焼肉 つくし亭

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 つくし亭

住所 :

Azeyoshi, Ageo, 〒362-0065 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Azeyoshi, Ageo, 〒362-0065 Saitama,Japan
jun s on Google

お肉が美味しい チェーン店のお肉とはレベルが違う(チェーン店が嫌いという訳ではない) キムチやライスもボリュームあり CP良し味良し 何度でも行きたくなります
The meat is delicious The level is different from the meat of chain stores (I don't hate chain stores) There is also a volume of kimchi and rice CP good taste I want to go again and again
のりぷぅ on Google

日曜日はランチをやっていませんが、ランチはかなりリーズナブルで美味しいと思います。 丸山公園や榎本牧場帰りに立ち寄るといいかもしれませんね(^^)
I don't have lunch on Sundays, but I think lunch is quite reasonable and delicious. It might be a good idea to stop by at Maruyama Park or Enomoto Ranch (^^)
hani hani on Google

休日のランチタイムに利用。 飲食店はコロナ感染とか気になってしまうが、店内は空いていてのびのびと食べることができてよかった。 しかもリーズナブルでおいしいし大満足。 焼肉店にしては店内は綺麗でおしゃれな感じだった。よく清掃しているようだ。 他の口コミに店員さんの事について書かれていたが、予備知識があったためさほど気にならず。 愛想は無いかもしれないが決して態度が悪いとか横柄とかいうことではなく、よく気がつくし接客サービスは良いと思う。 笑顔が苦手な人もいるのだから、自分は全く気にならない。(むしろ応援する) またリピートしたいお店の1つ。
Used for lunch on holidays. I'm worried about corona infection at the restaurant, but I'm glad that the restaurant was vacant and I could eat freely. Moreover, it is reasonably priced, delicious and very satisfying. For a yakiniku restaurant, the interior was beautiful and fashionable. It seems to be cleaning well. Other reviews wrote about the clerk, but I didn't really care because I had some background knowledge. It may not be amiable, but it's not that he has a bad attitude or arrogance, but he notices it well and thinks that the customer service is good. Some people are not good at smiling, so I don't care at all. (Rather support) One of the shops I want to repeat again.
杉本海(カイ) on Google

ランチで行きました。上ハラミのセットと黒毛和牛セットを注文 ご飯大盛にしたけど物足りないくカルビ麺を追加注文 お肉美味しかったです。柔らかくたれの味もいい カルビ麺 冷麺の麺に温かいスープ スープが美味しい??冷麺の麺っていうのもなんかいい 全体的に美味しかったです。
I went for lunch. I ordered the upper skirt steak set and the Japanese black beef set. I made a large serving of rice, but I ordered additional rib noodles that were not enough. The meat was delicious. The soft and tasty taste of the rib noodles, the cold noodles and the warm soup, the soup is delicious ?? The cold noodles are also good. Overall, it was delicious.
中西貴江 on Google

I've only used lunch on weekdays, but I like the Harami set meal. I think it's delicious and at a great price.
だー池 on Google

休日の雨の日13時くらいに行きましたがほぼ満席!人気店なんですね! 『順番にお出ししてますのでお時間掛かりますがよろしいですか?』と声かけもあり! ただ、待たされるより安心しますから、こういう声かけは助かります! 注文してから20分くらいで料理到着! お肉は柔らかいし、タレも美味しい! サラダのドレッシングが美味しい! スープも優しい味!でチェーン店の濃いだけのスープとは違います! カルビ麺の麺は冷麺用ですが合います! 名前は味が濃そうですが、優しい味!カルビは柔らかい!別皿のキムチを入れて味変もまた美味しい! 支払いは現金のみ。
I went there around 13:00 on a rainy day on a holiday, but it was almost full! It's a popular store! "It will take some time because it will be served in order, is that okay? There is also a voice! However, I feel more at ease than waiting, so this kind of voice is helpful! The food arrived in about 20 minutes after ordering! The meat is tender and the sauce is delicious! The salad dressing is delicious! The soup also has a gentle taste! It's different from the thick soup from chain stores! Calvi noodles are for cold noodles, but they go well! The name seems to have a strong taste, but it has a gentle taste! Calvi is soft! Add kimchi on a separate plate and the taste change is also delicious! Payment is cash only.
キムカツ on Google

日曜日に行ってきました。ランチメニューが無い為か比較的に空いていました。写真の内容で3000円くらいです。 お勧め。
I went on Sunday. It was relatively vacant probably because there was no lunch menu. The content of the photo is about 3000 yen. Recommended.
マスオ兄さん on Google

ランチで利用しました? 税込1,000円前後で焼肉を楽しめるのはコスパも良くていいですね?※日曜日はランチなし。 肉は臭みもなく柔らかかったので質は良いかと思います? 量的には女性なら満足かな⁉︎?‍♀️ 男性ですと少し物足りないかもです‼︎??‍♂️ ご飯大盛りとか出来るかもですが、そうするとオカズ足りないしなぁってなります? もう少し料金高くても量のあるセットや、ランチ用の追加の肉なんかがあったらいいなって思いました? 店内は清潔感あり、混む前でしたので静かに食事出来ました? 駐車場も広く利用し易いです? 野菜焼く時は網すり抜けて下に落ちそうになるから気をつけてね?
I used it for lunch ? It's nice to have a cospa to enjoy yakiniku for around 1,000 yen including tax ? * No lunch on Sundays. The meat was odorless and tender so I think the quality is good ? I wonder if women are satisfied in terms of quantity ⁉︎?‍♀️ It may be a little unsatisfactory for men! ︎??‍♂️ You may be able to make a large serving of rice, but then you will not have enough side dishes ? I wish I had a large set and additional meat for lunch, even if it was a little more expensive ? The inside of the restaurant was clean and it was before it was crowded so I was able to eat quietly ? The parking lot is also wide and easy to use ? When you bake vegetables, be careful because they will slip through the net and fall down ?

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