
2.8/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact (株)ささや果実店

住所 :

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
街 : Tokyo

Asakusabashi, Taito City, 〒111-0053 Tokyo,Japan
1 9 on Google

on Google

The other day, I bought 6 pine mushrooms from Canada. I threw it out because I had three pains.
Tkym R on Google

I was surprised that the peach I bought somehow because it passed last year was so delicious. The scenery where the grandmother sat down and was in the shop was kind of nice, so when I bought it without expecting the taste so much, the fruit parlor was a big surprise! It may have been lucky because it is different from a large-scale store that has good fruit and vegetable rotation, but I want to go there again.
yummy Tokyo on Google

この店の評価ではありませんがどうしても一言言いたくてこちらにレビューを書かせていただきます。 ここのオヤジさんの余りにも無礼な言動にかなり嫌な思いをしました。 浅草橋駅周辺の土地勘の無い私はある施設をさがしていたので、丁度店先に居たこの店のオヤジさんに「○○を探しているんですが、何処にあるかご存知ですか?」と尋ねたところ、「○○⁈ 知らねーなー。」とぶっきらぼうに答えられ、「A2出口のすぐ側と聞いたんですが…」と言うと、「A2出口なんて何処だか知らねーよ。」と言われ(まあ知らないのもごもっともですが…)、 余りにも感じが悪いので、「分かりました。すいませんでした。」と去ろうとしたところ、「あぁ、あの右のビルの中に○○が入ってるよ。」と言うので、右のビル⁇どのビルですか??」と聞いたら、「右だよ‼︎右のビルだって言ってんじゃねーかよ?」と怒鳴り始めました。この周辺、駅前という事もあり目に入る建物は全てビル‼️その中で「右のビル」がどのビルかが直ぐに分からなかった私がまるで“バカ”だと言わんばかりの口調で罵しるオヤジ。 ただ道を聞いただけなのにこんな理不尽な対応をされ、一日中嫌な気分になってしまいました。多分私の父と同世代の方だと思いますし、私自身普段から自分の親世代の方々を敬い、大切に思っています。 しかし、今回のこの店のオヤジさんの余りにも無礼な、他人をバカにした態度には怒りの感情しかありません。 偶々虫の居所が悪かったのか、嫌な事があったのか分かりませんが、どうか自分の都合で全く関係のない見ず知らずの他人の気分を害する言動を取るのは止めて頂きたく思います。 読んで頂きありがとうございました。
It is not an evaluation of this store, but I would like to write a review here because I really want to say a word. I was very disgusted by the rude behavior of the old man here. I didn't know the land around Asakusabashi station, so I was looking for a certain facility, so I asked the father of this store who was just in front of the store, "I'm looking for XX, do you know where it is?" When I asked, "I don't know XX⁈" was answered bluntly, and when I said "I heard that it was right next to the A2 exit ...", he said "I don't know where the A2 exit is." ( Well, it's natural that you don't know ...), It feels so bad that I tried to leave, saying, "I understand. I'm sorry." But he said, "Oh, there's XX in the building on the right." So the building on the right⁇ Which building? When I asked, "Is it right ??", I started yelling, "Don't you say that the building is on the right? ?". All the buildings you can see around here are buildings because it is in front of the station! ️ Among them, the old man who didn't immediately know which building was the "right building" and sweared at me as if he was "stupid". Even though I was just asking for directions, I was treated unreasonably like this, and I felt uncomfortable all day long. I think I'm probably of the same generation as my father, and I always respect and cherish my parents. However, the old man's too rude and ridiculous attitude of this shop is only angry. I don't know if the bug's whereabouts were wrong or something I didn't like, but please stop taking actions that offend strangers who have nothing to do with your own circumstances. Thank you for reading.

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