肉の匠 将泰庵 船橋駅前 はなれ店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉の匠 将泰庵 船橋駅前 はなれ店

住所 :

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : http://shoutaian-hanare.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba
Description : Yakiniku-style BBQ with marbled beef grilled at the table, in a chic, traditionally inspired space.

Honcho, Funabashi, 〒273-0005 Chiba,Japan
満作85 on Google

知人のお勧めで、なんでも飲むハンバーグがあるとの事で、伺いました。 店構えは中々の高級感で、メニューを見るとランチもそれなりのお値段? 後ろのページに、飲むハンバーグ発見! 知人は、デミグラス200グラム、私はおろしポン酢の300グラムをオーダー! サラダと前菜がつきます。 ご飯は小小、中、大が選べて、尚且つお代わりまで出来ちゃいます。 ハンバーグは10分から15分ほどかかるとのこと! 待っているとジュージューと言う音と共に、テーブルに運ばれてきます。 おろしポン酢をかけると、さらにジュージューが止まりません?もしかして付けて食べるのかな。 とは言え、中はかなりのレア度で、塊の感覚が無いため、確かに噛まなくても飲めますね! 味は美味しいです!ご飯のお供ならデミグラスの方が良いかもですね! LINEで友達登録をすると、初回のみ肉寿司が一貫もらえるサービスもあり、ちゃっかり頂いてきました。肉寿司うんまぁい✨ もうすぐ転勤で食べられなくなるのが残念! ご馳走さまでした♪
At the recommendation of an acquaintance, I heard that there is a hamburger steak to drink anything. The store is very luxurious, and when you look at the menu, lunch is reasonably priced ? On the back page, I found a hamburger steak to drink! My acquaintance ordered 200 grams of demiglace and I ordered 300 grams of grated ponzu sauce! Comes with salad and appetizer. You can choose small, medium, or large rice, and you can even replace it. The hamburger takes about 10 to 15 minutes! When you wait, you will be brought to the table with a sizzling sound. If you sprinkle grated ponzu on it, it won't stop sizzling ? Maybe you can add it and eat it. However, the inside is quite rare and there is no sense of lumps, so you can certainly drink without chewing! The taste is delicious! Demi-glace may be better to accompany rice! If you register as a friend on LINE, there is also a service where you can get consistent meat sushi only for the first time, and I got it completely. Meat sushi yeah ✨ It's a pity that I will not be able to eat because of my transfer soon! Thank you for the treat ♪
岡田智博 on Google

2021.09.14 船橋に来て、ランチは焼肉の気分で入店。 メニューをパラパラめくると飲めるハンバーグ…? 店員さんから300gは既に売り切れ、200gは残り2つですと案内され、心変わりしてハンバーグに変更してみたらこれが大正解。 飲めるは大袈裟だけど、ホロホロとほぐれるハンバーグで美味しい! 値段も1,400円とその辺のファミレスと変わらずコスパ良し。 13:00過ぎて来店した客はハンバーグが売り切れと聞かされ、残念そうに帰っていました。
2021.09.14 I came to Funabashi and entered the restaurant with the feeling of yakiniku for lunch. A hamburger that you can drink by flipping through the menu ...? The clerk told me that 300g was already sold out and 200g was the remaining two, so I changed my mind and changed to a hamburger steak. This is the correct answer. It's exaggerated to drink, but it's delicious with a hamburger steak that loosens up! The price is 1,400 yen, which is as good as the family restaurant in that area. A customer who came to the store after 13:00 was told that the hamburger was sold out and was unfortunately returning.
えーゆう on Google

I ate it for the first time, but the quality of the meat was good and it was very delicious. I didn't eat a drinkable hamburger steak today, but I want to try it next time!
J-Chiron on Google

はなれ店は2度目。 誕生日のお祝いで贅沢ランチ⭐︎ 将泰庵御膳3800円を美味しく頂きました! いろんな部位のお肉が口の中で溶ける〜♡ デザートの杏仁豆腐も最高! 黄金牛の箸置きも可愛いです♪ とても幸せなひととき。。でした(^^) 特別な日におすすめでーす!
This is the second time for a detached shop. Luxury lunch for birthday celebration ⭐︎ I had a delicious set of Shotaian Gozen for 3800 yen! Meat from various parts melts in your mouth ~ ♡ The dessert almond tofu is also the best! The golden cow chopstick rest is also cute ♪ A very happy time. .. It was (^^) Recommended for special occasions!
T S on Google

お昼に伺いました。ランチメニューは前菜・サラダ・焼肉・ごはん・赤だしが基本となっており、1,500円の御膳は肉が7枚、2,500円の特選御膳は肉が上8枚プラス一品料理、3,800円の将泰庵御膳が肉が塩3種6枚・たれ2種4枚にプラス一品料理となります。 さらに通常の単品メニューからもオーダー可能とのことだったので、この日は将泰庵御膳に加え、単品から「和牛のなめろう」をお願いしてしまいました。 肉は赤身も含めてどれもとろけるようで、特にたれ焼肉の、ロースに卵黄をからめていただくのが最高でした。一品料理のユッケはおろしポン酢でさっぱりいただけ、単品で頼んだなめろうも美味。味噌が効いており、ご飯が進んでしまいました。 肉寿司も気になっていましたが満腹で断念したので、是非また伺いたいと思います。ごちそうさまでした。
I visited at noon. The lunch menu is basically appetizers, salads, grilled meat, rice, and red sardines. The 1,500 yen set includes 7 pieces of meat, and the 2,500 yen special set includes 8 pieces of meat plus a single dish, and 3,800 yen. The hermitage set is a dish with 6 pieces of 3 kinds of salt and 4 pieces of 2 kinds of sauce. Furthermore, it was said that it was possible to order from the regular single item menu, so on this day I asked for "Wagyu Namero" from the single item in addition to Shotaian Gozen. All the meat, including lean meat, seems to melt, and it was especially best to have the egg yolk entwined in the loin of the sauce roasted meat. Yukhoe, a single dish, can be refreshed with grated ponzu sauce, and the namero ordered separately is also delicious. The miso is working and the rice has advanced. I was also interested in meat sushi, but I gave up because I was full, so I would definitely like to visit again. Thank you for the meal.
宮崎美穂 on Google

ランチタイムに利用しました。 特選焼肉御膳と、飲めるハンバーグ御膳をいただきました。 清潔感もあり、提供時間も適切。 予約はして行った方が確実ですね。 肉寿司は正直そんなに美味しくなかったけれど、それ以外は美味しくいただきました。 今度は家族で利用したいです!
I used it for lunch. We had a special yakiniku set and a drinkable hamburger set. There is a feeling of cleanliness, and the serving time is appropriate. It's better to make a reservation. To be honest, meat sushi wasn't that delicious, but other than that, it was delicious. I want to use it with my family this time!
JianWei Huang on Google

delicious and juicy
Ramasami Vydun on Google

One of the best places in the area.

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