Goshono Park - Akita

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Goshono Park

住所 :

3 Chome-1 Goshonojizoden, Akita, 010-1413, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 010-1413
Webサイト : https://www.city.akita.lg.jp/shisetsu/sports-koen/1006802/1006559.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

3 Chome-1 Goshonojizoden, Akita, 010-1413, Japan
鈴木ヒロサト on Google

子供連れにはいい場所です 芝生のひろば特に遊具がイイですね
A good place for families with children The open space on the lawn, especially the playset, is good.
佐藤厚志 on Google

I always bring my grandchildren on sunny days. The lawn and river are beautiful, and there are plenty of playset, which is great.
tyuyo on Google

気軽に行けますが、駐車場はそれほど大きくありません。 土日の混雑時はブランコ等並ばないと遊べません。
It's easy to get there, but the parking lot isn't that big. When it is crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, you cannot play unless you line up with swings.
長沢健幸 on Google

The ruins, the playground and the park are in one.
佐藤健 on Google

There are archeological sites, rivers flow through the park and there are no people, so it is slow and cool and easy to spend.
ちくきみゃも on Google

It was a large park, and there were playsets, so the children were delighted. However, the toilet is small and the location is difficult to understand, so it seems to be a problem for first-time users. The distance from the parking lot to the park is quite large, so adults may get tired there.
松田優里奈 on Google

広々としていて、車などの危険が少ないので子どもをのびのび遊ばせることが出来る。 自転車に乗った人やペットを散歩させている人がたまに来るので多少の注意は必要だけれど、遊具も多く虫取りも可能でとても良い遊び場だと思う。 稀に小川でヤゴ(トンボの幼虫)を見ることが出来る。 ※一ツ森公園のようにバーベキューは出来ません。
It is spacious and there is little danger of cars, so children can play freely. People who ride bicycles or walk pets sometimes come, so you need to be careful, but I think it is a very good playground with lots of playset and insect catching. On rare occasions, you can see dragonflies (dragonfly larvae) in streams. * You cannot barbecue like Hitotsumori Park.
藤子 on Google

遊具も広場もあり、子連れには最適でした。 遊具は3~6歳ぐらいの対象のものです。 散歩コースにもばっちりです。
There are playsets and a plaza, so it was perfect for families with children. Playsets are for people aged 3 to 6 years. It is perfect for a walk course.

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