日本大正村 無料駐車場

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本大正村 無料駐車場

住所 :

Akechicho, Ena, 〒509-7731 Gifu,Japan

街 : Gifu

Akechicho, Ena, 〒509-7731 Gifu,Japan
ぷにぷにまんの父 on Google

It is a walk from here. Everyone is confused once without knowing where Taishomura is.
2666 10993 on Google

It is a parking lot that can be parked for free. It is located at the entrance of Taishomura, and there are souvenir shops and tourist information centers nearby.
ねもちゃん on Google

Used when going to the Ena Taiga Drama Museum where Kirin comes. Many cars are stopped for free, and getting in and out is easy. A toilet is also installed.
Uncle Rider on Google

Thank you for free ♪
金田金男 on Google

土曜の昼頃行ったけど止めれました。 散策途中に遠山桜発見。
I went there around noon on Saturday, but I couldn't stop. Discovered Toyama cherry blossoms during the walk.
ワクワク旅人 on Google

名古屋から70分、天気の良い休日はのんびり大正村をお散歩食べ歩きも良いです。 無料駐車場でお店が多数あり、カフェやランチしてみては?
70 minutes from Nagoya, it is good to take a leisurely walk and eat in Taishomura on a sunny holiday. There are many shops in the free parking lot, so why not try a cafe or lunch?
Kohrista 901 on Google

日本大正村の入口に位置する無料駐車場で、50台以上停められる比較的広い駐車場です。 入って右奥には古い感じの公衆トイレがありますが、冬季や遅い時間帯には閉まります。 左奥には売店があり、いま佳境に入った大河ドラマの明智光秀グッズ売ってます。そのさらに奥にはこれまた古い造りの小さな倉庫があり軒先を利用した喫煙所があります。 いつもバイクなのでその喫煙所付近に停めますが、その倉庫の脇から出られ、大正村の各施設へ橋を渡り向かえます。橋を渡り大正村内の雰囲気ある十六銀行の向かいに五平餅屋さんがあります。 1本180円で三河風の甘辛テイストがおいしいです。 その五平餅屋さんの北側に大正村メインストリートぽい写真添付の雰囲気ある通りがあり、意味ありげな祠もありますので、ゆっくり散歩出来る方は見てみられたらいいと思います。
It is a free parking lot located at the entrance of Nihon Taishomura, and it is a relatively large parking lot where more than 50 cars can be parked. There is an old-fashioned public toilet on the far right side of the entrance, but it closes in winter and late hours. There is a shop on the far left, where you can buy Akechi Mitsuhide goods from the taiga drama that has just entered the climax. Further back, there is another small old warehouse and a smoking area using the eaves. Since it is always a motorcycle, I park it near the smoking area, but I can get out from the side of the warehouse and cross the bridge to each facility in Taishomura. Gohei Mochiya is located across the bridge and opposite the atmospheric Juroku Bank in Taisho Village. The sweet and spicy taste of Mikawa style is delicious for 180 yen per bottle. On the north side of the Gohei mochi shop, there is a street with an atmosphere like Taishomura main street with a photo attached, and there is also a meaningful shrine, so I think that those who can take a leisurely walk should take a look.
伊藤誠一 on Google

It is a fairly large parking lot in Taishomura's impossible parking lot ?️. From here, you can walk slowly to the highlights without having to stay for 30 minutes.

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