Apaman Shop - Takatsuki

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

アパマンショップ高槻中央店の店舗紹介|賃貸仲介・不動産会社【アパマンショップ】 - Apamanshop.com


Contact Apaman Shop

住所 :

仙波ビル 1階 6-7 Konyamachi, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 569-0804
Webサイト : https://www.apamanshop.com/shop/27013402/

仙波ビル 1階 6-7 Konyamachi, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-0804, Japan
sato lily on Google

物件を探すときはいつもお願いしております。 丁寧な説明で案内もスムーズにして下さるので、安心して物件が決めることができます。 いつもありがとうございます。
We always ask when looking for a property. Careful explanations will guide you smoothly, so you can decide on a property with confidence. I am always grateful for your help.
r k on Google

The other day, I made a rental contract. They were very kind and polite, and I was able to sign the contract without worrying about it. Thank you for your convenience.
ほりまお on Google

物件探しが初めてで良いところが見つかるのかなと不安な点がありましたが、とても親切にそしてしっかりアドバイスもして下さったおかげで本当にいい物件を見つける事ができました。 ありがとうございました! これからの新生活が今から楽しみです!
It was my first time to look for a property and I was worried that I could find a good place, but thanks to the kind and thorough advice I was able to find a really good property. thank you very much! I'm looking forward to my new life in the future!
すず on Google

I found a good property, and I was able to make a smooth contract with a polite response and easy-to-understand explanations. It was very helpful because I didn't want to spend time and effort searching for properties and contracting.
- Ri on Google

初めての引っ越しで不安な所を親身に対応して頂き感謝しています。 少しだけ納得いかない事もあり少しモヤモヤが残ったので星4です。
I am grateful for your kindness in dealing with uneasy places when I moved for the first time. It is 4 stars because I was a little unconvinced and a little squid remained.
山中剛 on Google

突然訪問したにも関わらず、親身になって対応頂き、即日決めることができました。 大変助かりました。
Even though I visited suddenly, I was able to take care of myself and decide on the same day. Thank you very much for helping me.
寺田悠里子 on Google

I was able to find a very good property because he listened to the detailed explanation and story in detail. It was good that the guidance was smooth and there was no wasted time.
suzuki rin on Google

I came to look for a house from outside the prefecture, but since I had exchanged on the line in advance, the property was decided quickly on the day I went. The contract after that was smooth, and it was very easy for the person in charge to consult.

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