布大根 - Nagoya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 布大根

住所 :

Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0004 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 461-0004
街 : Aichi

Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0004 Aichi,Japan
琴子 on Google

I asked a friend to take me to it, but there were many cloths that could be used for dolls, and there were also various thin cloths with small patterns that were good value for money. It can be like a hideaway. The staff was friendly. I definitely want to go there again.
rose yamaguchi on Google

店内には、反物がずらりと並び、ほとんどのものが1m300円や400円でした。いろいろな種類の布がありますが、品質表示がないので勘に頼るしかありません。 ただ、自分が気に入ったものがあればかなりお得だと思います。幅は最大2mほどあるものもあり、服地以外にもいろいろ作れそうでした。通の方向け。
The store was lined with cloth, and most of them cost 300 yen or 400 yen per meter. There are various types of cloth, but there is no quality label, so you have to rely on your intuition. However, if there is something you like, I think it's a great deal. Some of them have a maximum width of about 2m, so I could make various things other than clothing. For connoisseurs.
天野雀 on Google

I don't know if I'm looking at it or not, but the bills that are open are out. Cloth is cheap, but most knitted and terror-free fabrics (sober) do not seem to be cotton. The inside of the store also feels light. It was actually dark.
大野恵美 on Google

娘と孫と3人で行ったら 店の人に言いがかりを付けられて 怖かった?
If you go with your daughter and grandson Being blamed by the shop staff I was scared ?
Yosuke Ono on Google

I asked for my wife's purchase. The feeling of a warehouse is not perfect.
mm R on Google

ベビーカーで子供乗せて行ったら 奥から出てきて無言で立ち止まりじーーって子供のこと見て 子供が持ってたティッシュを見て 「食いもんじゃないよね」って陰険に言われ 「違います。」って言ったら無視して行ってしまい嫌な感じになりすぐ帰りました。 もう2度と行きたいとは思いませんね。
If you carry a child in a stroller Come out from the back and stop silently to see the child Look at the tissue that the child had "It's not a monjayaki, isn't it?" When I said "No," I ignored it and felt uncomfortable and went home immediately. I don't want to go there again.
うききう on Google

Google, why don't you stop evaluating people and stores with ★? !! There are many people who get hurt by seeing the comments. Would you like to write and feel refreshed? What about the opposite position? Hmmm, isn't it just a ★ without comments? It's a sad world.
おやゆびでっかい on Google

学生です。 口コミが荒れていたので少し身構えていたのですが、良いお店でした。 店長さんが素晴らしい。 布も買わない得体の知れない僕に店長さんは 2,3時間も親身になって相談に乗ってくれました。 とてもタメになりました。 また行きたいです。
I am a student. The word of mouth was rough, so I was a little prepared, but it was a good shop. The store manager is wonderful. The store manager tells me that I don't even buy cloth He was kind enough to give me a consultation for a few hours. It was very bad. I want to go again.

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