Athletic Park - Akita

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Athletic Park

住所 :

Karuizawa-1-4 Yuwatsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 010-1211
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–4PM
Sunday 9:30AM–4PM
Monday 9:30AM–4PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–4PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–4PM
Thursday 9:30AM–4PM
Friday 9:30AM–4PM

Karuizawa-1-4 Yuwatsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1211, Japan
love fami on Google

毎年のことですが、春先は熊が出没し、お休みするケースが多いアスレチックです。 お値段は大人420円、小学生以下220円(幼児含む)。 とっても広いアスレチック場で日本最大と謳っているアスレチックなのでコース全体のマップがあればいいのになぁといつも思いますが、そういったものはないようです。 アスレチックにはそれぞれに点数が付けられていて、難易度は小学生でもなかなか難しいものもあります。 とは言え、ウチは3人兄妹ですから、みんなして自分ができるとアピールしてきますね。 子供たちは1日中遊んでいても飽きないくらい広くて楽しいのですが、昨今は気温が高い日は熱中症が怖いので1日中はちょっと難しいですね。 そして、気になるのが遊具の老朽化です。 入場料が安いだけに、こういった場所の維持はなかなか大変なのも気持ちはわからなくはないですが、整備するところはしっかりして秋田ではこんなところがあるんだよってもっとアピールしてほしいですね! もったいないところ満載ですが、それでも子どもたちが汗だくになりながらいろいろなことに楽しそうに挑戦している姿が見れる数少ない場所のひとつです!
Every year, in early spring, bears appear and are often athletic. The price is 420 yen for adults and 220 yen for elementary school students and younger (including infants). I think it would be nice if there was a map of the whole course because it was the biggest athletic field in Japan and the biggest athletic field, but there seems to be no such thing. Each athletic is given a score, and the difficulty level is quite difficult even for elementary school students. However, because we are three brothers and sisters, everyone will appeal that they can do it. Children are wide and fun so that they won't get bored even if they are playing all day, but these days are a little difficult because the heat is afraid on days when the temperature is high. And what is worrisome is the aging of playground equipment. I don't know how difficult it is to maintain such a place because the entrance fee is cheap, but I'd like to appeal more because the place to maintain is solid and there is such a place in Akita! It's a wasteful place, but it's still one of the few places where you can see kids trying to be fun while trying to sweat!
小松昭雄 on Google

Adults 400 yen, children 200 yen, preschoolers can enjoy a considerable amount of athletic free ❗️ Recommended is the athletic tower about 30 m above the ground. You can enjoy aiming for the summit in various courses. If the weather was nice, I could see the scenery around Akita City and I could see Mt. The ticket-buying center has tables and chairs that can be used for lunch, drinks, and ice cream. Fully equipped with Coca-Cola vending machines and Seventeen vending machines. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, there was Madame of Babahera Ice. Be careful, be sure to take precautionary measures against bees, flies and mosquitoes. Since I play in the woods, I wonder if I have a handy mosquito coil. It's for insect bites, so it's better if you have Unakowa. Athletic shoes, drinks, and hats are mandatory ☀️
全治11年 on Google

秋晴れの運動日和に日頃の運動不足を解消するために行きました、ここに来るときは汚れても良い服装で来ることを推奨します。 アスレチックス道具がイロイロ有りますが子供が一人で挑戦するのは少々怖いものもあります、親がついてた方良いと思います。 園内全体がかなりの急勾配なのでアスレチックスに挑戦しなくても子供の後をついて行くだけそれなりの運動になるとおもいます。
I went to the sunny autumn weather to solve my daily lack of exercise, and when I come here, I recommend that you wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. There are athletics tools, but it's a little scary for a child to try alone, so I think it's better to have a parent. Since the entire park is quite steep, I think that it will be a reasonable exercise just to follow the child without trying athletics.

お昼ご飯を持って行けば朝から夕方までヘトヘトになるくらいまで遊べます! ちょっと行くだけでも楽しかったです。
If you bring your lunch, you can play from morning till evening until it gets sick! It was fun just to go a little.
gg gg on Google

小学生ぶりに行きました、数年前までは廃れた印象でしたが、コロナ禍で小泉潟公園同様子供連れに人気のスポットになっています。 子供はヘトヘトになるまで遊び、アラサー以降は体力の衰えを実感することができます?
I went there for the first time in elementary school, and until a few years ago it seemed to be obsolete, but due to the corona sickness, it has become a popular spot for families with children as well as Koizumigata Park. Children can play until they are sick and feel weakened after Arasa ?
あっこ on Google

夏休みの子どもと一緒に。 アスレチックが80個以上あるようですが、 暑すぎて全部はまわりきれなかったです。 入り口にしか自販機がないので、水筒は必須! 多少老朽化が気になりますが、人が少なくてコロナ禍にはいいですよ。
With children on summer vacation. It seems that there are more than 80 athletics, It was too hot to go around. There is a vending machine only at the entrance, so a water bottle is a must! I'm a little worried about aging, but there aren't many people and it's good for Corona.
変態紳士猫執事 on Google

小学生未満は無料、大人450円くらい。日本最大級の全高30mアスレチックタワーに100近いアスレチックの数、広大な敷地は混んでても密にならず、森の中を歩き回るアスレチックコースは老若男女にスポーツマンまで対応出来る幅広い難易度。日に数回は係員が巡回しているので迷子や怪我などの事態にも少し安心。森の中の地面はとても滑りやすいタイプの土なのでサンダルでは自殺行為ですちゃんと靴履いてくるのがおすすめ。 スタート地点の施設にコインロッカー(100円戻ってこないタイプ)があるので重いものは預けて身軽になっておきましょう、かなりの距離歩きます。 飲み物買えるのもスタート地点の施設だけなので飲食物はピクニック・山登り気分で予め用意していくのがオススメです。
Free for children under elementary school age, about 450 yen for adults. The number of athletics is close to 100, which is one of the largest athletic towers in Japan with a total height of 30m, and the vast site is not crowded even if it is crowded. The staff patrols several times a day, so you can rest assured that you will be lost or injured. The ground in the forest is a very slippery type of soil, so it is a suicide act with sandals. It is recommended to wear shoes properly. There is a coin locker (a type that does not return 100 yen) at the facility at the starting point, so leave heavy items and keep them light, walk a considerable distance. Drinks can only be bought at the facility at the starting point, so it is recommended that you prepare food and drink in advance for a picnic or mountain climbing.
齋藤一 on Google

見たことのないアスレチックが盛りだくさんです! 小さい子でも出来そうなアスレチックもありましたが難易度高めの遊具が多いかな?と思いました。 小学生中学生は大喜びだと思います。 他の方が遊具の古さを指摘していましたが全然許容範囲以内でした。 私が回ったコースでは使えない遊具も殆ど無くとても楽しめました。 少し長めのコースを選んでみたところ二時間もかかってしまい飲み物が足りなくなってしまいました。 水分多目に持っていくことをオススメします。 アイスと飲み物の販売のみなのでお弁当は必須です。 一日居てもすべて回りきれなかったです。 安くてとても楽しめる施設でした!
There are lots of athletics you've never seen! There were some athletics that even small children could do, but I wonder if there are many playsets with a higher degree of difficulty. I thought. I think elementary and junior high school students are overjoyed. Others pointed out the age of the playset, but it was completely within the permissible range. I enjoyed it very much with almost no playset that I couldn't use on the course I went around. When I chose a slightly longer course, it took me two hours and I ran out of drinks. We recommend that you bring a lot of water. Lunch is a must as it only sells ice cream and drinks. I couldn't go all around even if I stayed for a day. It was a cheap and very enjoyable facility!

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