たいよう整骨院 川口朝日院

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Contact たいよう整骨院 川口朝日院

住所 :

Asahi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.taiyo-kawaguchi.com/
街 : Saitama

Asahi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0001 Saitama,Japan
イマイリョウ on Google

川口のたいよう整骨院に行って来ました!!! 猫背で腰痛、頭痛、身体中が痛かったですが、 一度施術してもらっただけで、効果を実感できました。 続けて通っていると、身体の変化に気が付きました❗
I went to the Taiyo Orthopedic Clinic in Kawaguchi! !! !! I had a backache, a headache, and a pain in my body on my stoop, I was able to feel the effect just by having the treatment done once. As I continued to go, I noticed changes in my body ❗
SakuRaさくら on Google

I will be indebted to you for the first time in 8 years. Previously, my stiff shoulders were so severe that I went to work intensively for about 3 months and improved. This time, I had knee pain and hyaluronic acid injection was not very effective, so I decided to take care of improving the root cause such as pelvic distortion. The staff will explain kindly and politely, so you can leave it to us with confidence.
faid j on Google

骨盤矯正で川口たいよう整骨院に通っています。 骨盤矯正する施術前の写真も撮影してもらいましたが正常のラインからだいぶ曲がっていました。 施術後の写真も撮影してもらい、ちゃんと正しいラインに並んでいる写真を見てビックリしました。 姿勢も良くなり、腰痛もかなり改善してきました。 サッカーをしているのですが、パフォーマンスも上がっているので今後も通い続けようと思います。
I go to the osteopathic clinic for pelvic correction. I had them take a photo before the pelvic correction, but it was quite bent from the normal line. I had them take pictures after the treatment, and I was surprised to see the pictures lined up in the correct line. My posture has improved and my back pain has improved considerably. I'm playing soccer, but my performance is improving, so I'll continue to play soccer in the future.
RISA on Google

仕事上腰に負担がかかっているのを感じ、川口のたいよう整骨院へ行ってきました。 マッサージをしてもらい、腰だけでなく全身していただいたおかげで体が軽くなりスッキリしました。 これからも元気に仕事をつづけるために定期的に通いたいと思います。
I felt a burden on my lower back at work, so I went to the osteopathic clinic in Kawaguchi. Thanks to the massage and the whole body as well as the waist, my body became lighter and refreshed. I would like to go regularly to continue working well.
cson kido on Google

川口のたいよう整骨院で長年痛かった腰と肩こりをどうにかして欲しく、骨盤背骨矯正をお願いしました。 姿勢が悪い所から筋肉の状態骨の状態など分かりやすく説明してもらいながら処置してもらえるので安心です。 処置後から長年痛かった所も凄く良くなり大満足です!!
I wanted to get rid of the stiff waist and shoulders that had been painful for many years at Kawaguchi's Taiyo Osteopathic Institute, so I asked for pelvic spine correction. You can rest assured that you will be treated while having an easy-to-understand explanation of the condition of your muscles and the condition of your bones from a poor posture. The place that has been painful for many years after the treatment has improved greatly and I am very satisfied! !!
A H on Google

After giving birth, it was difficult to find the place I was looking for in the vicinity and with children. ✨ The staff can see the child, so I can take the treatment slowly. After the treatment, your body will be very comfortable. It's easy to go because it welcomes you with a smile!
Zakiyama Zakky on Google

以前、家の近くの接骨院に通ってましたが、待ち時間が長く効果が感じられなかったので、Googleマップの評価を元にこちらに変更しました。 結果、膝の痛みが良くなり、体質を改善させる運動方法も教えていただき、身体の調子が少しずつが良くなってきました! 時間の予約も出来るため、待ち時間の無駄なく通えるのも助かります? 今後も通い続けたいと思うので、よろしくお願いします。
I used to go to an osteopathic clinic near my house, but I didn't feel the effect because of the long waiting time, so I changed to this based on the evaluation of Google Maps. As a result, my knee pain improved, and I was taught how to exercise to improve my constitution, and my physical condition gradually improved! You can also reserve time, so it is helpful to be able to go without wasting waiting time ? I would like to continue to attend, so I look forward to working with you.
Win Ter on Google

A very warm and friendly establishment for all of your physical therapy needs. Acupuncture, electrotherapy, clinical massage, beauty and posture courses, and standard chiropractor care. The doctors and staff are young, enthusiastic, and very welcoming. Very willing to consult with you about the underlying causes of any pain or lifestyle issues. Prices are also reasonable and they accept national health insurance

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