Asama Shrine - Namegata

4/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Asama Shrine

住所 :

330 Funako, Namegata, Ibaraki 311-3806, Japan

Postal code : 311-3806

330 Funako, Namegata, Ibaraki 311-3806, Japan
みけねこ on Google

御祭神は木花咲耶姫命。大同2(807)年、駿河富士浅間神社の砂土を運んで神霊を奉安したのが始まりで、社地を権現峯と言った。享禄3(1530)年、足利持氏の乱に与して破れた下総の関根城主・下河辺義親は、常陸大椽氏の族・小高氏を頼ってこの地で舟子城を築き、当社を守護神として崇敬した。下河辺氏は行方城に移った後は、舟子城は小高氏の城となったが、「南方三十三館の仕置」(鹿島・行方郡の大掾氏一族が佐竹義宣によって太田城に招かれ謀殺された)で小高氏も殺害され、船子城は廃城となったようです。宝永8(1711)年、当社は現在地に遷宮し、船子村の鎮守として祀られたそうです。 消防機庫のかる公園の前に広い「浅間神社駐車場」があり、そこから機庫脇を通る桜並木の参道を北へ進むと、オレンジ色の木造の両部鳥居の先に拝殿が鎮座していらっしゃいます。御本殿を拝見しようと裏に回ると、崖上への急な石段が。なるほど浅間神社となれば、御神体は裏の山そのものであっても不思議はないと、階段を登ってみました。階段の先には「疱瘡神宮」の祠。そして、崖としか思えない直線の山道が。まあ・・・もちろん登りますとも。と、登りだしたはいいのですが、これかなりやばいっす。四つん這いでよじ登っていったものの、落ち葉でズリズリ。上りはいいとして、下りはやばい絶対やばいやばさ爆発だと、ついに諦めて降りようか真剣に考え出したのですが、上までもう少しなんですよね~。ここまで来ちゃったら、ここからでも数メートル上から転げ落ちるのも大して変わらないだろうと、最後の気力を振り絞って登りましたよ。ゼイゼイ。そして、登り切った先には、注連縄で囲われた五輪塔群が。お墓・・・しかし、よく見ると「富士山大権現」と刻まれています。 船子城の主郭はさらに奥だそうですが、藪漕ぎの時間まではなし。さて、恐怖の戻りでありますが、そこからなんと回り込む径がありまして、疱瘡神宮の祠の脇まで繋がっておりましたとさ。
The deity is Konohanasakuya Himemei. In Daido 2 (807), the sand and soil of Suruga Fuji Asama Shrine was carried to enshrine the spirits, and the shrine was called Gongenmine. In 1530, Yoshichika Shimokawabe, the lord of Shimousa's Sekine castle, who was defeated by Ashikaga Mochiuji's rebellion, relied on Mr. Odaka, a tribe of Hitachi Oso, to build Funako Castle in this area and protect our company. Respected as. After Mr. Shimokawabe moved to Namegata Castle, Funako Castle became Mr. Odaka's castle, but "Punishment of the Southern 33 Buildings" (Mr. Oda's family in Kashima and Namegata District was invited to Oda Castle by Yoshinobu Satake. Mr. Odaka was also murdered (murdered), and Funako Castle seems to have been abandoned. In 1711, the company moved to its current location and was enshrined as a guardian of Funako Village. There is a large "Asama Shrine parking lot" in front of the firefighter's park, and if you go north on the approach to the cherry blossom trees that pass by the side of the firefighter's warehouse, the hall of worship is enshrined at the end of the orange wooden ryōbu torii. You are doing it. When I turned to the back to see the main shrine, there was a steep stone staircase to the top of the cliff. When it comes to Asama Shrine, I climbed the stairs, thinking that it is no wonder that the Shintai is the mountain behind it. At the end of the stairs is the shrine of "Smallpox Jingu". And there is a straight mountain road that looks like a cliff. Well ... of course I will climb. It's okay to start climbing, but this is pretty bad. I climbed on all fours, but the fallen leaves made me slurp. I thought that the uphill was good, but the downhill was absolutely bad and bad, and I finally thought about giving up and going down, but it's a little closer to the top. When I came to this point, I thought it wouldn't change much if I fell down from a few meters above, so I climbed with my last energy. Zeizei. And, at the end of the climb, there is a group of five-wheeled towers surrounded by shimenawa. Grave ... However, if you look closely, it is engraved with "Mt. Fuji Daigongen". It seems that the main enclosure of Funako Castle is further back, but there is no time for rowing bushes. By the way, it is a return of fear, but there was a diameter that wraps around from there, and it was connected to the side of the shrine of Smallpox Jingu.

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