レンジャージム 赤坂店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レンジャージム 赤坂店

住所 :

Akasaka, Minato City, 〒107-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://ranger.co.jp/facilities/akasaka/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

ほのか on Google

初心者未経験でも全然問題ない環境で1から丁寧に教えてくれます。トレーナーの方はプロの方やタイ人の方がいて、 レベルにあわせて指導してくれます。コロナ対策もちゃんとされてます。
Even if you are an inexperienced beginner, it will teach you carefully from 1 in an environment where there is no problem at all. There are professional trainers and Thai trainers, It will guide you according to your level. Corona measures are also taken properly.
R S on Google

駅から近く綺麗でフルサイズのリングもあり 都内に何店舗もあり全店舗通い放題で 好きな時間にいけます 丁寧に現役プロ選手やタイ人が教えてくれて 男性、女性、シャワーも別でついてウェアやタオルもレンタルがあるので手ぶらでいけます 通いたいキックボクシングジム都内ナンバー1に選ばれる理由がわかります とてもオススメのジムで 自分はキックボクシングやったあとにフリーウェイトを締めでやるルーティンです これからもよろしくおねがいします
There is also a beautiful full size ring near the station There are many stores in Tokyo and you can go to all the stores as much as you want You can go at your favorite time Carefully taught by active professional players and Thai people Men, women, and showers are separate, and clothing and towels are available for rental, so you can go empty-handed. You can see why you are selected as the number one kickboxing gym in Tokyo At a highly recommended gym I'm a routine to tighten free weights after doing kickboxing Thank you in the future
町田慎太郎 on Google

赤坂店オープンから会員でやらせてもらってます。 口コミに‘‘反社会系のジム‘‘とのレビューがありますが、真っ赤なウソですね。 タトゥーのある会員やトレーナーさんも中にはいますが皆親切です。
I have been a member since the opening of the Akasaka store. There is a review in the word of mouth with "Anti-social gym", but it's a bright red lie. There are some members and trainers with tattoos, but they are all kind.
大滝真吾 on Google

広くて綺麗! リングも大きくてとてもいいジムだと 思います! トレーナーさんも親切で丁寧に教えてくれるので初心者でも安心して始められました!
Wide and beautiful! The ring is big and it ’s a very nice gym. think! The trainer is also kind and polite, so even beginners can start with peace of mind!
田中ひろし on Google

会員になって現在2か月、仕事場の近くなので平日はほぼ毎日通わせていただいております。 都心に大きくかまえていながら月11000円という値段で通えるのは安いと思います。 トレーナーの指導も親切で全くの初心者でしたがおかげさまでだいぶ動けるようになりました! 筋トレの器具もある程度そろっているため、続かなかった筋トレも細々ですが続いております。
I have been a member for 2 months now, and since it is near my workplace, I go there almost every weekday. I think it's cheap to go to the city center for a monthly price of 11,000 yen. The trainer's guidance was kind and I was a complete beginner, but thanks to you, I am able to move a lot! Since we have a certain amount of muscle training equipment, the muscle training that did not continue is continuing, although it is small.
Chiharu Hattori on Google

The gym is fully equipped and easy for women to go to. ✨ The changing rooms for men and women are equipped with shower rooms! There is a training space and full ring and it is beautiful ? Even one woman will teach you carefully from the basics, and it is good that the trainer and members have a friendly atmosphere and can train according to the purpose ? Seriously professional Those who are aiming and beginners will be stimulated by training in the same space! It is a recommended gym for kids to enjoy training with trainers ??
Pretty Nouchan on Google

30代前半女性、格闘技未経験から始めました。20代後半から通っています。レベルは初級です。 初級〜上級の人まで丁寧に教えてくれるジムです。 中、上級やプロ、インストラクターの方々は本気で格闘技というスポーツに向き合ってる方々が集まっていて、モチベーションがとても高いです。 ジムの雰囲気はフレンドリーです。 わからないことや、困っていることがあればインストラクターの方はもちろん、上級の方、プロの方に聞いても親切に教えてくれます。みんなで強くなろう!という気持ちが伝わってきます。 30〜40分ほどの練習で有酸素、無酸素運動どちらもできる時短スポーツですし、ジムの雰囲気も良いので、お仕事が忙しい方や、趣味などに時間をたくさん使いたい方には、特におススメです! 個人的に、練習後は下半身の浮腫が取れて靴がブカブカになるのでそれが気持ちいいです。
I started with a female in her early 30s who had no experience in martial arts. I have been attending since my late 20s. The level is beginner. It is a gym that carefully teaches beginners to advanced people. Intermediate, advanced, professional, and instructors are very motivated by the fact that there are people who are seriously facing the sport of martial arts. The atmosphere of the gym is friendly. If you have any questions or problems, not only instructors but also advanced and professional people will kindly tell you. Let's get stronger together! I can feel that. It is a time-saving sport where you can do both aerobic and anaerobic exercise with 30 to 40 minutes of practice, and the atmosphere of the gym is good, so it is especially suitable for those who are busy with work or who want to spend a lot of time for hobbies. I recommend it! Personally, after practicing, the edema of the lower body is removed and the shoes become fluffy, which is comfortable.
pazoo pazoo on Google

雰囲気がとても良いジムです。インストラクターの方も慣れるまでしっかり基礎を教えてくれますし、ジムに来る上級の会員さんも聞くと優しく教えてくれます。 他のジムにはあまり見られない大きなリングで、他の会員さんともスパーリングができます。最近は女性も増えて活気があります。
It is a gym with a very nice atmosphere. The instructor will teach you the basics until you get used to it, and the senior members who come to the gym will kindly teach you. It is a large ring that is not often seen in other gyms, and you can sparr with other members. Recently, the number of women is increasing and it is lively.

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