Aroma Fresca

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aroma Fresca

住所 :

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30–8:30PM
Tuesday 5:30–8:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1PM
Friday 11:30AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo
Description : Upscale restaurant plating high-concept Italian cuisine in sophisticated surrounds.

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
Apple Pomme on Google

言わずと知れた銀座の名店。 お料理も然ることながら、なんと言っても接客が素晴らしいです。 雰囲気も白を基調に全体的に明るく可愛らしく、気持ち良い空間です。
Needless to say, this is a famous store in Ginza. As well as the food, the customer service is wonderful. The atmosphere is based on white, and it is a bright and cute space as a whole.
Kurumi S on Google

銀座駅から歩いて3分、銀座一丁目駅から歩いて1分くらいの場所にあるお店。正統派のリストランテで雰囲気、サービスがしっかりしている。 ランチ 12100円 小さなお皿をいろいろ 穴子のフリット 秋トリュフ風味 冷たいパスタを少し 4種チーズとフレッシュトマトのピーチ 軽く燻したメカジキのガレットとラディッキオ アロマフレスカ風白ワインソース 柑橘のシャーベット 川俣軍鶏の天火焼き 辛いヴィネガーソース 本日のドルチェ 食後の飲み物 メニューを見て少なめでお願いしましたがそれでも量が多かった。どのお皿もかなり華やかで美しいが印象に残ったのは4種チーズとフレッシュトマトのピーチのみ。 特別な日に利用したいイタリアン。おすすめ。
This shop is about a 3-minute walk from Ginza Station and a 1-minute walk from Ginza 1-chome Station. It is an orthodox restaurant with a solid atmosphere and service. Lunch 12100 yen Various small plates Conger eel frit autumn truffle flavor A little cold pasta 4 kinds of cheese and fresh tomato peach Lightly smoked swordfish galette and radicchio aroma fresca-style white wine sauce Citrus sorbet Tenka-yaki of Kawamata military chicken with spicy vinegar sauce Today's Dolce After-meal drinks I looked at the menu and asked for a small amount, but the amount was still large. All the dishes are quite gorgeous and beautiful, but the only thing that impressed me was the peaches of 4 kinds of cheese and fresh tomatoes. Italian that you want to use on a special day. recommendation.
Sarasvatiサラスバティ on Google

味、量、お店の作り、ホスピタリティ含め総合的に見て、東京の洋系では今のところ1番好きだなと思いました?? と言うのも、一切れのカルパッチョをお出ししますと説明をして下さっていたのに、出てきたのが確かに一切れではあるけれど、分厚くステーキのような大きさの寒ブリで、こんな食べ方を家ではなくレストランでしてみたかったので、私の夢のカルパッチョが目の前に出てきたのだから? さすがイタリアンレストラン、パスタ3種類とも凄かったです??✨ 初めのカッペリーニも完璧な湯で加減と白海老のトロッとした感じとキャビアが完璧なマリアージュを口の中で作り上げてくれた? ちょっとこの器は美しいけど食べづらかったけれども? たっぷりトリュフが飾られた2種類目のパスタは自家製のもので、食感に蕎麦っぽさがあってムニムニ柔らかめ。 ソースとよく絡んで美味しかった。 最後は唐辛子たっぷりのトマトソースのパスタ。こんなに辛いトマトソース食べたの初めてなんだけど、辛みにも色々あるのか、自宅で唐辛子入れ過ぎて辛くなりすぎた辛さとは全然違って、病みつきになってしまう辛さなの。 他のお料理に関しても一皿一皿完璧で美しかった上に量も良かったです。 かなり嬉しかったのは、牛肉の美味しさに感動できたこと。 美味しい牛肉は、もちろん美味しいんだけど、ある意味良いレストランに行けば、ハズレることはないのかなと思うようになり、驚くことはなくなっていたけど、久しぶりに牛肉の美味しさに感動できました。 付け合わせのシイタケも素晴らしかったです? デザート編? 私は焼きリンゴ リンゴのミルフィーユもあって迷いまくったんだけど。 焼きリンゴ、アイス、飴細工で見た目も可愛くて幸せ? 彼は迷わず白トリュフのなんちゃらなんちゃらと言う➕料金の珍しいデザートにしていて、変なのと思ったけどちょっと食べてみたらすんごぃ美味しかった? お料理に合わせてペアリング? 色んな種類の白ワイン堪能できて良かった! 最初のシュワシュワ、フランチャコルタ、まったりとしていて濃くがあって気に入ってしまい、最後の1杯におかわりしたほど?? 9時閉店なので、お皿が出てくるのが若干早く、ワインの飲むピッチも早くなり、ちょっと次の日頭がポーッとなっていました。 次回はゆっくり堪能できたらもっと幸せ? パレスホテルのフレンチもそうだったけど、ユーモアを含ませながらも手厚く自然に楽しませてくれるこの日本人のいいところだけをギュッと濃縮したようなサービスを受けると日本人として誇らしいなと思える✨ そして、これまたパレスホテルの中のフレンチもそうだったけど、広いお部屋にいくつかテーブルがあるスタイルのレストラン好きだなぁと思いました。 アットホームでよりリラックスして楽しめる? でも、なぜかこのレストラン電話対応が冷たくてそのことは私だけじゃなく結構みなさん同じ感想を持ってるみたいなんだけど? なのでお電話した時にはあれ?と思うかもしれないですが、大丈夫なので安心して行ってきてください?
Overall, including taste, quantity, shop building, and hospitality, I thought that I like the best Western food in Tokyo so far ?? Because he explained that he would serve a piece of carpaccio, but it was certainly a piece, but it was a thick, steak-sized cold yellowtail. I wanted to try this way of eating at a restaurant instead of at home, so my dream carpaccio came out in front of me ? As expected, the Italian restaurant and all three types of pasta were amazing ??✨ The first capellini was also perfect with hot water, and the sloppy feeling of white shrimp and caviar created a perfect mariage in your mouth ? This bowl is beautiful but hard to eat ? The second type of pasta with plenty of truffles is homemade, and the texture is soba-like and soft. It was delicious because it was well entwined with the sauce. The last is pasta with tomato sauce full of chili peppers. It's the first time I've eaten such a spicy tomato sauce, but maybe there are various spiciness, it's completely different from the spiciness that I put too much pepper at home and it became too spicy, it's spicy that makes me addicted. As for other dishes, each dish was perfect and beautiful, and the amount was also good. What made me very happy was that I was impressed by the deliciousness of the beef. Delicious beef is delicious, of course, but when I went to a good restaurant in a sense, I started to wonder if I wouldn't lose it, and I wasn't surprised, but I was impressed by the deliciousness of the beef for the first time in a while. The garnish shiitake mushrooms were also great ? Dessert edition ? I'm a grilled apple I was at a loss because of the apple millefeuille. Grilled apples, ice cream, and candy work make it look cute and happy ? He didn't hesitate to say what a white truffle was ➕ It was a rare dessert with a price, and I thought it was strange, but when I tried it a little, it was delicious ? Pair according to the dish ? It was good to be able to enjoy various kinds of white wine! The first shwashwa, franciacorta, laid-back and dark, I liked it so much that I replaced it with the last cup ?? The store closed at 9 o'clock, so the plates came out a little earlier, the wine drinking pitch was faster, and the next day was a little pop. I'll be happier next time if I can enjoy it slowly ? As was the case with French at the Palace Hotel, I think I'm proud of being a Japanese person if I receive a service that concentrates only the good points of this Japanese person who is generous and naturally entertaining while including humor. And, like the French restaurant in the Palace Hotel, I thought I like a restaurant with some tables in a large room. More relaxed and enjoyable at home ? But for some reason, this restaurant's phone support is cold and it seems that not only me but everyone has the same impression ? So when you call me that? You may think, but it's okay so please feel free to go ?
Vincent Wang on Google

Very delicious !
Kazuma Matsuoka on Google

Very high-class
Ruslan Pseunok on Google

Amazing 1 star Michelin restaurant! We went for seasonal course and it was just fantastic. For me the highlight was cod with cod roe, I would eat it every day until the rest of my life!!!!
Natasha Aoun on Google

One michelin star restaurant. Went there for lunch!! The food is out of this world. The service is even better. Waiters & staff are sooo nice and smile all the time. Come with an empty stomach and you won’t regret it. Do not expect any vibe from this place. It’s calm and cozy and good for an intimate setting.
monster gourmet on Google

A Michelin starred Italian restaurant. Taste so good. Reasonable price. Must go place.

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