auショップ ヨドバシ梅田

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact auショップ ヨドバシ梅田

住所 :

Ofukacho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0011 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Ofukacho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0011 Osaka,Japan
こめお on Google

When I went to change the name, the explanation was different depending on the staff, there was no apology, the guidance was bad, and everything was messy.
weather craftsman on Google

修理の手続きをしたのですが、受付の女性店員の態度が最悪。 後日、明らかに電池の寿命だと思われる症状がたくさん出てるのに、異常なしで帰って来たので後日改めて…ということになったのですが「明日は休みなので、明後日に」と言われて行ったのに、不在。 日にちも時間も指定しておいて不在とは…。 いい加減過ぎるにも程がある。 その他のスタッフも逃げてばかりでたらい回しされました。 もう利用しません。
I went through the repair procedure, but the attitude of the female clerk at the reception was the worst. At a later date, I had a lot of symptoms that seemed to be the battery life, but I came back without any abnormalities, so I decided to come back later ... but I was told, "Tomorrow is a holiday, so the day after tomorrow." I went there, but I was absent. What is absent by specifying the date and time? It's too sloppy. The other staff just ran away and were rushed around. I will not use it anymore.

Last week I went to the au shop in Yodobashi Umeda last week to change my wife's mobile phone model because the staff of another au shop did not respond well. The response of all the staff here is quick and wonderful. Thank you ?
平野セキ on Google

平日昼の2時に行って、本日の機種変更は終わりましたと言われました。 他の手続きはやれるのに何故に機種変更だけ出来ないのか?混んでるわけでもないのに。 なんの説明もなく、何時なら出来るのかもなく、ただ終わりましただけ。 対応がゴミすぎる。
I went there at 2 pm on weekdays and was told that today's model change was over. Why can't I just change the model when I can do other procedures? It's not crowded. There was no explanation, I couldn't do it at any time, it was just over. Correspondence is too garbage.
あぶりづくし on Google

19時頃に行くと閑散としてたので受付しようとしたらまず要件を聞かれました。契約内容の確認と言うと本日は全ての受付終了との事。それならなんで要件聞くのか疑問。他キャリアからの乗り換えだったら受けたんじゃ無いのかと疑念を抱きました。 定員の態度もいいとは言えない。auを契約するとしてもここには行かない事にしました。
When I went around 19:00, it was quiet, so when I tried to accept it, I was first asked about the requirements. Speaking of confirmation of contract details, all acceptance is closed today. Then I wonder why I ask the requirements. I was skeptical that I would have received a transfer from another carrier. The attitude of the capacity is not good either. I decided not to go here even if I signed up for au.
もちもちわんこ on Google

☆1も付けたくない。スマホが突如、家で電源つかんくなっても、店で試した時に問題なくついたら、保証交換も、修理も返品もしてもらえないので、要注意⚠️⚠️ あんなんが店長?!みたいな、終始目が死んでる、短髪、黒縁メガネの男が、 終始上から目線で、史上最悪な接客態度!! 買って10日しか使ってない3000円もする、充電器、突如充電できんくなったから、接触不良の不良品で保証交換か、返品したい言うて行ったら 今現状問題なく充電できてるからどっちもムリだとか。「いや、現に客がこうして使用できひん言うて来てる時点で、きちんとした商品として成り立ってないでしょ?!そやのに、交換も返品もムリなん?!」言うても、 めんどーな客やな感MAXの顔で「はぁ」とだけ。しかも、こっちがキレるまで、謝りもせんかったし?
☆ I don't want to add 1 either. Even if your smartphone suddenly loses power at home, if you try it at the store and it works fine, you will not be able to get a warranty replacement, repair, or return, so be careful ⚠️⚠️ What is the store manager? !! A man with short hair and black-rimmed glasses, whose eyes are dead from beginning to end, From the top to the bottom, the worst customer service attitude ever! !! I bought it and used it for only 10 days, it costs 3000 yen, the charger suddenly became unable to charge, so if I said that I would like to replace it with a warranty with a defective contact or return it, I can charge it without any problems now, so both are unreasonable Or something. "No, at the time when customers are actually using it like this, it's not a proper product, right ?! Even if you say, exchanges and returns are unreasonable ?!" Just say "Hah" with the face of MAX, who is a troublesome customer. Moreover, I didn't apologize until this one was sharp ?
Rajesh lamichhane on Google

Good and awesome.... I like it...
Jamuna Lama on Google

I visited last week Umeda Yodobashi au shop . Staff are so friendly and they provided very good service. Few month ago went to different au shop but staff are so terrible and they are not responsible for customer but Yodobashi au shop staff make me very happy by their super service. I really recommend this shop if you visited Osaka au shop . Thank you so much for your great service….

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