
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 満月や

住所 :

Asamaonsen, Matsumoto, 〒390-0303 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.matsuzawa.gr.jp/food
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Nagano

Asamaonsen, Matsumoto, 〒390-0303 Nagano,Japan
金井恵里 on Google

通りすがりで入った和食店 私は、南部豚和風おろし定食を頂きました?キャベツも、山盛りでおろしなのであっさりと頂きました? 他の人は、山賊焼き定食を頼んでいました?(写真のは、家で撮ったため数が少ない) この切った山賊焼きが10切れぐらいありボリュームがあって食べきれなかったので、パックにいれて持ち帰ったほど、すごい量でした?
Japanese restaurant which entered by passing I had a southern pork Japanese-style grated set meal, and the cabbage was also plentiful and grated. Other people were asking for a bandit grilled set meal. (The number in the photo was small because it was taken at home.) Because there were about 10 slices of this cut bandit grilled and there wasn't enough to eat, it was so great that I put it in the pack and brought it home
大森伊美 on Google

マクロ最高美味しくて追加でお刺身頼みました 1つだけ✡️落としたのは 中居の女の子が刺身皿出す方向が逆でした。? 本人は気がついておらず 従業員指導した方がいいんじゃないかなぁと、思います。
Macro is the best and I ordered additional sashimi Only one ✡️ was dropped The direction in which the girl in Nakai put out the sashimi plate was the opposite. ? The person is not aware I think it would be better to give guidance to employees.
Nakajima Hiroyasu on Google

松本名物山賊焼最高ーーー❤️うま〜ぃ ざるそば最高ーーー❤️うま〜ぃ いい店だね 乾杯?生ビール?泡がきめ細かく最高に美味しい??
Matsumoto's specialty Sanzoku-yaki is the best ❤️ Uma ~ i Zaru soba is the best ❤️ Uma ~ i It's a good store Cheers ? Draft beer ? The bubbles are fine and delicious ??
浪花 on Google

大阪から 初めて 信州旅行に来ました 従業員の おねいちゃんが 礼儀正しく 一生懸命やっておられて 店も 清潔感あって 良かったです 名物の山賊焼き定食頂きました 器が 大変重たく 石で出来てるみたいでした まあまあ 美味しく召し上がりました 有難う御座いました 信州もいいですね 野菜もおいしいですし 自然な 景色 皆が 信州が ええいうんわかりますわ また こんど こっちきたら 寄せて頂きます いい思い出を ありがとうございました
The first time I came to Shinshu from Osaka, the employee, Mr. Neichan, was polite and hard working, the store was clean and it was nice. The famous bandit grilled set meal was very heavy and made of stone. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you for your good memories. If you come here, you can see Shinshu.
紅綾女 on Google

I ordered a greedy set for lunch. Is this the only thing that looks like a mini bowl? I want to say, but when I tried it, the bottom of the bowl was deeper than I expected and the volume was perfect! surprised. The refreshing tempura is amazingly delicious. The sashimi bowl was also soft and delicious. It was a courageous price for college students to put out at 1078 yen, but I think that cospa is generally considered to be good. I am full and happy. Perfect for occasional luxury! The correspondence of the clerk was very nice and I would like to use it again. Thank you for the meal!
兄ちゃんお気楽 on Google

ラストオーダーギリギリ辺りで入店しました。 フロアのお姉さんに聞いた所まだ大丈夫なので、 ランチの山賊焼き定食と、おろし蕎麦を注文しました。 お客さんは閉店間際なので、1組いる程度なので直ぐに来ました。 おろし蕎麦はとろろ、ネギ、滑子、山葵位だったと思います。お昼を食べていない事あり、14:20頃に入店だったので、お腹が空いていてペロリとたらいらげてしまいました。 おろし蕎麦をほぼたらいらげていた時に、山賊焼き定食が来ました。 定員さんが仰っていた通り、かなりボリュームがあります。 キャベツに掛かったドレッシングが丁度良い味付けで、鶏肉にかけてあるタレもご飯か進みます。 味噌汁はワカメと薄揚げ(場所によって、油揚げ)と小鉢の漬物という感じでした。 流石に後半はお腹膨れて来たので、おろし蕎麦で残っていた山葵を、足して味変して楽しみました。 お腹一杯に成りました。 ご馳走さまでした。
I entered the store near the last order. I asked my sister on the floor that it's still okay, so I ordered a Sanzoku-yaki set meal for lunch and grated soba noodles. The customers are on the verge of closing, so there is only one group, so I came immediately. I think the grated soba was tororo, green onion, nameko, and wasabi. Since I hadn't eaten lunch, I entered the restaurant around 14:20, so I was hungry and irritated. When I was almost irritating grated soba, the Sanzoku-yaki set meal came. As the capacity said, there is a lot of volume. The dressing on the cabbage is just the right seasoning, and the sauce on the chicken goes well with rice. Miso soup was like wakame seaweed, fried tofu (fried tofu depending on the location), and pickles in a small bowl. As I was hungry in the second half, I enjoyed changing the taste by adding the mountain aoi left over from the grated soba noodles. I'm full. It was a feast.
ひろ on Google

2022.02.05 感染状況を踏まえ、中心市街地から少し外れているビジネス泊まりに。そこで此方での夕食が浮上しました。 系列店、飯田のかなえ茶屋、さすが家はランチでの利用をしていましたが、夕食は勿論、「松本満月や」さんは初利用デス。 取り敢えず生と、季節外れではあるが、茶豆でスタート。 刺し盛り。で店長お勧めの『北安大国』へ? お刺身まずまず。お酒も旨い。 塩尻発祥?の山賊焼き。これは少々ニンニクのパンチが弱くて残念。万人ウケ狙いだとこうなるのは仕方ない。 ホッケホクホク甘塩でうま〜い‼️ で『大雪渓』 豚モツ濃厚で『大信州』汁飲み干して痛風心配。 カニ丼ミニ?は少々パサパサ。 居酒屋じゃないのだから、呑兵衛がぐだぐだ言ってはいけませんね。 食事は充分楽しめるし、 呑兵衛が利用しても、美味しく頂ける内容でした。 コロナ禍が過ぎて、活気が出たら、呑兵衛メニュー増やしてくださいね♪ ※長野県民割クーポンしっかり使わせてもらいました
2022.02.05 For business stays that are a little out of the city center based on the infection situation. There, dinner here emerged. The affiliated store, Kanae Chaya in Iida, and the house were used for lunch, but of course for dinner, "Matsumoto Mangetsuya" was the first to use it. For the time being, it started with raw and tea beans, although it was out of season. Sashimi. To the store manager's recommended "Hokuan Daikoku" ? Sashimi is good. Alcohol is also delicious. Origin of Shiojiri? Sanzoku-yaki. This is a shame because the garlic punch is a little weak. It can't be helped if this is aimed at everyone. Atka mackerel Hokuhoku sweet salt is delicious! ️ "Taisetsukei" I'm worried about gout after drinking the "Daishinshu" soup with rich pork offal. The crab bowl mini ? is a little dry. It's not an izakaya, so don't say that Donbei is sloppy. I can enjoy the meal enough Even if it was used by Donbei, it was delicious. When the corona wreck has passed and it becomes lively, please increase the drink menu ♪ * I used the Nagano Prefectural Discount Coupon firmly.
roi mitchel on Google

Warm restaurant and friendly staffs after windy and freezing weather outside Matsumoto

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