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Contact 湘南美容クリニック浜松院

住所 :

Asahicho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-0927 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.s-b-c.net/clinic/branch/hamamatsu/
街 : Shizuoka

Asahicho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒430-0927 Shizuoka,Japan
ともみん on Google

単刀直入に申し上げますと・・・ 【やって、良かった】【もっと早くやれば、良かった】と思うほどに満足度が高いです。カウンセリング時にはカウンセラーさんも、Dr.の井上先生も、すごく親身に対応して下さり・・・ 手術当日もそれは変わらず優しかったです。 アシスタントで入って下さった方(かた)も、針やハサミなどの先端が怖いと言っていた私に何度も声掛けをして頂き、安心してお任せすることが出来ました。 腫れは少しありましたが、5日目にはあまり目立たなくなりました。 眼瞼下垂による瞼の下がりと二重幅が狭くなった事が改善されて若い頃の目元に戻ることが出来たので、大満足です。次は、目尻切開と人中の手術を検討していますので、その際はよろしくお願い致します。
I would like to say straightforwardly ... Satisfaction is so high that I think [I'm glad I did it] [I'm glad I did it earlier]. At the time of counseling, both the counselor and Dr. Inoue were very kind to me ... It was still kind on the day of surgery. The person who came in as an assistant also asked me many times, who said that the tips of needles and scissors were scary, and I was able to leave it to me with confidence. There was some swelling, but it became less noticeable on the 5th day. I am very satisfied because I was able to return to my eyes when I was young by improving the lowering of the eyelids and the narrowing of the double width due to ptosis. Next, we are considering incision of the outer corner of the eye and surgery in the philtrum. Thank you for your cooperation.
墨田諒子 on Google

クルスカを受けました。寝ているだけで痛くもなくて、本当に楽でした。冷やすので寒くはなってきますが・・ クルスカの良い所は、施術してしばらくして痩せるとこですね。 ダイエットで自然に痩せたように思われるので。 あと、ダウンタイムも日常生活に支障ありませんでした。 こんなに快適な施術だとはびっくりしました^^
I received Kurusuka. It was really easy because it didn't hurt just to sleep. It gets cold because it gets cold, but ... The good thing about Kurusuka is that you lose weight after a while. Because it seems that I lost weight naturally on a diet. Also, downtime did not interfere with my daily life. I was surprised that it was such a comfortable treatment ^^
奥理恵子 on Google

施術前は3年以上毎日アイプチをしていて、早く埋没をしてキレイな二重になりたいと思っていたので二重手術を受けました。 先生も自分の目に合った施術法を説明してくれたので良かったです。 メイクも楽になってとても快適です。
Before the operation, I had eyelid glue every day for more than 3 years, and I wanted to bury it quickly and get a beautiful double, so I had a double operation. I'm glad that the teacher explained the treatment method that suits my eyes. Makeup is easy and very comfortable.
眞家沙美 on Google

He continued to fail on his own diet and rebounded many times. Liposuction was scary at first, but I went to counseling rather than being fat. Looking at the case photos, I felt like taking it myself. I was scared on the day, but I was grateful for the encouragement of the nurses. It was difficult for a while after the operation, but when I noticed it, my abdomen was cleaner than before and I was impressed. I want to take the second time when I calm down.
佐々木あきら on Google

全身脱毛の6回コースで通っています。 今までは脱毛サロンに通っていましたが 医療脱毛は初めてなのでとても効果を感じています。 ただ予約が取りづらいのと、予約時間より少し前に来るようにと言う割には、いつも待たされます。また、当日いきなり2人で施術することもあり、予定時間より1時間も早く終わったりと、時間に関してもルーズなように感じます。 施術中は看護師の方によって丁寧さにかなり差があるように感じます。脱毛サロンでは接客されているように感じていましたがこちらは医療ということもあり流れ作業な感じがします。
I go through 6 courses of whole body hair removal. I used to go to a hair removal salon This is my first time to remove medical hair, so I feel it is very effective. However, it is difficult to make a reservation, and I always have to wait for it to come a little before the reservation time. In addition, the treatment may be performed by two people suddenly on the day, and it ends one hour earlier than the scheduled time, so I feel that the time is loose. During the procedure, I feel that there is a considerable difference in politeness depending on the nurse. At the hair removal salon, I felt like I was serving customers, but this is an assembly line because it is medical treatment.
よしむら on Google

It was a zero-minded attitude that the director looked at from above. Even if the treatment can be done at other hospitals, it was a point that we do not do at this hospital. I can't help but the wording and attitude was very unpleasant. I had other consultations, but I didn't feel like counseling. It was a blatantly disgusting attitude. The young teacher at the time of another treatment last time was very kind and pleasant, so I visited again, but I did not perform the treatment on that day and asked a good teacher on the other day, but I was still worried about whether to go. There is no problem except for the director. I don't know if it was a treatment I didn't want to do or the amount of counseling cost was low, so I don't know if I had a bad attitude, but the director of another hospital kindly provided medical examination counseling even if it was not an expensive treatment such as hyaluronic acid or botox. Will do it. It's a pity though it's close. I want the director to change.
あ、 on Google

初めて二重埋没のカウンセリングに行きました。カウンセラーの女性の方は皆様とても親切で親身に話を聞いてくださいました。 ありがとうございました。 その後、医院長と直接カウンセリング でしたが高圧的で上から目線な態度、初対面なのにタメ口、半笑いで高額な施術を勧めるという舐めた態度をとられました。 せっかく遠くから行ったのにカウンセリング時間も3分で終わりさっさと終わらせたいという気持ちがひしひしと伝わり、質問しても答えは一言二言しか帰ってきませんでした。 他の方のクチコミを見てみるとやはり医院長(井上颯馬Dr.)の態度が悪いという声が既に多く書いてあるのに改善するつもりはないのでしょうか? 嫌な態度をとっても客を不安にさせるデメリットしかないと思うんですが(笑) 自滅に向かっててむしろ笑えました。 医院長、他人の整形する前にメンタルクリニックに行かれてみては? あとイケメン医師と名乗るの辞めてください こんなクチコミ本当は書きたくなかったのですが、整形を考えている方には、 信頼できない医師に施術してもらいたくないので本当に行かない方がいいです。 行くだけ時間の無駄。星1もつける価値無し。
I went to double burial counseling for the first time. The female counselors were all very kind and kind to me. Thank you very much. After that, direct counseling with the director However, he had a high-pressure, top-down attitude, a tame mouth even though he was meeting for the first time, and a licking attitude of recommending an expensive treatment with a half laugh. Even though I went from afar, the counseling time ended in 3 minutes, and I felt that I wanted to finish it quickly, and even if I asked a question, only one word or two was returned. Looking at the reviews of other people, there are already many voices saying that the director of the clinic (Dr. Inoue Soma) has a bad attitude, but isn't there any intention to improve it? I think that even if you take an unpleasant attitude, there is only a disadvantage that makes customers uneasy (laugh) I was rather laughing towards self-destruction. Clinic director, why don't you go to a mental clinic before shaping someone else? Also, please quit calling yourself a handsome doctor I didn't really want to write such a word of mouth, but for those who are thinking about plastic surgery, You really shouldn't go because you don't want to have an unreliable doctor perform the procedure. Just going is a waste of time. Not worth adding 1 star.
Amari hope blogs Amari on Google


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