
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茶縁

住所 :

Aoi, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0004 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.chaen-cafe.com/
街 : 区画 Aichi
Description : Simple, plant-filled cafe with wooden tables, offering a variety of matcha tea & sweets.

Aoi, Higashi Ward, 〒461-0004 Aichi,Japan
New Not on Google

インスタで気になっていたお店! お昼過ぎに伺いましたが、運良く待ち無しで入店できました。 抹茶は専門店だけありやはり美味しいです。 和紅茶も美味しく頂くことが出来ました。 フードについては全般的に美味しいですが、人により好みは別れるものもあると思います。
The shop I was interested in on Instagram! I visited the store after noon, but fortunately I was able to enter the store without waiting. Matcha is only a specialty store and is delicious. I was able to enjoy Japanese black tea as well. The food is generally delicious, but I think that some people have different tastes.
溝内橋男 on Google

和紅茶のチャイモンブランと赤日和をいただきました。とてもおいしかったです。 チャイモンブランには塩昆布がついてきて、すこし甘さに飽きてきた頃につまむとリセットできるので、最後まで美味しく食べることができました。 以前はテラス席があったようですが、私が行ったときはありませんでした。 店内は終始落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 感染拡大防止のため、1時間以内の滞在をお願いされましたが、それでもゆったり楽しむことができました。 また行きたいと思います。
I had Chai Mont Blanc of Japanese black tea and red weather. It was very delicious. Chai Mont Blanc comes with salted kelp, and when you get tired of the sweetness, you can reset it by pinching it, so you could eat it deliciously until the end. It seems that there was a terrace seat before, but it wasn't when I went. The atmosphere inside the store was calm from beginning to end. I was asked to stay within an hour to prevent the spread of the infection, but I was still able to enjoy it comfortably. I think I want to go again.
n s on Google

様々な種類の抹茶が楽しめるということで訪問。 連れと異なる種類のを頼みましたがたしかに甘みや苦味に違いがあり面白かったです。あとケーキも抹茶の味が濃く出ていて専門店ならではのこだわりを感じました。 日曜日の3時に訪問し、30分程度並びました。
Visited because you can enjoy various kinds of matcha. I asked for a different kind from my companion, but it was interesting because there was a difference in sweetness and bitterness. Also, the cake has a strong matcha flavor, and I felt the particularity of a specialty store. I visited at 3 o'clock on Sunday and lined up for about 30 minutes.
はるちやんいとちやん on Google

混みあうかと、開店前から開くのを待ちました。 落ち着いた店内で、古い箪笥や、ピアノが置いてあり、予想より席数は多く有りました。 元々老舗のお茶屋さんが、お茶をふんだんに使ったケーキを作って売っているとサイトで見つけて、お茶を嗜んでるお友だちを誘って行ってきました。 ちょっとお値段は高いですが、甘ったるくなく、お抹茶の味を存分に味わうことが出来ました。 ケーキの他にも、本来のお茶の他に、どくだみ茶なども少量から、またお茶のお道具等もお値打ちに買い求めることが出来るお店でした。
I waited for it to open before it opened. There were old chests of drawers and pianos in the calm interior, and there were more seats than expected. Originally, a long-established tea shop found on the site that they made and sold cakes using plenty of tea, and invited friends who enjoyed tea. It's a little expensive, but it's not sweet and I was able to fully enjoy the taste of matcha. In addition to cakes, in addition to the original tea, you can buy a small amount of Houttuynia cordata, tea tools, etc. at a reasonable price.
mochi choco on Google

Visited on Saturday morning. The parking lot was vacant, and there were about 3 groups of customers in the store, and it was comfortable with just the right distance. During the cherry blossom season, I had "Sencha, Sakura, and Strawberry Mont Blanc" and iced Japanese black tea. It was very delicious. I want to have a different menu, so I would like to come back again.
8823 spitz on Google

抹茶スイーツが食べたくなったので検索をかけ、 ヒットした「日本茶喫茶 茶縁」を訪問。 店舗脇に無料駐車場が4台分ありましたが、 埋まっていたのでコインパーキングを利用。 日曜午後4時の訪問でテーブルの空きは3卓。 ドリンクを最低1杯は注文する必要があるので、 抹茶ラテのホットを注文。 抹茶のベイクドチーズケーキも頼みました。 【抹茶ラテ(hot)、抹茶のベイクドチーズケーキ】 抹茶ラテはホットとは言うもののぬるいです。 ほんのり苦味のある味わいで、 付属のグラニュー糖(3g)を入れると甘くなります。 個人的には甘めの方が好きなので、 入れて正解でした。 抹茶のベイクドチーズケーキは、 見た目こそ緑色で抹茶が強そうに感じます。 しかし食べてみるとチーズケーキ感が強く、 抹茶好きとしてはやや物足りない印象。 とはいえお店の雰囲気は良く、 抹茶スイーツの種類は豊富ですので、 抹茶好きには是非オススメしたいお店です。 ごちそうさまでした。
I wanted to eat matcha sweets, so I searched for it and Visited the hit "Japanese Tea Cafe Chaen". There was a free parking lot for 4 cars beside the store, Since it was buried, I used coin parking. There are 3 tables available for the visit at 4 pm on Sunday. You need to order at least one drink, so I ordered hot matcha latte. I also ordered a matcha baked cheesecake. [Matcha latte (hot), matcha baked cheesecake] Matcha latte is hot but lukewarm. With a slightly bitter taste, Add the included granulated sugar (3g) to make it sweeter. Personally, I prefer sweetness, so It was the correct answer. Matcha baked cheesecake is It looks green and the matcha looks strong. However, when I tried it, it had a strong cheesecake feel. Impression that is a little unsatisfactory for matcha lovers. However, the atmosphere of the shop is good, There are many types of matcha sweets, so If you like matcha, this is a restaurant that you definitely want to recommend. Thank you for the meal.
zara k-tai on Google

Confectionery shop and cafe specialized in matcha, green tea, roasted green tea etc.....cafe has varieties of sweets and drinks..no need to make lines for take away shops. I bought rice powder cupcake and a slice of pound cake. Very thick green tea and roast tea color and flavor. A bit expensive but it's a treat for yourself or would be a good gift for someone.
Ingrid Cheung on Google

Great interior design and wonderful selections on the menu. The matcha flavor is good but some of the items were a bit too sweet for me personally. The portions were great and reasonably priced. The warm hojicha went really well with all the sweets.

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