Audi Nishitokyo - Kodaira

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Audi Nishitokyo

住所 :

3 Chome-13-9 Onumacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 187-0001
Webサイト :

3 Chome-13-9 Onumacho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0001, Japan
なほ on Google

車検でお世話になる事になりました。が A3だからか?いつも 軽視されます。購入した時の担当は直ぐに辞め 担当というか スタッフがいつも変わります。 車検の為 車を持ち込んだ時 保険のお金は現金払いの話を伝えてもらってなく 近くのコンビニでキャッシングしろとの指示される始末。今回の車検の見積りも意味なく、 終わった時の請求がバッテリーを変更したからと 承諾もなく高くなったり 。クレームの電話で責任者を出しての声も届かず 再度連絡するとの話もそのまま無視の本当に ブラックなフザケタお店。お客様サービスのところに電話しましたが そちらもハッキリしない。何方か クレームがシッカリ届く方法 ご存知ありませんか? Audi買うなら 他が店が良いですょ。
Thank you for your help in the car inspection. Is it because it is A3? It is always neglected. The person in charge at the time of purchase quits immediately, or the staff always changes. When I brought in a car for vehicle inspection, I was instructed to cash the insurance money at a nearby convenience store without being told about cash payment. The estimate for this vehicle inspection is also meaningless, and the bill at the end is high without consent because the battery was changed. A really black fuzaketa shop that ignores the story of contacting again without receiving the voice of the person in charge on the complaint phone. I called the customer service, but it's not clear either. Does anyone know how to get a complaint? If you buy Audi, other stores are good.
tata “sosk” on Google

Thank you very much for responding to this urgent request for your convenience!
tatsu .m on Google

認定中古車の購入の際に相談をさせていただきました。 最終的に、車体の条件面を考慮して別の販売店様での成約となりましたが、こちらで担当いただいた齋藤様は、他店以上にスピーディな初動でした。将来乗り換えの際には、また相談させていただきいと考えております。
We consulted when purchasing a certified used car. In the end, the contract was concluded at another dealer in consideration of the conditions of the car body, but Mr. Saito, who was in charge of this, was the first move faster than other dealers. We would like to consult with you again when you change trains in the future.
S K on Google

A very friendly response to the first visits from other customers. The showroom is large, but is the number packed? So a rugged impression. It's a bit difficult to see the whole body with hiki.
J RHK on Google

It was good to have a very lively customer service and an open showroom. Cars are important, but you want to buy a car in a place where sales and atmosphere are good.
ぬこた on Google

Audi西東京店と言うより、運営会社であるビジョナリングがヤバいです。 会社として、令和の時代にブラック過ぎる印象を受けます。 まず、従業員が長続きせず退職者が多いのか、お店では慢性的なマンパワー不足を感じます。 試乗などで伺っても、少しでも客が多いと何十分も放置プレーにされますし、何より担当営業マンが本当にコロコロ代わります。 その対応として、ところてん方式で新たに人を雇ったとしても、社歴が浅いため、どうしても車両に関しての知識不足が目立ちます。 (若手に至っては、社会人や営業マンとしてのとしての教養・知識も十分に与えられていないような…) Audi調布やAudiさいたまに伺ったところ、少なからず多摩地区の購買客がビジョナリング系列(西東京、立川、八王子)から他ディーラー店に切り換えているという話を伺いました。 Audiの車自体は素晴らしいと思っていますが、ディーラー店としてはちょっと心配と言いますか、不信感を抱きます。 車輛の性能も大事ですが、高い買い物である以上、単に車だけでなく、ディーラーもしっかり選ぶことをオススメします。
Visioning, the operating company, is more dangerous than the Audi Nishitokyo store. As a company, I get the impression that it is too black in the era of Reiwa. First of all, I feel a chronic lack of manpower at the store, probably because the employees do not last long and there are many retirees. Even if you ask for a test drive, if there are even a few customers, you will be left unattended for tens of minutes, and above all, the sales person in charge will really take over. As a response, even if you hire a new person by the Tokoroten method, the lack of knowledge about the vehicle is conspicuous because the company has a short history. (It seems that young people are not fully educated and knowledgeable as members of society and sales staff ...) When I visited Audi Chofu and Audi Saitama, I heard that not a few buyers in the Tama area are switching from the visionary line (West Tokyo, Tachikawa, Hachioji) to other dealers. I think the Audi car itself is great, but as a dealer, I'm a little worried or distrustful. The performance of the vehicle is also important, but since it is a high-priced shopping, we recommend that you choose not only the car but also the dealer.
Nobuhiro Itoh on Google

very good
Kyo To on Google

Nice store. Kind and friendly staff :)

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