Amano Clinic - Yokohama

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Amano Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-17-7 Kishiya, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0078, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 230-0078
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

1 Chome-17-7 Kishiya, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0078, Japan
たかおさん on Google

ポムポムプリン on Google

診察中先生が目も合わせてくれませんでした。 処方された薬も効かず違う病院に行きました。 ホームページを見て優しそうな先生だと思って行きましたが、実際はあんまりでした。
The teacher didn't even look at me during the examination. The prescribed medicine didn't work and I went to a different hospital. Looking at the homepage, I thought he was a kind teacher, but in reality it wasn't so much.
いゆ on Google

先生は、そんなに優しい話し方とかではないのですが質問すればちゃんと答えてくれますし、スタッフの方に対して優しい感じがします。 外面が良い先生よりこういう先生の方がなんだか良い印象です。
The teacher doesn't speak so kindly, but if you ask a question, he/she answers properly, and he feels kind to the staff. This kind of teacher has a better impression than a teacher with a good external appearance.
セリオスト on Google

痒みがあり婦人科を受診しました あまり混んでいない時間に行ったからなのか、比較的早く呼ばれました 他の病院なら、診察前に症状など問診票で書かなきゃいけない所を、診察時に先生に話す感じです いつもの婦人科は予約をしなきゃいけないし、予約しても待たされるので、子連れだったので早く終わって良かったです 子供が途中で騒ぎ出してしまいましたが、あまり気にせずと言った感じで見てもらえたので私は助かりました
I had an itching and went to a gynecologist. I was called relatively early, probably because I went there when it was not crowded At other hospitals, I feel like talking to my doctor at the time of the medical examination that I have to write the symptoms and other information on the medical questionnaire before the medical examination. I have to make a reservation for the usual gynecology, and I have to wait even if I make a reservation, so it was nice to finish early because I was with a child The child started making noise on the way, but I was saved because I felt like I did not mind so much
千紘 on Google

It was really the worst. This is the first time for a doctor to have such an unpleasant impression. On the other hand, I didn't hear any symptoms, and I was only asking questions about menstruation and gynecology, even though I had a cold. I couldn't hear the question and when I asked it again, I was glared. The examination room was also very dirty and full of documents, and the desk for writing medical records was also a pile of documents. As a result, no name was given and only the medicine was given. I will never go again. There is nothing credible or rewarding. Remember that the patient is walking hard to ask for help, even if he is physically distressed.
porupo on Google

患者間違いをされた。診察もされていないのにお会計に呼ばれどういうことか確認したところ、似た苗字の違う患者が受診されていた。 普段行く病院や健康診断ではまず初めに名前の確認があるがこの病院では確認すらしていないようだった。 結局長く待たされた挙句に医師からは謝罪もなし。(受付の方は謝ってくれました)私のカルテは修正液で汚くなっており、デリケートな問題を扱うレディースクリニックなのに信用出来なくなり通うのをやめた。もう行きません。
The patient made a mistake. When I was called by the treasurer to check what it was like even though I hadn't been examined, patients with similar surnames were being examined. At the hospitals and health checkups I usually go to, the name is confirmed first, but it seems that this hospital does not even confirm it. After all, there was no apology from the doctor for the long wait. (The receptionist apologized.) My medical record was dirty with correction fluid, and although it was a ladies clinic dealing with delicate issues, I couldn't trust it and stopped going. I won't go anymore.
タイラー on Google

受付のメガネの若い?女性、すごく態度悪く、毎度びっくりする。 この前は呼ばれた時間に行ったら、待合室で横になって寝ていた。起こされて不機嫌そうに出てきた。見ないようにしてあげたけど。。 その後も不遜な態度。今回行くとまた待合室でテレビ見てたのか、ふてくされた様子で出てきた。慌てる様子もなく、受付に回りポケットに手を突っ込んだまま応対。目を疑った。
Are you young with glasses at the reception? A woman has a very bad attitude and is always surprised. The other day, when I was called, I was lying down in the waiting room and sleeping. I was awakened and came out in a bad mood. I tried not to see it. .. Even after that, he has an irreverent attitude. When I went this time, I thought I was watching TV in the waiting room again, and it came out as if I was disappointed. He didn't seem to be in a hurry and went to the reception and responded with his hand in his pocket. I doubted my eyes.
Slinn Karen on Google

The teacher is normal. I was surprised that the two women (young and aunt) with glasses at the reception were uncomfortable. Even if I say hello, it doesn't come back. When I went to get the pill a little earlier, I was sharply told, "It's too early." I was surprised at the honest response because there was no explanation in advance. I put up with it because I just went to get pills, but I'm offended every time, so I won't go anymore.

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