フジカ 富士家具工業 - Miyoshi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フジカ 富士家具工業

住所 :

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト : http://fujikagu.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan
janne da arc on Google

米国家具が安い。購入すると定期的に割引券も来るので買い替えにも考慮してしまう仕掛け。 店員も距離を置いてくれており上手く接客とセルフのバランスが取れていると思う。 イタリア家具の在庫回転を考慮してほしいこととギャッベ絨毯の品揃えを拡充してもらえれば少なくとも絨毯は買うかな。 にしてもオシャレ家具を見られる貴重な場所です(ロココ調もあり)。
US furniture is cheap. A discount coupon that comes regularly when you purchase it, so you can consider buying a new one. The clerks are also keeping a distance and I think that the customer service and self-balance are well balanced. If you want to consider the rotation of Italian furniture inventory and expand the lineup of Gabbeh carpets, at least you will buy carpets. Even so, it is a valuable place where you can see fashionable furniture (there is also a rococo look).
Marvel w on Google

ダイニングテーブルとチェアを購入しました。 これまでにも何度も買い物させてもらっていますがデザイン、造りの割にお値打ちに感じるものが多い。 おしゃれな小物もあちらこちらに置かれ、広い店内は見て回るのも楽しいです。
I bought a dining table and chairs. I've been shopping many times before, but many of them are worth the price for their design and construction. Fashionable accessories are also placed here and there, and it is fun to look around the large store.
kumako kumata on Google

インテリア調度品を購入する事が多いですが、掘り出し品なども一見の価値はあります。 市場でのシンプルな組み立て家具が幅を利かす中で、高品質な国産の伝統家具の取り扱いもあり、稀少なお店だと感じます。
I often buy interior furnishings, but bargains are also worth a look. While simple assembled furniture on the market is widespread, we also handle high quality domestic traditional furniture, so I feel that it is a rare shop.
ひしぎ研 on Google

It was a luxurious SHOW room, and it was out of place for a cheap monthly salary ❗️
hrnr aksh on Google

お手頃なものから高価なものまで品揃えがよく、店員さんの知識も豊富でした。 無料のドリンクとクッキーのサービスがあるのでまる一日家具選びに過ごせます。
The product range from affordable to expensive was good, and the store clerk's knowledge was also abundant. Free drinks and cookies are available so you can spend a whole day choosing furniture.
Hiroyuki Unno (HiroU) on Google

We have a lot of very good furniture. I think it's a good furniture store.
最上勝司 on Google

As with furniture, I'm looking forward to looking for paintings on the wall. The products may change little by little on a regular basis, so I'm looking forward to it in the future, and if I find something that interests me at that time, I'll let you think about it.
Ramon R on Google


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