福服 浅草店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福服 浅草店

住所 :

Asakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.rakuten.co.jp/fukukimono/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Small buy & sell store full of men & women's colorful recycled & antique kimono, accessories & more.

Asakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0032 Tokyo,Japan
えんめいよしこ on Google

Too small for tall people,it’s almost for Japanese small people. 価格自体は魅力的です。しかし、かつて低身長の方が多かった名残なのか身丈160(着物は身丈=身長です)を超えるものが女性ものでまずありません。近辺の別のリサイクル店の方がずっと品数があります。 小柄で且つ生地やデザインより価格で選ぶようなスタンスの方ならともかく、サイズ的に最近の背の高い人は向かない品揃えのような気がしました。 加えて、従業員さんの態度が少し愛想が無く思えました。せっかく美しいお着物を着ていても、客の前で挨拶もなくパソコンをいじり続けるのは如何なものかと思います。
Too small for tall people, it ’s almost for Japanese small people. The price itself is attractive. However, it is unlikely that women will exceed 160 height (kimono is height = height), which is a remnant of the fact that there were many short statures in the past. Another recycling store in the vicinity has a lot more items. Regardless of the small size and the stance of choosing by price rather than fabric and design, I felt that the product lineup is not suitable for tall people these days in terms of size. In addition, the attitude of the employees seemed a little unfriendly. Even if you are wearing a beautiful kimono, I wonder what it would be like to keep playing with your computer in front of customers without greetings.
1015one on Google

着物の量は豊富で陳列も分かりやすいですが、店員の方の対応がひどいかと。 入店時に挨拶もなく、店内を見ている間も店員同士話ながらパソコン弄りとコーディネートの相談や帯の結び方の相談に勤しんでいました。 片方の方がお客様なのかな?と思うほどずっと楽しげにお話されていて、こちらには見向きもせず、試着したいと申し出ると面倒臭そうに出てきたのでどちらも店員の方だったのだと気がつきました。 試着時も試着室ではなく、そのままそこで着せられ着物の裾が土足で歩き回る床にべったり… 商品なのだから、床に着くような着せ方はどうかと思いますが…。 Twitterを見て素敵なお店だなと思い、伺いましたが残念です。 そんなに来店が煩わしいのであれば今後は実店舗無しのネット販売のみにされてはいかがでしょうか?
The amount of kimono is abundant and the display is easy to understand, but the clerk is terrible. There were no greetings at the time of entering the store, and while I was looking at the store, I was talking with the clerk and consulting with the computer and coordinating and tying the obi. Is one of you a customer? I was talking so much happily as I thought, and I didn't even look here, and when I offered to try it on, I came out with a lot of trouble and realized that both were clerks. Even when trying on, it is not in the fitting room, it is put on as it is and the hem of the kimono walks on the floor walking on the feet ... Because it's a product, I don't know how to dress it on the floor ... Looking at Twitter, I thought it was a wonderful shop and asked, but I'm sorry. If visiting the store is so troublesome, why not just sell online without a physical store in the future?
Hisami Yamaguchi on Google

The kimono was pretty good, but the female clerk's attitude was so bad that I was only uncomfortable while I was in the store. I was prepared to some extent that the female clerk's attitude was bad in many reviews, but it is rare for people to be unable to serve customers that much. It's really a mystery to pay and hire such a person.
Chin Sun on Google

Nous avons très bien été accueillies, ils nous ont aidé avec le sourire à faire une combinaison de yukata et kimono ! Et à la fin ils nous ont même habillé ! Très chaleureux et pas cher et très bonne qualité pour de la deuxième main
We were very well received, they helped us with a smile to make a combination of yukata and kimono! And in the end they even dressed us! Very warm and not expensive and very good quality for second hand
peko kira on Google

Did you wear a skirt and wear a skirt as a beginner in kimono? ︎
luli popping on Google

The shop is too small to carry large luggage, but it was easy to shop because they said "It's okay to leave your luggage" and "Please try more and more". It's cheap, and I can take it quietly, but I didn't want to talk to the clerk so much, so I was able to try on a lot quietly, which was helpful. It will be helpful if you tell me to leave it even if you spread it out! (Because the kimono cannot be folded well)
麒麟パンダ on Google

娘の成人式で使う履物が壊れて 急で買いに行きました。女性の店員さんでしたが馴染み安く凄く良い方で良かったです 店内は狭いけど、安くていい物がセットですが見つかりました。また、機会があれば是非行きたいです。
The footwear used for my daughter's adult ceremony is broken I went to buy it in a hurry. It was a female clerk, but it was good that it was cheap and very good. The inside of the store is small, but I found a cheap and nice set. Also, I definitely want to go if I have the opportunity.
Stephanie Graessle on Google

I had a wonderful experience here! The staff is very helpful, and you are able to try anything on! There is a very good selection of kimono, yukata and hakama at a good price, and you can find some very cheap if they are used.

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