
3.7/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 白久神明社

住所 :

Arakawashiroku, Chichibu, 〒369-1912 Saitama,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.saitama-jinjacho.or.jp/shrine/8984/
街 : Saitama

Arakawashiroku, Chichibu, 〒369-1912 Saitama,Japan
佐藤健司 on Google

Yhaa Choi on Google

かんたろう on Google

2018/12/8 worship
Gaston (ガストン) on Google

There is a tourist toilet on the back
白久神楽師 on Google

Great traditional performing arts such as Kagura mask 35, Kagura music 23, and Shiroku style idiot. 22 seats. Currently, there is only a festival in Corona.
かねこふじお on Google

秩父鉄道沿線を並走する、彩甲斐街道〔国道140国道140線〕紅葉?真っ盛り.荒川白久地区、神明社は三峰口駅より数百㍍に位置‥鋼板仕様の強固な鳥居を構える255年の歴史をもつ古社です。本殿‥摂社の千木に燃えさかる紅葉?の枝ぶりは 正に秩父の秘境です。 あいにくの雨ですが傘をさしての白久御神楽や紅葉?狩りも風情ある勤労感謝の日です。 2時から農産物の直売があります、神明社氏子が丹精込めた山積みの品は破格値で一品も残さず飛ぶように売られて行きます…神楽は17座まで進行、最終の座に…なごやかな舞台には、大山津見神〔山の神〕が登場、佳境を迎える餅撒きは、子供たちの感喜に包まれ?山をつかさどる神は、餅や供え物を惜しげなく余すことなく、紅葉?の空に宝のように撒き? 悠々と神楽の幕に去っていきます。
Arai Koro Highway (National Highway 140 National Highway 140 Line) running along the Chichibu Railway along the Chichibu Railway. In the Arakawa Shiraku area, Shinmeisha is located several hundred kilometers from Mimineguchi Station. The main shrine. The leaves of the autumn leaves that burn in the Senju's trees are truly the secret of Chichibu. Unfortunately, it was a rainy day of work thanks to Shiraku Gokagura and autumn leaves hunting with umbrellas. There is a direct sale of agricultural products from 2 o'clock, the piles of goods that Shinmeisha's sons have carefully sought will be sold to fly without leaving a single item ... Kagura will proceed to 17 seats, the final seat ... On the stage, Oyama Tsumi-jin (mountain god) appears, and the whirl that greets the climax is surrounded by the joy of the children, and the god who controls the mountain is full of spiders and offerings, and the sky of the autumn leaves A whisper like a treasure I will go to the Kagura curtain.

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