Asashiro-Jinja Shrine - Maizuru

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Asashiro-Jinja Shrine

住所 :

13 Asashiro, Maizuru, Kyoto 624-0842, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 624-0842
Webサイト :

13 Asashiro, Maizuru, Kyoto 624-0842, Japan
伊藤亘 on Google

In Maizuru, it is a historic shrine. It is also historically worth seeing. Enryuji Temple next door is also an old building with a long history ? Please visit once.
hiro on Google

大きな神社です。 御朱印あります。 舞鶴の産土神としていざなぎのみことをお祀りしています。
It ’s a big shrine. There is a red stamp. I am talking about Izanagi as the local god of Maizuru.
Le Grenier on Google

I visited during the autumnal season, but it was a very beautiful shrine.
Wasabi Free on Google

この辺りには昔遊郭があったそうです。 神社の石垣に部分的に玄武岩が使われていて、石好きにも楽しめます。
It seems that there used to be a Yukaku around here. Basalt is partially used in the stone walls of the shrine, so even stone lovers can enjoy it.
名倉歩美 on Google

ひっそりとした別空間。 一人できて六感すべてで感じることをオススメします。
Another quiet space. We recommend that you can do it alone and feel it with all six senses.
yasutaka taniguchi on Google

朝代神社(あさしろじんじゃ)は京都府舞鶴市の南部。 京都府舞鶴市朝代の西舞鶴の愛宕山の東山麓に鎮座する神社。 ご祭神 伊弉諾尊(いざなぎのみこと) 672年9月、淡路島の伊弉諾神宮より勧請して創建されたと伝わる。 江戸時代からは田辺藩町民の産土神として奉られてきた。 旧社格は府社。 「案内板」 朝代神社は江戸時代から田辺藩町方の産土神で、今も氏子は旧舞鶴全域に及びます。享保十七年(1732年)の大火で、記録を焼失しましたが、「丹後田辺府志」には「朝代大明神は日の若宮なり、日本紀に伊弉諾尊と称し奉る」とあります。社伝によると天武天皇元年(672年)淡路島より御分霊を奉還したと伝えられていますが、昭和三年に府社となっています。 社殿は元文四年(1739年)に再建されたのが現在の社殿(市指定文化財)で、市内の神社建築では最も古い分類に属し、独特のものをもっています。 秋祭には、吉原から太刀振り(府指定無形文化財)や、平野屋の太神楽が奉納されるほか、各町から芸屋台、太鼓やぐらが出るのを例としました。江戸末期の「祭礼絵巻」に当時の賑わいがしのばれます。 (2021/2/11撮影)
Asashiro Shrine is located in the southern part of Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture. A shrine located at the eastern foot of Mt. Atago in Nishi-Maizuru, Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture. Deity Izanagi Mikoto It is said that it was built in September 672 by soliciting from Izanagi Shrine on Awaji Island. Since the Edo period, it has been worshiped as a local god of the Tanabe clan townspeople. The old shrine is a prefectural shrine. "Guide plate" Asashiro Shrine has been a local god of the Tanabe clan town since the Edo period, and even now, the parishioners cover the entire area of ​​the former Maizuru. The record was burned down by the great fire of Kyoho 17 (1732), but "Tango-Tanabe Fushi" states that "Asayo Daimeijin became the Wakamiya of the sun and is called Izanagi-son in the Nihongi period." According to the company's biography, it is said that the spirit was repatriated from Awaji Island in the first year of Emperor Tenmu (672), but it became a prefectural company in 1945. The current shrine (city-designated cultural property) was rebuilt in the 4th year of Genbun (1739), and it belongs to the oldest classification of shrine architecture in the city and has a unique one. At the autumn festival, Yoshiwara dedicates a sword swing (an intangible cultural property designated by the prefecture) and Hiranoya's Daikagura, as well as art stalls and drums and drums from each town. The liveliness of the time can be seen in the "festival picture scrolls" of the late Edo period. (Photographed on 2021/2/11)
丹後旅人(放浪の旅人) on Google

A shrine in Maizuru city. There are many shrines around here. It is good to watch while walking.
Daniel Suppiger on Google

Got lucky ! no people there erarly morning

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