Aichi Prefectural University Nagakute Campus - Nagakute

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aichi Prefectural University Nagakute Campus

住所 :

1522-3 Ibaragabasama, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1342, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 480-1342
Webサイト :

1522-3 Ibaragabasama, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1342, Japan
N A on Google

通っただけ。 あまりなじみない。 同じ分野で研究している先生はいないかも。
Just passed. Not very familiar. Maybe no teacher is studying in the same field.
Kato Hiro on Google

We think that access is good near from station of Linimo. An environment where nature is rich and nice. It seems to have been built around 2000, but it is pretty beautiful.
t0M on Google

古くは女子大学だった伝統ある学校で、愛知県内ではある程度は名の知れている公立大学です 社会に出てから愛知県で就職するのであれば良いと思います 昭和から平成に入ったしばらくは校舎が瑞穂区高田町の現・高蔵高校になっている所にありました 正門から裏門が見えるほど狭いキャンパスで、南側にある中学校の方が広かったし、東隣に2校ある高校の生徒が通学路として通ったりしてました 当時は学科が文学部と外国語学部しかなかったため男子生徒は極端に少なく、更には女子大の名残りで男子トイレは女子トイレの中に仕切られて作っただけで上が通じてる粗末なものでしたし、平成初期には長久手への移転が決まっていたので壊れてても直さないボロボロの施設でした 現在の校舎があるところは愛知青少年公園と呼ばれていた現在のモリコロパークを含めた県有地で、以前は前期の体育授業の為だけに体育館とグラウンドだけが有りスクールバスで瑞穂区から行ってました(ちなみに後期の秋冬には体育は名古屋城横の愛知県体育館併設のプールでの水泳でした) 今やスゴくキレイな広いキャンパスです ただ、藤が丘からリニモに乗って行かなくてはならないので交通の便はイマイチか?
It is a traditional school that used to be a women's university, and is a public university that is known to some extent in Aichi Prefecture. I think it would be good if I got a job in Aichi prefecture after going out to society. For a while from Showa to Heisei, the school building was in the current Takakura High School in Takata-cho, Mizuho-ku. The campus was so small that you could see the back gate from the main gate, and the junior high school on the south side was wider, and the students from the two high schools on the east side went to school as a school route. At that time, the departments were only the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Foreign Languages, so the number of male students was extremely small. In the early Heisei period, it was decided to move to Nagakute, so it was a tattered facility that would not be repaired even if it was broken. The place where the current school building is located is the prefectural land including the current Morikoro Park, which was called Aichi Youth Park. Previously, there was only a gymnasium and a ground for physical education classes in the first half of the year, and we went from Mizuho Ward by school bus. (By the way, in the latter half of the fall and winter, physical education was swimming in the pool attached to the Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium next to Nagoya Castle) It ’s a very beautiful and spacious campus. However, since I have to take Linimo from Fujigaoka, is the transportation convenient?

周りが自然に囲まれたキャンパス内の建物は綺麗で立派です。 しかし、アクセスが良くない。 リニモの『愛・地球博記念公園』駅から徒歩10分ほど。 途中コンビニ等 何もなし。 その辺りが改善されれば学生さん達にとって『良い環境』となると思うのですが・・・
The campus building surrounded by nature is beautiful and magnificent. However, access is not good. About 10 minutes on foot from Linimo's “Love & Earth Expo Memorial Park” station. No convenience store on the way. If that area is improved, I think it will be a “good environment” for students ...
田中太郎 on Google

公立大学としては珍しく文系学部・学科が充実しています。 国語国文学科は日本文学の全領域(古代・中古・中世・近世・近代・漢文・国語学)に専任教員が配置されていますが、この教員の布陣は公立大学では愛知県立大学だけ、全国でも数校しか存在しないと思います。また、スペイン語学科や中国学科といった実社会でニーズの高い外国語学科を設置しているのも先見の明ありです。 文系廃止に揺れる国立大学よりも、愛知県立大学の方が充実した授業が受けられるでしょう。愛知県民がうらやましい限りです。
There are many faculties and departments of liberal arts, which is rare for a public university. The Department of Japanese Language and Literature has full-time faculty members in all areas of Japanese literature (ancient, used, medieval, early modern, modern, Chinese, and Japanese language), but this faculty member is available only at Aichi Prefectural University at public universities and throughout Japan. I think there are only a few schools. It is also foresight to set up foreign language departments that are in high demand in the real world, such as the Spanish language department and the Chinese department. Aichi Prefectural University will be able to take more fulfilling classes than national universities that are shaken by the abolition of liberal arts. As far as Aichi citizens are envious.
SU4r0 STaff on Google

店が生協の店と食堂しかなく、営業時間が短いので不便 公立なのでアホはいません
It is inconvenient because there are only co-op stores and cafeterias and the business hours are short. There is no stupid because it is public
m m on Google

I did a preliminary inspection (confirmation of the location) before taking the exam. A beautiful building. The guard told me that it was okay to park the car inside, so I went into the parking lot and observed the exterior.
カタツムリ大曽根 on Google

国文学を学ぶのであれば、全国でも指折りの質だと思う。教員一人当たり学生数も少なく、少数精鋭。 外国語学部について。スペイン語科は聞いた話、南山大学の方がレベルが高いらしい。理由は、南山はテキストがオールスパニッシュであり、到達度も南山の方が上に設定されているらしい。交換留学の提携校も南山の方が豊富か? ただ、それでも学費を考慮すると、差額で私費留学すればいいだけなので迷うと思う。 ただ、ここの外国語学部も優秀なので、あとは好みだと思う。 昔学祭行った時、優しい人たちが多くて好感を抱いた。
If you want to study Japanese literature, I think it is one of the best in Japan. The number of students per faculty member is small, and a small number of elite students. About the Faculty of Foreign Studies. I heard that the level of Spanish is higher at Nanzan University. The reason is that the text of Nanzan is all Spanish, and it seems that the degree of achievement is set higher for Nanzan. Are there more abundant exchange study abroad affiliated schools in Nanzan? However, even so, considering the tuition fees, I think I'm at a loss because I only have to study abroad at my own expense with the difference. However, the faculty of foreign languages ​​here is also excellent, so I think I like the rest. When I went to the school festival a long time ago, there were many kind people and I liked it.

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