たつみ屋 ヨドバシAKIBA店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たつみ屋 ヨドバシAKIBA店

住所 :

Kanda Hanaokacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0028 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : https://kiwa-group.co.jp/tatsumi_akihabara/
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Hanaokacho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0028 Tokyo,Japan
ゾロ博 on Google

日曜日のランチで訪問 牛バラすき焼き定食、国産豚角煮定食を頂きました すき焼きは肉の量がかなり多いです〰️食べきれない程です (中高年には…(笑)) 豚角煮も美味しく頂きました ご馳走さまでした?
Visit for lunch on Sunday I had a beef rose sukiyaki set meal and a domestic pork kakuni set meal. The amount of meat in sukiyaki is quite large. (In middle and old age ... (laughs)) The pork kakuni was also delicious. It was a treat ?
11735151 NAMIO on Google

唐揚げ定食 よく揚げてありましたがお肉が硬かったです。 また、隣のチキンカツが草鞋かと思いました。 あれなら、草鞋カツにして店の名物にしちゃえば良いかと思います。 柳川鍋が気になりました。浅草だけに
Fried chicken set meal It was fried well, but the meat was hard. Also, I thought that the chicken cutlet next to me was a strawberry shoe. In that case, I think it would be better to make the straw cutlet and make it a specialty of the store. I was interested in Yanagawa nabe. Only in Asakusa
がっちゃん on Google

牛バラすき焼き定食を頂きました。某牛丼チェーンのすき焼き定食と比較すると肉は多分、2倍以上!? なので、ご飯とタマゴの配分を考えないと後半は肉のみを食べることになります。いや、なりました。笑 すき焼き、ご飯、味噌汁、タマゴ、お新香が付いて来ました。 値段は場所を考えると高くはないと思います。
I had a beef sukiyaki set meal. Compared to the sukiyaki set meal of a certain beef bowl chain, the meat is probably more than double! ?? Therefore, if you do not consider the distribution of rice and eggs, you will eat only meat in the second half. No, it is. Lol Comes with sukiyaki, rice, miso soup, eggs, and new incense. I don't think the price is high considering the location.
井上勢矢 on Google

豚角煮定食がすごく美味しかったです。 豚角煮はほろほろで味がしみていて、笑みがこぼれてしまうような味わいでした。 また、味噌汁もしっかりとした野菜の旨味があり、美味しかったです。
The pork kakuni set meal was very delicious. The pork kakuni was slightly savory and had a taste that made me smile. Also, the miso soup had a strong vegetable flavor and was delicious.
鬼丸 on Google

目当ての店に振られたので、買い物ついでに頂きました。 14時過ぎでも店内はほぼ満員ですが、そこそこ回転してるので、暫く待てば通して貰えます。 目当てのマウンテンチキンカレーを注文。 見た目どおり、なかなかのボリューム。 カツが3重に積まれてますな。 カレーがサラサラですりおろし野菜みたいな食感で、さっぱりしてます。 お陰でカツが多くても、もたれる事なく頂けました。 スパイシー感はかなり強く、食べながら汗が吹き出ますが、辛すぎではない~唐辛子的な意味でのあまり辛口では無いです。 塩分も控え目な感じ、そのため味的にはしっかりしてても、パンチにかける様に感じるが、このカツ量に合わせるならベスト。 なんなら醤油かけると良いと思う。 このカレーソースは汎用性が高そう。 味変要素として柴漬けが欲しくなりました。
I was swayed to the store I was looking for, so I went shopping. Even after 14:00, the store is almost full, but it's spinning so you can wait for a while. I ordered the mountain chicken curry I was looking for. As it looks, it's quite a volume. The cutlets are piled up in three layers. The curry is smooth and has a texture like grated vegetables and is refreshing. Thanks to that, even if I had a lot of cutlets, I was able to get it without leaning. The spicy feeling is quite strong, and sweat blows out while eating, but it is not too spicy-it is not very dry in the sense of chili pepper. The salt content is also modest, so even if the taste is solid, it feels like punching, but it is best to match this amount of cutlet. I think it's best to sprinkle soy sauce on it. This curry sauce seems to be highly versatile. I wanted Shibazuke as a taste-changing element.
ka i on Google

2022/04/10 日曜日18時過ぎに訪問。 4割くらいの客入り。 ヨドバシカメラ秋葉原のレストラン街にあるお店。 ヨドバシカメラ秋葉原のレストラン街はここ半年くらい3割くらいのお店が閉店して椅子テーブルありのフリースペースになってる。ちょっと寂しい。 メニューは揚げ物の丼や天ぷら定食やすき焼き鍋やどぜう鍋や刺身がある。 安い定食は800円代からお高いすき焼きは6000円。 価格差これでいいのか? 過去4回くらい来てるけどメニュー多くてぜんぜん攻略出来ていないけど豚の角煮や生姜焼き美味し。 今日はアジフライ定食にハムカツに豚の角煮定食。 これだけ頼んで3,000くらい。 提供は速い。 たっぷりのキャベツのみじん切りに レモンにカラシにマヨネーズにソース。 うん美味しいねえ。 お隣さんは仕事帰りのビシッとスーツ着てる30代のお嬢さん1人客。そう言う層もお気軽に入れる雰囲気良し。 BGMは渋い落語のCDとヨドバシの店内放送w 良いよねえ。ここは撤退しないでほしい。
2022/04/10 Visited after 18:00 on Sunday. About 40% of customers enter. Yodobashi Camera A shop in the restaurant area of ​​Akihabara. In the restaurant area of ​​Yodobashi Camera Akihabara, about 30% of the shops have closed for about half a year and it has become a free space with chairs and tables. a bit lonely. The menu includes fried rice bowls, tempura set meals, sukiyaki pots, dojo nabe and sashimi. Cheap set meals start at 800 yen and expensive sukiyaki starts at 6000 yen. Price difference Is this all right? I've been there about 4 times in the past, but I haven't been able to capture it at all because there are many menus, but the pork stew and ginger are delicious. Today we have Aji fry set meal, ham cutlet and pork kakuni set meal. I asked for this and it was about 3,000. Offer is fast. For chopped plenty of cabbage Lemon, mustard, mayonnaise and sauce. Yeah it ’s delicious. The neighbor is a young lady in her thirties wearing a suit on her way home from work. The atmosphere is good so that you can feel free to enter such layers. BGM is a bitter rakugo CD and Yodobashi's in-store broadcast w It's good. Please do not withdraw here.
Satoshi Kageyama on Google

traditional Japanese cuisine especially pot dishes.
Andrew Prelusky on Google

Another of those "we have nothing like this in the USA" stores. Floor after floor of electronics, games, appliances, and restaurants. If you've played Persona 4, this is basically Junes. Oh, and they still sell PSP games here.

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