Keiko Ladies Clinic Omotesandō - Shibuya City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Keiko Ladies Clinic Omotesandō

住所 :

NORTH AOYAMA 2階 5 Chome-45-8 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 150-0001
Webサイト :

NORTH AOYAMA 2階 5 Chome-45-8 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
サイゴロウ on Google

定期検診の為半年に一回の診断です。 清潔な病院、最先端の病院だと思います。 完全予約優先です。初診以外は、インターネット予約ができます。 予約時間も細かく設定されてますが、待ち時間が10分ほどあります。 先生の的確なアドバイスありますので、今後も通院します。 便利な場所だと思います。 生理不順、生理痛、子宮筋腫、の方も多いと思います。 更年期の方にもおすすめします。
It is a diagnosis once every half a year because of regular checkups. I think it is a clean hospital, a state-of-the-art hospital. Priority for full reservation. Other than the first consultation, you can make an online reservation. The reservation time is also set finely, but there is a waiting time of about 10 minutes. I will continue to visit the hospital as I have accurate advice from the teacher. I think it is a convenient place. I think that there are many people who have irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, and fibroids. Recommended for menopause.
ヤンソン七美 on Google

I was worried about menopause, but for the first time I had a medical examination that I could feel relieved. Since the director is a woman, you can feel safe. All the nurses are nice, and the receptionist has become easier to ask on behalf of a gentle woman. When I was talking to the teacher, I felt that he was a serious person. If you choose a time and make a reservation, you will not have to wait so that you can see it in between work. Since I am a study teacher, I am grateful that I will be able to respond with the latest medicine.
web hama on Google

7、8年前?に数回通っていましたが、非常に嫌な思いをしました。基礎体温をスマホに記録していたためそれを見せようとしたところ、気に入らなかったようで「ちょっとそんなの見れないから!紙で持ってきて」というような事を、ものすごくめんどくさそうに、威圧的に言われました。 患者にそんな言い方する…?!とかなり驚き、ショックでした。いまだに思い出しては嫌な気持ちになります。 それまで少し冷たい感じの先生だなと感じており、他の方も書いてますが、朝イチで待っているこちらには一瞥もくれずに犬を連れて出勤、中に入って行く様子に少々不信感を覚えていた事もあり、その日を境に通うのをやめました。 親身に診てくれるという感想もあるようなので、患者によって態度が違うのかもしれませんね。少なくともわたしは一度も親身に話を聞いてもらったことはありませんでした。
7 or 8 years ago? I went to several times, but I felt very bad. I tried to show it because I was recording my basal body temperature on my smartphone, but I didn't like it. "I can't see that kind of thing! Bring it on paper." I was told. Do you say that to the patient ...? ! I was quite surprised and shocked. I still feel bad when I remember. I felt that it was a teacher feeling a little cold until then, and others wrote it, but I was waiting in the morning and here I went with my dog ​​without giving a glance and seemed to go inside I had a little distrust and stopped going that day. It seems that there is an impression that he / she will be seen closely, so the attitude may differ depending on the patient. At least I had never been kindly listened to.
san tan on Google

先生、助手の方ともにテキパキしたタイプですが、何度か行って嫌な気持ちになったことはありません。 聞いたことにはしっかり優しく答えてくれますし、院内が綺麗なのも好印象です。 婦人科というデリケートな分野なのでテキパキした診療に少しでも不安がある方にはおすすめしませんが、自分はとても合っています。
Both the teacher and the assistant are very nice types, but I have never felt uncomfortable after going there several times. They answer what I hear firmly and kindly, and I am impressed by the cleanliness of the hospital. It's a delicate field of gynecology, so I don't recommend it to those who are a little worried about the medical treatment, but I am very suitable.
yk on Google

Thank you for your help during the pregnancy examination. The word-of-mouth seems to be quite low, but the teachers and receptionists were very responsive and I was impressed. The teacher is certainly not the type to talk in detail, but when I asked him a question, he talked quite a bit (^^) There were certainly some nurses who gave a low rating, but I was very worried. did not. The others were very kind and I was very happy to be here! I want to go again when I have a second child. It's hard to make a reservation for a place, but I didn't really care because it was like that.
利露 on Google

2年ほど前に訪れた際にかなり嫌な思いをしました。不安で診察に来たのにも関わらず、私の相談を聞いた先生とその場にいた看護師にクスクスと笑われました。もともと婦人科に行くのにハードルがあったのに、その出来事が起きてから婦人科に行くのを恐怖に感じるように。本当にトラウマです。診察室を出てからは、笑われたことにショックを受け、待合室で待ってる間も医院の人に陰で笑われているのではないかと、惨めな気持ちになっていました。他の方の口コミを見る限り、人によって態度を変えてるのではないかと思います。私が診察を受けた時はまだ学生だったため、若い人は軽く扱ってるのではないでしょうか。 ここで受けたトラウマを振り切って他の婦人科に行くことにしたので、来院からは時間が経ってしまいましたが、私みたいな気持ちを抱く人が1人でも減るようにと口コミを書かせていただきました。オススメしません。
When I visited there about two years ago, I felt very unpleasant. Even though I came to see the doctor because of anxiety, the teacher who heard my consultation and the nurse who was there made me giggle. Originally there was a hurdle to go to gynecology, but feel scared to go to gynecology after the event happened. It's really traumatic. After leaving the examination room, I was shocked by the laughter, and while I was waiting in the waiting room, I felt miserable that the doctor might be laughing behind me. Looking at the reviews of other people, I think that people have different attitudes. I was still a student when I was examined, so I think young people treat it lightly. It's been a while since I came to the hospital because I decided to get rid of the trauma I received here and go to another gynecology department, but let me write a review so that even one person who feels like me will decrease. Thank you. I don't recommend it.
panda yf on Google

2年ほど通っています。 確かに院長先生と助手の方は愛想が悪いと感じられかねないとは思います。ですが仕事はテキパキしていて、あまり愛想や馴れ合いを求めない自分には合っていると感じます。生理不順等の理由で通っていますが、妊娠のことで診てもらうとなると話は別かもしれませんね。質問もすれば丁寧に答えてくれます。
I have been attending for about 2 years. Certainly, I think that the director and his assistants may feel unfriendly. However, my work is very responsive and I feel that it suits me, who doesn't seek much amiability and familiarity. I go there because of irregular physiology, but it may be a different story when it comes to getting a medical examination about pregnancy. If you ask a question, it will be answered politely.
Lonsdale Veronica on Google

Exelent service and the doctor is great!! speak perfect english

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