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minimniFC JR高槻店 - Minimini-jr-takatsuki.jp


About ミニミニFCJR高槻店(株)穂積住宅

〒567-0816 茨木市永代町5-105ソシオ1 1F

TEL.072-620-0211 FAX.072-620-8998  >ホームページ

Contact ミニミニFCJR高槻店(株)穂積住宅

住所 :

Konyamachi, Takatsuki, 〒569-0804 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.minimini-jr-takatsuki.jp/
街 : Osaka

Konyamachi, Takatsuki, 〒569-0804 Osaka,Japan
とろ丸 on Google

光井さんに担当していただきました。 対応は他社と比べ物凄く速いです。 我儘を全部嫌な顔せず聞いていだだき、大変助かりました。全部で15件くらい回ってもらったと思います笑 写真の詳細も細かく撮ってきてくださいます。また次、引っ越しする時もお願いしたいです。ありがとうございました!
Mr. Mitsui was in charge. Correspondence is extremely fast compared to other companies. It was very helpful to listen to all of me without a disgusting face. I think I got around 15 times in total lol Please take the details of the photo in detail. Also, I would like to ask you when you move next time. Thank you very much!
mino i on Google

When I moved to the land for the first time, I was worried a lot, but I was able to find a house with peace of mind because the explanation was very polite. I was able to meet a nice room no more. When I had a problem, I was flexible. I am very happy that Mr. Semoto, who is in charge of helping me in my new life, helped me. Thank you very much! !!
しすたー on Google

It was my first rental contract, but the procedure went smoothly. I felt that the correspondence was polite.
まるー on Google

Thank you very much for your kindness from the beginning to the end. Mr. Semoto, who was in charge of the service, gave me a wonderful response that made me want to be an apprentice in the hospitality business, and I would like to see him respond if there is an opportunity.
rn tnk on Google

瀬本さんに担当して頂きました!大変お世話になりました。 対応のスピード、提案も素晴らしく、すぐに入居を決めました! 新居の近所の美味しいお店もたくさん教えていただき、住み始めるのがとても楽しみです♪ 瀬本さん!ありがとうございました!!
Mr. Semoto was in charge! Thank you for all the help you have given me. The speed of response and suggestions were excellent, and I decided to move in immediately! I'm really looking forward to starting to live after learning about many delicious restaurants in the neighborhood of my new house. Mr. Semoto! thank you very much! !!
Koki Ogo on Google

はじめての家探しでお世話になりました。 瀬本さんにご担当頂き、一番最初のネットからの問い合わせから鍵の受渡、契約まで3週間かからず、早いスピードで行って頂きました。 こちらの難しい要望にも親身に汲み取ってくださり、最高の物件に巡り会うことができました。 物件見学の移動中にも 瀬本さんには、 この辺はどの店が美味しいかなど様々な周辺情報を教えて頂いたので、はじめての土地での生活ですが全く不安がなく、とても楽しみです。 この度は大変お世話になりました! この周辺で物件を探されるのであれば 間違いなくおすすめします!!
Thank you for your help in finding a house for the first time. Mr. Semoto was in charge of it, and it took less than 3 weeks from the very first inquiry from the Internet to the delivery of the key and the contract, and it was done at a high speed. I was able to meet the best property by taking care of this difficult request. Even while moving the property tour To Mr. Semoto I was told about various surrounding information such as which shops are delicious in this area, so I am looking forward to living in the land for the first time without any anxiety. Thank you very much for your help this time! If you are looking for a property in this area Definitely recommended! !!
吉川厚子 on Google

とても親切に、丁寧に対応頂きました。 瀬本さんは優しい若いお父さんで、うちの娘にも気に入られてました。ずっと遊んでもらってました。 ありがとうございました。 岡本さんもユーモアあって面白かったです。
They were very kind and polite. Mr. Semoto was a kind young father, and my daughter liked it. I had you play all the time. Thank you very much. Mr. Okamoto also had humor and was interesting.
のんちむ on Google

JR高槻の駅前にあり、とても親切に、また依頼したことや確認したこと等迅速にご対応いただけました。 家を探す際も色々なわがままで振り回す形となりましたがご担当のタケウチさんありがとうございました!
Located in front of JR Takatsuki station, we were very kind and responded promptly to requests and confirmations. When I was looking for a house, I was swinging around in various ways, but thank you to Mr. Takeuchi in charge!

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