遇。2万円をかけスタート地点の街中まで戻った。ロードバイク専門店に持ち込んだところ、シフトワイヤー切断が原因であり、これが、変速機能を狂わしていたとのこと。当然のことながらワイヤーは突然切断するはずもなく、徐々に切れて完全切断に至る。実際にワイヤー切断部を見せてもらうと、それまでワイヤーがこすれ続けて発生したカスが溜まっていることが確認できた。ワイヤー交換後、見事にシフト調整が復活し、リアディレイラーが原因ではないことを告げられる。この自転車屋曰く「このような状況はYouTubeにいくらでも情報が出ていますよ」と苦笑い。変速がスムーズではなくなった場合、リアディレイラー調整だけではなく、ワイヤー不具合も疑わなけばならないと指南される。 今回この旅のために半年トレーニングを積み、毎週末、事前にホテルを予約して1泊2日のトレーニングを重ねてきた結果、自身以外の要因で完走を阻まれた。宿のキャンセル代は1日目を含め全3日分で15000円、翌日はコース変更のため新幹線代5000円発生。 これまでの長期間、長時間、多額の出費をし旅に備え、そして1年のうちで5月の連休ほど休暇をとれる機会はないため、この期間の自転車の旅への思い入れは尋常ではない。 なぜ、これほどまでに長文を書いたかというと、私以外のロードバイカーも自身のバイクへの信頼が必要な場面は多々あり、今回のような失態はあるまじきだと思われる方は100%のはずであるため、警鐘を鳴らした次第である。 別件であるが、2020年9月にこの店でバーテープ交換を依頼した。冬季に入るため実際に走行したのは2か月程度。この短期間でずれが発生し、ハンドルのパイプが見えてきた。これについて、それまで同じバーテープを毎回ワイズで交換依頼していたが今回のような事象はゼロであった。これだけの情報で判断はできないが、この店はプロフェッショナルなメンテナンスはできないような印象がある。 スタッフが若年層であるため経験不足が問題なのか。 私は昨年47都道府県を走行制覇しており、初心者ではないことを最後に告げておく。
Request the rear derailleur adjustment of the road bike (because the shifting is not smooth). As a result, it was replaced because the chain was stretched. I was traveling about 3000km, so I was satisfied with it. As an explanation after the repair, although the shifting became smoother overall, the spring of the rear derailleur itself was stretched excessively, making it difficult to shift some gears. When I actually drove it, it was true, but I understand that it was 90% repaired. However, one week later, I ordered a rear derailleur of 20,000 yen online because I was planning a toughest trip ever, from Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture to Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, 400 km and an altitude of 8,000 m. However, I wondered if the highest level rear derailleur (Dura-Ace) would break down after just riding for 5 years, and canceled it 3 days later. On the first day of the trip, when driving in a mountainous area 50 km away from the city in the heavy rain, the shift suddenly became unresponsive, and it was predicted that the wire would be cut. The gear was locked to the heaviest condition, making it impossible to drive in mountainous areas. A ship with an engine failure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. After that, in heavy rain, I encountered a taxi while walking toward the remaining 30km of the goal point on the first day. I spent 20,000 yen and returned to the city where I started. When I brought it to a road bike specialty store, it was said that the cause was a shift wire disconnection, which caused the shifting function to go crazy. Naturally, the wire should not be cut suddenly, but gradually cut, leading to complete cutting. When I actually showed the wire cut part, I was able to confirm that the wire had been rubbed continuously and the generated debris had accumulated. After replacing the wire, the shift adjustment was successfully restored, and it was told that the rear derailleur was not the cause. The bicycle shop said, "There is a lot of information on YouTube about this situation," with a bitter smile. If the shift is not smooth, it is advised that not only the rear derailleur adjustment but also the wire malfunction should be suspected. As a result of training for half a year for this trip, booking a hotel in advance every weekend and training for one night and two days, I was prevented from completing the race due to factors other than myself. The cancellation fee for the inn is 15,000 yen for all three days including the first day, and the next day, the Shinkansen fee is 5,000 yen due to the course change. It's not unusual to have a bike trip during this period, as you've spent a lot of time, spending a lot of money on your trip, and you don't have the opportunity to take as much vacation as the May holidays of the year. The reason why I wrote such a long sentence is that there are many situations where road bikers other than me also need to trust their own motorcycles, and 100% of those who think that such a blunder is a serious thing. It should have sounded a warning bell. As a separate matter, in September 2020, I requested a bar tape exchange at this store. It took about two months to actually drive in the winter season. In this short period of time, a shift occurred and the pipe of the steering wheel became visible. Until then, I had been requesting the same bar tape to be replaced wisely every time, but there were no events like this one. I can't make a judgment based on this information, but I have the impression that this store cannot be maintained professionally. Is lack of experience a problem because the staff are young? Lastly, I've won 47 prefectures last year and I'm not a beginner.
H West on Google

初心者でも丁寧に説明していただけるお店です。 ブレーキパッドの交換をしてもらう時、本当は自分で調整ができるようになりたい!という気持ちをくんでいただき、とても丁寧に教えていただきながら後輪だけ交換していただきました。 おかげさまで、前輪は自分で交換することができました!楽しいし嬉しいし、さらに愛着が湧きました^^ 親切に対応していただきありがとうございました。
It is a shop where even beginners can explain carefully. When I have the brake pads replaced, I really want to be able to make adjustments myself! I asked him to exchange only the rear wheels while teaching me very carefully. Thanks to you, I was able to replace the front wheels myself! It was fun and happy, and I became even more attached ^^ Thank you for your kindness.
kuimal on Google

長年乗っていたロードバイクのオーバーホールをお願いしました. 乗る使用頻度や,距離,パーツのグレードなど事細かく相談してくださり,安心できました.乗る人のことをよく考えてくださっているなと感じました.どんな些細なことでもわかり易く説明してくださり,助かりました. 帰ってきたロードバイクはまるで別物で,軽い力で進むようになり大変満足しています. 気持ちよくサービスを利用できました.ありがとうございました. 細かいですが,電話の子機(?)の音質が低く,こもっているように聞こえたため電話の内容が非常に聞き取りづらかったです.
I asked for an overhaul of the road bike I had been riding for many years. I was relieved to hear from you about the frequency of use, distance, grade of parts, etc. I felt that he was thinking about the rider. It was helpful for me to explain any trivial matter in an easy-to-understand manner. The road bike that came back is totally different, and I am very happy that I can move with a light force. I was able to use the service comfortably. thank you very much. Although it is fine, the sound quality of the handset (?) Of the phone was low and it sounded muffled, so it was very difficult to hear the contents of the phone.
Javier Castaneda on Google

Very good service
Jackson Lo on Google

They CHARGE ¥216 FOR AIR IN YOUR TIRES—and* think they’re hipsters. Reality, they fix Mama-Chari for a few thousand yen and are too FAR to be 横浜西口...more like 笑
J.M. Weston on Google

Worst experience ever had. Waste of money and time. Ordered O/H and costed JPY38,000 but my bike was assemled incorrectly. It's completely non-professinal. I felt too much concen, thus asked re-assemble to my proffesional friend to repair. I strongly recommend you NOT bring your bike here if you don't want to lose your money, time, and lives.

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