Achi Jinja Okumiya - Shimoina District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Achi Jinja Okumiya

住所 :

497 Chisato, Achi, Shimoina District, Nagano 395-0304, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 395-0304
Webサイト :

497 Chisato, Achi, Shimoina District, Nagano 395-0304, Japan
早野蔦枝 on Google

静かな古代の神社⛩️のようです。 お石だけが祀ってあり、古代の祭事が行われた場所のようです。 森?の中 このまま 静かに鎮まって頂きたいです。
It's like a quiet ancient shrine ⛩️. Only stones are enshrined, and it seems to be the place where ancient festivals were held. In the forest ? I want you to calm down as it is.
tu on Google

落合ロードを辿って行くとある。 木々の間からダムがみえる。神聖な場所のように感じた。
Follow Ochiai Road. A dam can be seen through the trees. I felt like a sacred place.
しょうちゅううまし on Google

Okumiya is located in the tomb, which is said to be the tomb of Xu Fu for generations of children. A sacred place that "everyone knows" as a power spot. It is recommended if you visit Hirugami Onsen.
Genta SAKAUE on Google

清浄な空気感がある神社。 主祭神が降り立ったという磐座もあり、歴史も古そう。
A shrine with a clean air. There is also Scorpio that the main festival deity has fallen, and the history seems to be old.
前田和夫 on Google

阿智神社 奥宮 あちじんじゃ おんみや 長野県下伊那郡阿智村智里497 祭神 天八意思兼命 (あめのおもいかねのかみ) 天照大神が岩戸に隠れたが 引張出す手段を考えた知恵神 天表春命あ(あめのうわはるのみこと) 八意思兼命の長男 「先代旧事本紀」に 天八意思兼命が天降り 信乃阿智祝部の祖となるとあり 由緒ある古社 最古層の神体と思われる 磐座があります 2021/10/21 参詣
Achi Shrine Okumiya Achijinja Onmiya 497 Chisato, Achi-mura, Shimoina-gun, Nagano Deity Tenpachi will and life (Ame no Omoikane no Kami) Amaterasu Omikami hid in Iwato Wisdom god who thought about the means to pull out Tensho Harumei A (Ame no Uwaharu no Mikoto) The eldest son of Omoikane In "Kujiki Kujiki" Tenhachi will and life will fall It is said to be the ancestor of Shino Achi Celebration Club A venerable old shrine It seems to be the oldest Shintai There is a banza 2021/10/21 Visit
黒田涼 on Google

Since it is a Shikinai company listed in the Engi ceremony, it was definitely here in 1200. I wonder why in the mountains like this, but in ancient times there was a legend that the important trunk line Tosan-do passed on the other side of the river, and Yamato Takeru also headed for Owari through this. Achi was an important settlement before crossing the pass. There is a Banza next to the brand new shrine. Before the introduction of Buddhism, there was no shrine in the shrine, and probably a god stood on this rock, or the rock itself was used as a god's ritual. There are also Jomon archaeological sites on the pass, and the origin of the ritual may go back to that extent.
まんまるまーま on Google

静かなる森の中、目を閉じれば鳥のさえずりと川の流れる音が心地良い。 呼吸を整え、昔々の巫女舞いに思いを馳せる。異空間を体感するには、最良の場所かと。
If you close your eyes in a quiet forest, you can feel the chirping of birds and the sound of the river flowing. I prepare my breath and think about the old Miko dance. The best place to experience a different space.
長安大吉 on Google

長野県阿智村の落合ロード折り返し点付近にある神社:阿智神社奥宮 前宮があることを知らず、泊まった宿からの帰路にあった奥宮の方にちょっと寄り道 1990年1月に中日ドラゴンズの落合選手がトレーニングをしたコースで 落合ロードと呼ばれてる道の折り返し点が近くにあった 側を流れる阿知川が大変綺麗だった 八意思兼命 (天思兼命)・天表春命の鎮座地とのこと 天思兼命は「古事記」「日本書紀」に高天原(たかまがはら)随一の知恵の神として登場してるみたい
A shrine near the turning point of Ochiai Road in Achi Village, Nagano Prefecture: Achi Shrine Okumiya Not knowing that there is a front shrine, a little detour to the Okumiya on the way back from the inn where I stayed In January 1990, there was a turning point on the road called Ochiai Road on the course where Chunichi Dragons Ochiai trained. The Achi River flowing by the side was very beautiful Eight intentions and life (Tenshi and life), Omoikane's seating place Omoikane seems to appear in "Kojiki" and "Nihonshoki" as the god of wisdom in Takamagahara.

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