Apaman Shop - Niigata

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

3-10 Shinanomachi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8152, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 951-8152
Webサイト : https://sinano-tochi.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM

3-10 Shinanomachi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8152, Japan
くろみさ on Google

急な入居に迅速に対応してくれてとても助かりました。ありがとうございます。 必要書類などは事前に詳しく教えてほしかったです。何度か電話して『確認して折り返しします』が多かった。
It was very helpful to respond quickly to a sudden move in. Thank you very much. I wanted you to tell me the necessary documents in advance. I called several times and often said, "I will check and return."
吉川稔樹 on Google

他県から物件探しに来ました! 男性スタッフSさん親切で対応よかったです! 何社か来店しましたが スタッフSさんが1番適切で 情報量多くて良かったです!
I came to find a property from another prefecture! The male staff S was kind and helpful! I visited some stores, Staff S is the most appropriate It was good to have a lot of information!
ぼんぼん on Google

I was worried about living alone for the first time, but I was very careful to handle everything from telephone support to visiting the property. It was good to be able to find a property happily. Thank you very much!
nao on Google

Thanks to the introduction of my relative, I helped Apaman Shop Shinanomachi. Because it was a remote contract, it was a flow of IT contract (interview via the Internet, explanation of contract contents) to this contract. While this month's inconvenience caused the contract to be barely in the process of preparing to move in one month after the provisional contract, I was thankful for the response that did not work. In addition, I was able to respond flexibly to the questions in the IT serious story and responded later. Since LINE, which has a high penetration rate, is used, exchanges can be made after the contract.
みの on Google

丁寧な対応で、スムーズに家探しできました。 LINEなどからでも気軽に質問できるようで、遠方からの引越しや、電話をする時間がない人でも安心です!
With a courteous response, I was able to find my home smoothly. It seems that you can easily ask questions from LINE etc., and even people who have no time to move or call from a distance are safe!
泉奈津希 on Google

自分の条件にあったアパートをいくつか探してもらえたので、比較しやすかった。対応が丁寧で、わからないことに対して笑顔でわかりやすく教えてもらえたのでとてもよかったです。 自分の職業や生活した時のことも考慮しながら探してもらえたことが親身でよかったです。
I found several apartments that suit my conditions, so it was easy to compare. The response was polite, and it was very good because I was able to teach the things I didn't understand with a smile. I was glad that I was able to look for it while taking into account my job and life.
やま on Google

以前こちらで物件決めた時に対応してくれた女性の方はとても親身になってこちらの条件にあった物件を探していただきました! とても優しくてお綺麗な方で対応も良くとても満足です! しかし、契約してから色々と手続きやトラブルで連絡する機会がありましたが、他の方は無愛想で最悪です。 最初の担当してくれた方は移動になってしまって残念です。
The woman who responded when I decided on the property here was very friendly and asked me to search for a property that met these conditions! He is a very kind and beautiful person, and he is very satisfied with his response! However, after signing the contract, I had the opportunity to contact with various procedures and troubles, but the others are unfriendly and the worst. It is a pity that the first person in charge has moved.
Terry Tan on Google

Nice and friendly staff. Great customer service.

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