
5/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact リラクゼーションサロン・ボヌール

住所 :

Asahi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://bonheur-relaxation.com//
街 : Saitama

Asahi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0001 Saitama,Japan
k y on Google

チラシが入ってたので、ホームページを見て初めて行ってみました。 リンパアロマトリートメント90分を受けました。 個人のサロンなので不安もあったけど、気さくなセラピストさんで落ち着いた雰囲気のお部屋ですごくリラックス出来ました。 またぜひ行ってみたいです。
As flyer was in, we went for the first time to see homepage. I received a lymph aroma treatment 90 minutes. I was anxious as it was a personal salon, but I was able to relax in a calm atmosphere room with a kind therapist. I would like to go there again.
MaSa on Google

My shoulder stiffness and swelling were painful, so I went to Bonnour, who was always interested. It was a very friendly therapist and the salon atmosphere was good and I was able to relax with careful treatment. After finishing, my body became lighter. I want to go regularly.
B S on Google

何度かチラシが入ってて、気になっていたので行ってみました。 自宅サロンなので他の人と会う事がなく ゆったりできました。 肩こりと足のむくみが辛かったので念入りにマッサージしてもらいました。 とても気持ち良かったです。 ありがとうございました。 続けて通いたいと思います。
There were leaflets several times and I was curious, so I went. Because it is a home salon, I never meet other people I was able to relax. I had stiff shoulders and swelling of my legs, so I had them massage carefully. It was very comfortable. Thank you very much. I would like to continue going.
レオT on Google

リンパマッサージに前から興味があり、チラシが入っていたので行ってみました。 全身90分のコースを受けました。 初めてでちょっと緊張してたんですが、感じ良く迎えてくれたので安心して気持ち良く受けることが出来ました。 またお願いしたいです。
I've been interested in lymphatic massage for some time, so I went there because there was a flyer. I took a 90 minute whole body course. I was a little nervous for the first time, but I was greeted with a good feeling, so I was able to receive it comfortably and comfortably. I want to ask again.
naoko on Google

I was interested in lymphatic massage from before, so I went to see the homepage. I felt pain in my shoulders, so I consulted on the upper body in the upper body and I took a massage of the scalp through the lymph of my legs. As it is completely done in a private room, I was able to relax without meeting other customers. I did it with my favorite strength, so my body was light and refreshed after it was finished! I want to ask again!

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