株式会社Smart Life(スマートライフ)

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社Smart Life(スマートライフ)

住所 :

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.39smart-life.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kotobuki, Taito City, 〒111-0042 Tokyo,Japan
잠만보 on Google

Despite the sudden request, he introduced me to a very good property and took me to a preview the next afternoon, which was an immediate contract. Thank you very much for your polite and prompt response! I will introduce more and more to my friends and family!
. HKR on Google

初めての引越しで分からない事が多く、沢山質問してしまいましたが、その都度回答して頂きスムーズに進めることが出来ました。 内見時も遅い時間になってしまったのにも関わらず、最後まで付き合って下さり、無事気に入った物件を見つけることが出来ました。 この度はありがとうございました。
There were many things I didn't understand when I moved for the first time, so I asked a lot of questions, but I was able to answer each time and proceed smoothly. Even though it was late for the preview, I was able to find the property I liked safely by staying with me until the end. Thank you for this time.
Ri Mo on Google

初めての引っ越しでしたが、丁寧に探していただけて、とても良かったです。 希望を伝えたら、バッチリ合う物件をあげてくださって感動しました! 下町のほうの物件に案内することが多いと仰っていたので、近くで物件を探す際は比較するのに一度、伺ってみても良いかもしれません。 質問にも丁寧に答えてくださって、希望の引っ越しができて大満足です!ぜひおすすめしたいです。ありがとうございました!
It was my first move, but I am very glad that you searched for it carefully. When I told them my wishes, I was impressed by the fact that they gave me a property that fits perfectly! You said that you often guide to properties in the downtown area, so when looking for a property nearby, you may want to ask once for comparison. He answered the questions carefully, and I am very happy that I was able to move as I wished! I definitely want to recommend it. thank you very much!
半沢修 on Google

急な引越しでしたが、丁寧に対応していただき、地域の特徴を細かく説明して貰ったお陰で、とても満足度の高い物件に引っ越せました!! 時期的に忙しい中、長時間かけて探していただき、ありがとうございます。
It was a sudden move, but thanks to the polite response and detailed explanation of the characteristics of the area, I was able to move to a very satisfying property! !! Thank you for taking the time to look for it while you are busy.
ちぃ on Google

SUUMOで気になる物件があったので、問い合わせして行ってみました。 お店が入っている建物の外見はぱっと見怪しい感じだったので心配していたのですが、お店は普通でした笑 初期費用等分からない事がたくさんあったので色々聞いたらお店の方が丁寧に回答してくれました。 SUUMOで気になっていた物件より素敵な物件を紹介して貰いました。 お世話になりました。
There was a property I was interested in at SUUMO, so I made an inquiry and went. I was worried because the appearance of the building where the store is located was suspicious at first glance, but the store was normal lol There were many things I didn't know about the initial cost, so when I asked various questions, the shop responded politely. I was introduced to a nicer property than the one I was interested in at SUUMO. thank you for helping me.
清水千秋 on Google

結構な長期間何度も物件選びに付き合って頂き、最終的に良い物件を選んで頂けました! 対応も丁寧で迅速でした、安心してお勧めできる不動産屋です。
We had you go out with property selection many times for quite a long time, and finally you chose a good property! The response was polite and quick, and it is a real estate agent that I can recommend with confidence.
Akane Arai on Google

今回引越しで物件を探していた所、とてもいい物件があったのでその日のうちに連絡、内観可能だったので現地で集合して、そのまま申し込むことに!! その一回会っただけで、その他はほぼ電話! 電話での対応も穏やかな話し方でとても安心できました。 素敵な部屋を紹介してくれてありがとうございます。
When I was looking for a property when I moved this time, there was a very good property, so I contacted him on the same day, and since I was able to see it inside, I decided to gather at the site and apply as it is! !! I met him once, and most of the others were on the phone! I was very relieved to respond on the phone with a gentle way of speaking. Thank you for introducing me to a nice room.
HAOとも on Google

遠方にいるためWEB内覧や初期費用の概算依頼を行いましたが、WEB内覧に関してはスルー、概算についても一般的な回答(礼金、敷金)しかなかったため不信感しかありません。礼金敷金なんてWEBで見たら分かります。こちらは保証会社費用や抗菌代、仲介手数料などが知りたいのです。釣り物件で客寄せしてると認識されてもおかしくありません。即他の仲介会社に連絡入れました。みなさん気をつけてください。 【追加】上記のような連絡が担当者から入ってから30分以内に管理会社に確認したところ、すでに募集は終了していると連絡が入りました。やはり、顧客を集めるための釣り物件だったんですね、、だからWEB内覧に関しての質問や具体的な初期費用に関しての質問も無視なさってたんだと理解ができました。ネットが普及しているこの時代、素人でもいくらでも情報収集できます。これからしっかりと向き合っていただくことを期待し口コミさせていただきました。 【追加】正直に管理会社に連絡したところ満室との回答だったことをお伝えすると「申し訳ございません。私たちも管理会社に連絡して確認しています」との返信あり。言い訳するにしてもっと上手な良い方があるのでは、、そのメールを見て営業のレベルの質が分かるなと失笑しました。
Since I am far away, I requested a web preview and an estimate of the initial cost, but I have only distrust because there was only a general answer (key money, security deposit) for the web preview and the estimate. You can find out about key money deposits on the WEB. I would like to know the guarantee company fee, antibacterial fee, brokerage fee, etc. It is not strange that it is recognized that it is attracting customers at fishing properties. I immediately contacted another intermediary company. Take care of yourself, please. [Addition] When I confirmed with the management company within 30 minutes after receiving the above contact from the person in charge, I was informed that the recruitment had already been completed. After all, it was a fishing property to attract customers, so I understood that I ignored questions about WEB viewing and specific initial costs. In this era when the Internet is widespread, even amateurs can collect as much information as they want. We have made a word of mouth with the expectation that we will face each other firmly from now on. [Addition] When I honestly contacted the management company and told them that it was full, there was a reply saying "I'm sorry. We also contacted the management company to confirm." As an excuse, I laughed at the fact that there was a better person who was better at it, and I couldn't understand the quality of the sales level by looking at the email.

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