ウェル ~all is well~

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウェル ~all is well~

住所 :

Shimokato, Chuo, 〒409-3821 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://cafe-all-is-well.jimdo.com/
街 : Yamanashi

Shimokato, Chuo, 〒409-3821 Yamanashi,Japan
yoshimi Aki on Google

米粉で作った ふわふわのワッフル がとっても美味しかったです? 店内はコロナ対策がされていて? 安心して食事が出来ました?
Fluffy waffles made from rice flour It was very delicious ? Corona measures are taken inside the store ? I was able to eat with confidence ?
Yanaやな on Google

Not only sweets using berries, banana chocolate and seasonal fruits, but also meat sauce, curry sauce, tuna salad, poached egg and other meals are very delicious, combined with the unique texture of rice flour waffles ?
しおり on Google

ワッフルがふわふわサクサク? お食事系ワッフルからスイーツ系ワッフルの他、チャーハンやペンネもあり、種類豊富✨ ソフトドリンク〜お酒まで取り揃えてあり、女性同士やカップルの方ももちろん、男性同士でも気兼ねなく立ち寄れます☺️男女問わず、お一人様も多くご来店されていました? また、お水にもこだわっており美味しい天然水が頂けますよ? お値段もお腹も満足です✨
The waffles are fluffy and crispy ? In addition to meal-type waffles and sweets-type waffles, there are also fried rice and penne, and there are a wide variety of ✨ We have a wide range of soft drinks and alcohol, so women and couples as well as men can drop in without hesitation ☺️ Many men and women visited the store ? In addition, we are particular about water and you can get delicious natural water ? I am satisfied with the price and stomach ✨
annie jp on Google

山梨県産の米粉を使ったグルテンフリーのワッフル屋さん。 山梨大学病院近くの大通りから、少し入った住宅地にあるので少し分かりにくかったですが、大きな看板が目印です。 私達がうかがった時はコロナ騒動前だっので、駐車場が埋まってるくらいお客さんでにぎわっていました☺ 焼きたての米粉ワッフルは外サクサク♪中ふわふわ♪めっちゃ美味しいかったー✨ 私は季節限定イチゴのワッフルを注文しましたが、甘くない食事系ワッフルもあるそうです。 残念ながら、このサクフワを味わう為、お持ち帰りが出来ません?でも温かいワッフルを直ぐにたべるのが一番美味しいので、ぜひイートインで(’-’*)♪ 家族で経営されているのかな? とってもほんわかとした、穏やかな時間が流れているお店です(〃´ω`〃) いろんなレッスンもしているようで、店内に大きなピアノもありましたよ☺️
A gluten-free waffle shop using rice flour from Yamanashi prefecture. It's a little difficult to understand because it's in a residential area a little from the main street near Yamanashi University Hospital, but the big signboard is a landmark. When we asked, it was before the Corona turmoil, so it was crowded with customers so much that the parking lot was filled up ☺ Freshly baked rice flour waffles are crispy outside ♪ Medium fluffy ♪ It was really delicious ✨ I ordered a seasonal strawberry waffle, but it seems that there are some meal type waffles that are not sweet. Unfortunately, I can't take it home to taste this sakufuwa ? But it's best to eat warm waffles immediately, so please eat in ('-'*)♪ Is it run by a family? It is a shop with a very soft and calm time (〃´ω`〃) There seemed to be various lessons, and there was a big piano in the store too.☺️
大久保いさお on Google

期間限定のメイプルチキンワッフル‼️ フライドチキンに甘いメイプルシロップがかかってます。意外な美味しさ☺
Maple chicken waffles for a limited time! ️ Fried chicken with sweet maple syrup. Surprisingly delicious ☺
chigusa shimizu on Google

外はサクサク、中はもちもちの米粉ワッフル。 種類も色々あって楽しめます? アットホームな雰囲気で、ついつい長居をしてしまいました。
Crispy outside and sticky rice flour waffle inside. There are various types and you can enjoy it ? In a homey atmosphere, I just stayed long.
ゑみれをな on Google

You can eat crispy waffles until the end. It seems that it will be vacant if there is no event. I also recommend that it is not sweet.
SeokJun Jung on Google

写真は誕生日の時の写真ですが、ワッフル専門店のとうりにすごく美味しいワッフルを販売してます! びっくりするほど美味しいです笑 ワッフル以外にも色々ありますが、ティー系の飲み物もおすすめです! 店員さんもすごいいいお方ですので是非行ってみてください?
The photo is taken at the time of my birthday, but I sell very delicious waffles at a waffle specialty store! It's amazingly delicious lol There are many other drinks besides waffles, but tea drinks are also recommended! The clerk is also a great person, so please go there ?

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