Kinjogakuin University - Nagoya

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinjogakuin University

住所 :

2 Chome-1723 Omori, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 463-8521, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 463-8521
Webサイト :

2 Chome-1723 Omori, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 463-8521, Japan
久保田恵津子 on Google

私の態度が気に入らなかったようで、言語センターのケバい助手に授業中、目配せや指をさされ、メモに悪口を書かれてニヤニヤされた。 親に言ったら、学校にクレーム入れてくれたけど、質の悪い学校です。 もう、5年以上前だけど
It seemed that I didn't like my attitude, and during class, a sly assistant at the Language Center pointed me at my eyes and fingers, and I was grinning with a bad word in my memo. When I told my parents, they complained to the school, but it's a poor quality school. It's been over 5 years ago
おかんまま on Google

校舎がどんどんきれいに変化している。オープンスペースが多くて開放的。 名古屋を代表する総合女子大学として、名実ともに進化していってください。期待しています。
The school building is changing more and more beautifully. There are many open spaces and it is open. Please evolve both in name and reality as a comprehensive women's university that represents Nagoya. I'm looking forward to it.
高村あつこ on Google

私も卒業生です。 他の現役生が投稿されていることと似たような見下すようなことを職員からされたことを思い出しました。今の学生は、きちんと主張してすごいなと思います。(金城生は、いい子なので理不尽なことを言われても自分が悪かったかなとか思ってしまうかも) 卒業して社会人になり今だから思うのですが、金城の職員は、全国の私立の職員でも高い給料を貰っているためか、自分が偉いと勘違いして他人を下に見る傾向がある方がたくさんいたと思います。業者をどなりつけたり、自分より若手の職員を怒鳴りつけているのも見たことあります。。。
I am also a graduate. I remembered that the staff had done something similar to what other active students were posting. I think it's amazing that the current students insist on it properly. (Kanejo is a good boy, so even if he says something unreasonable, he might think he was wrong.) I think that I am now a member of society after graduating, but the staff of Kinjo tend to look down on others because they think that they are great, probably because even private staff nationwide receive high salaries. I think there were many. I've also seen people screaming at vendors and yelling at younger employees. .. ..
g highschool on Google

ここの学生です。電車で声が大きい、うるさいということは学校からも指導を受けています。わたしもうるさいとは感じますが駅が小さすぎることと電車も本数が少ないので密集してしまいます。 またこの大学に入ってから、テレビや昔からの根強い純金文化のおかげでお嬢だから。お金持ちだから。と批判されているのをみたり体験したりすることが多くなりました。お嬢様も一部だけで普通の人沢山いるのにこんなに言われて正直きついです。自分自身でどうしようもできません。 学費はもちろん学部にもよりますが他の私学とあまり変わりません。むしろ他の志望校よりも安かったです。 一部の先生にも地域の方にもここの学生はお嬢様だから生ぬるい教育を受けていて、マナーが悪いなどと言われますがそれは本当に一部の学生です。 お嬢様学校という認識関係なくみてほしいです。ただの大学生です。
I'm a student here. The fact that the train is loud and noisy is also instructed by the school. I also feel that it is noisy, but the stations are too small and the number of trains is small, so it gets crowded. Also, since I entered this university, I'm a young lady thanks to TV and the long-standing pure gold culture. Because I'm rich. I often see and experience being criticized. Even though there are a lot of ordinary people with only a part of the young lady, it is honestly tough to be told so. I can't help myself. The tuition fee depends on the faculty, but it is not much different from other private schools. Rather, it was cheaper than other schools of choice. Some teachers and locals say that the students here are young girls, so they have a lukewarm education and their manners are bad, but that is really some students. I want you to see it regardless of the recognition that it is a young lady's school. I'm just a college student.
中田裕也 on Google

I visited at the Handbell Choir Concert. The students are polite and polite. Mission School Christian University. Lady's school.
チロル on Google

Student etiquette is too bad. Stupid noise on the train. Even in the rattle car, I sit down from the priority seat. It is a group of students who are smart but have low humanity and morals.
たんみーこ on Google

在学生です。 まず入学前から金城大の学生の電車マナーはひどいと言うことを聞いてはいましたが、呆れるほど酷くてびっくりします。同じ学校に人だと思われたくないです。本当に恥ずかしい。 大学自体はとても綺麗で過ごしやすいです。 ただ事務の対応は本当に酷くてワクチンに関する重要な連絡も途中で返信してもらえず途絶えてしまい、こちらも呆れました。高い学費を納めているというのに…残念です。
I am a current student. First of all, I had heard that the train manners of students at Kinjo University were terrible before enrollment, but I was surprised at how terrible it was. I don't want to be considered a person in the same school. Really embarrassing. The university itself is very beautiful and easy to spend. However, the office work was really terrible, and I was disappointed because I couldn't get a reply from the important contact about the vaccine on the way. Even though I have paid a high tuition fee ... I'm sorry.
Brian Gallagher on Google

Omori hill is mostly covered by the university buildings and grounds. Behind the university is a protected wetlands area with fireflies and various trees and plants.

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