Benkei Izakaya - Tsuruoka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Benkei Izakaya

住所 :

12-16 Nishikimachi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 997-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

12-16 Nishikimachi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0031, Japan
Hide Seri on Google

地元の食材を使い料理は美味しかったです。 日本酒はたくさん置いてあり、利き酒セットなるものを頼みましたが 4種で2合以上あるサービスぶり。楽しく美味しく酔うことができます。
The food was delicious using local ingredients. There are plenty of sake and I asked for a sake set There are 4 kinds of services that are 2 or more. You can have fun and delicious intoxication.
髙橋 on Google

注文した物を最初から頼まれてないと謝罪もなく 忙しいから作れないと何品も言われ最悪でした。 ありえないです。 あげくの果てにカニ雑炊できないから 普通の雑炊にしてもらったのですが値引きもなく カニ雑炊の値段でした。 ありえません。
Without apology if you didn't ask for what you ordered from the beginning I was told that I couldn't make it because I was busy, and it was the worst. It's impossible. I can't cook crab porridge at the end I had a regular porridge, but there was no discount It was the price of crab porridge. impossible.
大澤徹 on Google

This is delicious. You can also drink beer with Ebisu. Personally acclaimed! The cutlet sandwich I ordered to finish is the best. Much higher than the ones sold everywhere. The side dishes were also delicious!
黒む(ヤマト) on Google

水の透明感に驚き 癒される素敵な場所です
Surprised by the transparency of the water It ’s a nice place to be healed.
佐藤陽太 on Google

同じ職場の方の送別会で行って来ました。 料理はどれも美味しく、コースによって料理の量は変わります。 少ないと感じれば追加オーダーで頼めます。 本日のオススメ料理で頼んだ【馬面の刺身】は肝醤油で食べると美味しさ倍増! 肝醤油だけでも酒が進みそうでした♪ 難点は駐車場が少ない事でしょうか。 お店の前にある駐車場の他は夜限定で置けるところが数カ所あるくらいです。 又、駐車場の入り口は段差が高いので車高の低い車は避けた方が良さそう。 その他の駐車場として、駅近くに有料駐車場があるのでそちらを利用した方が良さそうです。
I went to the farewell party of the same workplace. Every dish is delicious, and the course changes the amount of dishes. If you feel less, you can ask for additional orders. We ordered by today's recommended dish 【Bashimi Sashimi】 doubles in taste when it is eaten with liver soy sauce! It seems that sake will go well with only hepatic soy sauce ♪ The difficult point is that there are few parking lots. Other than the parking lot in front of the shop, there are several places that can be placed only at night. In addition, it is better to avoid cars with low vehicle height because the level difference is high at the entrance of the parking lot. As there is a paid parking lot near the station as another parking lot, it seems better to use that.
栃木平太 on Google

特に美味しくも無いのですが、店主が匠気取りで残念。二度と行きません。 日本酒の種類も少なく、この店をオススメする価値は無いと自信を持って言い切れます。 さようなら。
It's not particularly delicious, but it's a shame that the owner is a master. I will never go again. There are few types of sake, and I can confidently say that it is not worth recommending this shop. goodbye.
t___m on Google

ネットで調べて行き着いたお店。 注文したのは季節のおすすめセット、 内容はお通し含め7品 お通し2つ、刺身3種盛り合わせ、米の粉豚のしゃぶしゃぶ、ガセ海老の唐揚げ、寒ダラ汁、カレイの煮付け、これで2,700円というリーズナブルさ。 2人で食べたけど量は丁度いい。 その他ホタテのバター焼き、蟹雑炊、そして馬面の刺身を頼んで大満足。 お酒も取り扱いが多いから味濃いめなのかなぁと思っていたら、薄味だけれど料理によって旨みがきちんとある最高のお店。 馬面の刺身は一度ご賞味あれ! 行って体感した方が伝わると思う。 あとくどき上手は最高に美味しく頂いたが、本当は超辛口の白ばくれんが飲みたかった。 売り切れ残念。 店内も綺麗だし、店主の方も気さくな優しい方で良かった。
A shop that has surveyed on the net and has arrived. I ordered a season's recommended set, 7 items including contents Two rows, three sashimi platter platter, rice flour swab shabu shabu, fried shrimp fried chicken fried, fried shrimp prawn, cold dola juice, boiled curry, this is reasonable 2,700 yen. I ate it with two people but the amount is just right. Others I am satisfied very much by asking for scallops with butter roast, crab miscellaneous, and horse sashimi. Since alcohol is also handled a lot, if I thought that it is tastefully dense it is the best shop with taste but taste good by taste. Sashimi of horse face once savor it! I think that one who experienced and experienced goes. Successful skill got delicious at its best, but in reality he wanted to drink super spicy white and naked flakes. Sorry sold out. The interior of the shop was also beautiful, and the shopkeeper was also friendly and friendly.
リアルキヨ on Google

鶴岡駅に初めて降りたって…同僚と共にフラッとお邪魔しました。 テーブル席では、ベルボタンで対応しています! 地元の海産物や料理を食べるのは、ワクワクしますね!? 今回は、『サザエのつぼ焼き』が火を付けて出てきたのは良かった!? あとは、私の大好物の…日本酒飲み比べ(庄内のお酒:4杯:1800円)!
When I got off at Tsuruoka station for the first time ... I went to the trouble with my colleague. At the table seats, the bell button is available! It's exciting to eat local seafood and food! ? This time, it was good that "Turban shell grilled" came out with a fire! ? Also, my favorite food ... Compared to drinking Japanese sake (Shonai sake: 4 cups: 1800 yen)!

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