Audi 相模原 - Sagamihara

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Audi 相模原

住所 :

3 Chome-11-15 Kyowa, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0234, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 252-0234
Webサイト :

3 Chome-11-15 Kyowa, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0234, Japan
yukie Harada on Google

国産車のショールームしか行ったことがなかったのでビックリすることだらけでした?商談中に出してくれるお飲み物が生クリームが入ったコーヒーでカフェのようでした? 小さい子どもを連れて行ったのですが、別室でDVDを見せてくれたりお姉さんが相手してくれたりVIP待遇でした?
I was surprised because I had only been to the showroom of domestic cars ? The drink served during the business talk was coffee with fresh cream and it was like a cafe ? I took a small child, but he showed me a DVD in a separate room and my sister dealt with me, so it was a VIP treatment ?
黒Black on Google

購入前は勿論ですが、購入後もとても親身なアフターサービスで安心感も十分です。 いつも丁寧で感じの良いディーラーですが、オイル交換で訪れたクリスマスはさらに特別感がプラスされていました。
Not only before the purchase, but also after the purchase, the after-sales service is very friendly and gives you a sense of security. The dealer is always polite and pleasant, but the Christmas I visited for the oil change was even more special.
車好き on Google

I bought an A3 sedan the other day. Audi is the fourth unit, but the correspondence differs depending on the dealer. I bought it for the first time at Audi Sagamihara, but I am satisfied because I got a quick reply and an accurate answer even if I emailed it, and I listened to this request as much as possible. I am looking forward to delivery.
H Omori on Google

R8の展示車があってビックリ! 何件かAudi ディラ行きましたが、広さと展示車の多さはナンバー1ですね 対応も良くキレイです。
I was surprised to see the R8 exhibit car! I went to Audi Dila several times, but the size and the number of exhibited cars are number one. Correspondence is also good and beautiful.
東の大徳 on Google

購入時に非常に丁寧な対応をしていただきました。 男性のスタッフの方でしたが、感じが良く、最初から最後まで営業というよりは親身に相談に乗っていただき、とても感謝しています。 一時は排ガス問題とかありましたが、この対応ならば今後もAudiさんは安泰だなぁと思います。
We received a very polite response at the time of purchase. Although it was a male staff member, it felt good and I am very grateful for the kind consultation rather than sales from the beginning to the end. At one point there was an exhaust gas problem, but I think Audi will continue to be safe if this is dealt with.
mag blog on Google

ショールームは広く展示車の数も多くて良いです。 女性スタッフの接客はさすがアウディといった感じです。 ただ肝心の営業マンが全然駄目。 問い合わせやお願いをしてもレスポンスが悪いですし、提案をお断りした際には完全無視。 他のAudi正規ディーラーなら「今回は残念でしたがまたの機会にお願いします。」くらいは返事がありますが、このお店の営業マンからは無しです。 他の正規ディーラー店と同じサービスを期待する場合は注意が必要です。
The showroom is large and the number of vehicles on display is large. The customer service of the female staff is like Audi. However, the important salesman is completely useless. Even if I make inquiries or requests, the response is poor, and when I decline the proposal, I completely ignore it. Other Audi authorized dealers will reply, "I'm sorry this time, but please take another opportunity.", But the salesman at this store does not. Be careful when expecting the same service as other authorized dealers.
_ Pony on Google

スタッフの皆さん、とても素晴らしい接客と対応だと思います。特に担当のUさんにはいつも親切にしていただき感謝です。 ショールームも綺麗で居心地よく、これはアウディから離れられなくなりますね!w
I think all the staff are very nice and supportive. I am especially grateful to Mr. U, who is in charge, for his kindness. The showroom is also clean and cozy, which will keep you stuck in Audi! w
Akiko Nakazawa on Google

There are many exhibition cars, the store is clean, and the receptionists feel good. However, the important salesman was a big loss. It's almost a proper price estimate, so when I negotiated to roughly tell you how much the price would be when I actually bought it, my polite attitude changed drastically and I was very surprised that it became an arrogant response. .. I've been to Audi, my car I bought at another store, and I know that Audi will only sell at a fixed price (or rather, it seems that most cars are sold except for special models), and it's quite normal. I think that's the question, but if you negotiate the price, you can go home quickly, but it turned into a customer service that you want to say. In my experience, Audi, a directly managed store, does not have this kind of customer service. Is it a very tight quota? It was beautiful and spacious, and there were many exhibition cars, so I wanted to go there, but he was a salesman who never wanted to go again.

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