Akafudado Miyoshi - Miyoshi

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akafudado Miyoshi

住所 :

Kamisugo-1-91 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト : https://www.megane-akafudado.com/store/miyoshi.html

Kamisugo-1-91 Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, Aichi 470-0224, Japan
本沢剣(ぷりんす) on Google

As a chain store, it has an average feel. It faces a large national highway that connects Nagoya and Toyota City, and because of its convenient transportation, I get the impression that it is always crowded even on weekdays after evening. The price is sold as a flat ticket, and it seems to be the set price. It's a weird way of saying that it's safe, but there is a trade-off in fun. The clerk will be kind and polite. If you buy more than one, you will get a discount on the second one, so it feels good when you buy with your family.
なる on Google

メガネがありすぎて選べない! よく分からなかったので顔の形に合わせて丁寧に候補を選んでもらいました。 普段自分では選ばないデザインでしたが、かけてみるとしっくりきてお気に入りです。
I have too many glasses to choose! I wasn't sure, so I asked them to carefully select candidates according to the shape of their face. It was a design that I wouldn't normally choose, but when I tried it, I liked it.
ソシアルクラブ on Google

When I entered the store, there was no reaction at first, and I met the clerk, so I raised my hand with a feeling of suimasen, and I was told with a sharp feeling that it was my turn to wait. Others were sitting in chairs and didn't know who was waiting in line, and even if they waited, they seemed to be staring at the clerk. This store has always been unpleasant, and other clerk also feels like that.
M I on Google

大きな店舗でメガネがたくさんあるのでとても迷います。 スタッフさんが一緒に探してくれたのでとてもいい買い物ができました。 他のメガネ屋さんより低価格なのも魅力的です。 また利用したいです。
I am very at a loss because there are many glasses in a big store. The staff searched for me together, so I was able to make a very good purchase. It is also attractive that the price is lower than other eyeglass shops. I still want to use it.
つぶたろう on Google

有名なフレームも他のお店よりもかなり安い価格で売られていました。 (私はサングラスで有名なあのブランドを購入しました) 店員さんも感じ良く、仕上がりも直ぐでした。 家族で買っても2本目が安くなるのは助かります。 またココで買いたいと思います!
Famous frames were also sold at a much lower price than other stores. (I bought that brand famous for sunglasses) The clerk felt good and the finish was immediate. Even if you buy it with your family, it is helpful that the second one is cheaper. I would like to buy it here again!
a e on Google

メガネ初めてで立ち寄ったが、数が多く迷った。 店員さんが忙しい中、似合そうなメガネを数本ピックアップしていただき、自分に合うメガネを購入できました。 今回は初めてで安いものだったがブランドメガネも豊富でオシャレなものも多いので次回も利用したいと思う。
I stopped by for the first time with glasses, but I was at a loss because of the large number. While the clerk was busy, I was able to pick up a few glasses that looked good and buy the one that suits me. This was the first time and it was cheap, but there are many brand glasses and many fashionable ones, so I would like to use it again next time.
HA KU on Google

PC用メガネを作ってもらったが度が合わず、再度作り直してもらって紙の文字は読めたけど帰宅してPC画面を見たら二重に見える。 私の目は乱視が入っているにもかかわらず「乱視入ってませんよ」と言われた。 再度調整を頼もうとしたら4800円かかると。 なんで? 最後まで調整してくれるのが販売店じゃないの? 安いフレームだし、結局ゴミ 気に入ってたんだけどな 他の店(Z)に行ったら半年間何度でも調整します。と言ってくれてそこで購入 二度と赤札堂では買わない!!! 本当は☆1も付けたくないがマイナスがないから仕方なく☆1にしておく
I had them make glasses for PC, but they didn't match, and I had them remake them, and I could read the letters on the paper, but when I got home and looked at the PC screen, they looked double. Even though my eyes had astigmatism, I was told, "I don't have astigmatism." If you try to ask for adjustment again, it will cost 4800 yen. why? Isn't it the dealer who adjusts to the end? It's a cheap frame, and after all it's garbage I liked it If you go to another store (Z), make adjustments as many times as you like for half a year. And buy there I will never buy it at Akafudo! !! !! I don't really want to add ☆ 1, but there is no minus, so I can't help but set it to ☆ 1.
Atelier Estrella on Google

子供用の眼鏡を購入しました。 壊しやすい年齢なので予備にと2本購入しました。とてもお値打ちでした。 沢山種類があり選びがいがありました。 次の機会にも購入したいと思います。
I bought glasses for children. I bought two as a spare because it is an age that is easy to break. It was very good value. There were many types and it was worth choosing. I would like to purchase it at the next opportunity.

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