Aizenharikyu Clinic - Saitama

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aizenharikyu Clinic

住所 :

1階 1 Chome-3-4 Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88799
Postal code : 336-0018
Webサイト :

1階 1 Chome-3-4 Minamihoncho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0018, Japan
今治 on Google

It has been treated for about 10 years since the previous shop. I am always grateful for the accurate treatment. Also, thank you.
on Google

先日、初めて利用しました。 かなり強い指圧が効きました! 他のお店ではいつも物足りない感じでしたか、こちらの先生の治療には大満足でした。 首も腰も大分楽になりました。 またお伺いします。
I used it for the first time the other day. A pretty strong acupressure worked! Did you always feel unsatisfied at other shops, or was very satisfied with this teacher's treatment. My neck and hips have become much easier. I will visit you again.
coco on Google

施術の腕が素晴らしいだけでなく、ホスピタリティと言う面でも素晴らしいです。 お部屋や着替えが清潔で、冬に行くと寝台が暖かくしてあります。 お客さまファーストで考えてくださってるのだなと先生のお人柄の良さが伝わります。 いつも対応が丁寧で体が楽になるだけでなく、心も癒されます。 いつも心地よい時間をありがとうございます
Not only is the skill of the treatment wonderful, but also the hospitality. The rooms and clothes are clean and the sleepers are warm in winter. It conveys the goodness of the teacher's personality that he thinks customer first. Not only is the response always polite and the body feels comfortable, but the mind is also healed. Thank you for your always comfortable time
みみ on Google

美容鍼をお願いしましたが強さなど自分好みにしていただきとても効果が感じられました リラックスもでき、定期的にお願いしたいです。
I asked for beauty acupuncture, but I felt that it was very effective because I liked the strength etc. You can relax and ask regularly.
田中優香子 on Google

肩凝りとふくらはぎの浮腫が1番気になっていて… 本当に重点的にやっていただいてとっても身体が軽くなりました✨延長したかったです!顔の針は初めてでしたが翌日少しシュッとなっててやってよかったなと思いました!継続するともっと効果でるのですかね?また伺いたいと思います!
I'm most worried about stiff shoulders and calf edema ... I really focused on it and my body became lighter ✨ I wanted to extend it! It was my first time to use acupuncture on my face, but I'm glad I got a little squeaky the next day! Is it more effective if you continue? I would like to ask you again!
のりこ on Google

I have a habit of clenching my jaw joints, and I used to do beauty acupuncture in a different place before, but recently I was worried about the fact that it became painful again and the sagging of my face, so I was treated with beauty acupuncture. From the moment it was over, my chin became easier and my eyes opened better. I'm thinking of going to the hospital once every two weeks for a while to get treatment. Beauty acupuncture also has a lift-up effect, so it is recommended ◡̈⃝
room 817 on Google

首と肩の凝りがひどく、初めての針治療でした。・・・と言いますか、整体やマッサージ等の経験も一切無く、ちょっと緊張しながら伺ってみましたが、来店時から帰るまで、終始安心して終えました。 とにかく、先生のお人柄が素晴らしく、物腰柔らかに、体の状態などを親身になって話を聴いて下さいました。そして施術も素晴らしく、自分が辛かった所を丁寧に的確にほぐして頂きました。 そして、院内も清潔感抜群ですし、何よりもこちらが不安に思うことに対して、思いやりを持って接してくださいます。 今後もお願いしたいと思います。
It was my first acupuncture treatment because my neck and shoulders were very stiff. I mean, I had no experience of manipulative treatment or massage, so I was a little nervous when I asked, but from the time I came to the store until I returned, I was relieved from beginning to end. Anyway, the teacher's personality was wonderful, he was soft and kind, and he listened to the story with kindness to his physical condition. The treatment was also wonderful, and he carefully and accurately unraveled the areas where he was having a hard time. Also, the hospital is very clean, and above all, please treat me with compassion for any concerns you may have. I would like to ask you in the future.
n w on Google

ボディケア:60分 先日、初めて行きましたが、とてもリラックス出来ました。 院内もとても綺麗で、着替えの準備もあり、施術後に髪を整えるヘアブラシや鏡、ヘアゴムなどの準備もあり、急に予約をした日でも気軽に寄れるようになっていて、とても良かったです。 先生は気さくな明るい雰囲気でとても話しやすく、施術もとても丁寧でよかったです。 目の疲れや肩こりが気になって行ったのですが、施術後首が回しやすかったり、肩が少し軽くなったように感じました。 力加減も確認して下さったり、疲れが溜まってる気がして、、という曖昧なオーダーにも関わらずしっかり話を聞いて施術してくださりとても良かったです。 初めてのところは、緊張しますが今回行ってみて良かったです! これから、定期的に通わせていただこうと思います。
Body care: 60 minutes I went there for the first time the other day and was very relaxed. The inside of the hospital was very beautiful, I was preparing to change my clothes, and I had a hairbrush, a mirror, and a hair tie to prepare my hair after the treatment, so I was able to feel free to drop by even on the day I made a sudden reservation, which was very good. The teacher was very friendly and cheerful, very easy to talk to, and the treatment was very polite. I was worried about eyestrain and stiff shoulders, but after the treatment, I felt that my neck was easy to turn and my shoulders were a little lighter. It was very nice to hear the story and perform the treatment despite the vague order that he checked the strength and felt tired. For the first time, I'm nervous, but I'm glad I went this time! From now on, I would like to let you go regularly.

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