Aburi yakiniku Dining Ju

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

炙り焼肉Dining じゅう - 炙り焼肉ダイニング - C908700.gorp.jp

心斎橋エリアの炙り焼肉ダイニング、炙り焼肉Dining じゅうのオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめの「黒毛和牛の握り寿司 & フランス産フォアグラのお寿司」「黄金のシャトーブリアン フランス産フォアグラのロッシーニ」「【宴会×接待】最高級黒毛和牛厳選ステーキ3種を贅沢に楽しめる♪♪『舞(まい)』7,900円」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact Aburi yakiniku Dining Ju

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://c908700.gorp.jp/
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
猫師 on Google

肉会でやって来たのは、上品でとっても雰囲気良い店内で食べれると評判のこちらのお店。 外観からして雰囲気ありますが、地下への階段を降りると店員さんがサッとドアを開けて お出迎えしてくれました♪ 店に入るところからスマートな接客を見せてくれ、これから先が楽しみに^_^ 薄暗く落とした照明とスタイリッシュな内装から高級感を感じます、 席は見た感じどの席も半個室的になっていますがドアはないので閉塞感が無くて良いですね。 この日お願いしたのは7500円の舞コース。 これでもう少し食べたければ追加しようねって事でコースのスタート♪ 【舞 7500円】 ◆前菜 プレートにはひと口サイズの色んな料理が乗っていて華やか〜! これはテンション上がりますわ^_^ 四万十地鶏のチャーシュー、特選ロースの手まり寿司、スモークサーモン、和牛ローストビーフ、 車海老のにぎり、野菜のキッシュ、つくしとタラノ芽の煮物、黒毛和牛のテリーヌだったかな。 どれもめっちゃ美味しい^ ^ これは素晴らしすぎる前菜でした。 ◆紅芯大根とミニトマトのサラダ お口さっぱり。 すぐに食べずに肉の合間に食べるのがベストかな。 ◆鳥取県産のタン さっと炙ってレア気味に頂きます。 タンの甘さと適度なタンの弾力が楽しめます♪ もう少し柔らければ言うことないんだけどな。 ◆野菜焼き たけのこ、サツマイモ、山芋ですね。 肉の間にお野菜は欠かせません。 ◆黒毛和牛ステーキカクテル これがビジュアル最高♪ 誰もが写真を撮りたくなる一品。 肉はタレが絡めてあるサイコロステーキ。 さっと焼いて頂くと肉汁ジュワーっ^ ^ タレの風味が良い。 ひと口サイズなので女子でも食べやすいでしょう。 ◆特上サンカク 綺麗なサシの入ったサンカクバラです。 これは見ただけで美味い、笑 これもレアに焼いて頂くと口の中で繊維がホロホロっとほぐれますな^ ^ 脂の美味さも感じられる良い肉♪ ◆黄金のシャトーブリアン(追加)100g 6800円 ここでシャトーブリアンを追加して3人で分け分け♪ 金粉がふりかけてあるのでゴージャスなシャトーブリアンなんです! 肉は文句無しの美味さ。 柔らかさ、肉の旨味ともに言うことなし。 当然本日1番美味しいお肉でした。 ◆オレンジのパウンドケーキ 飴細工をあしらったデザートが綺麗^ ^ これ女子がぜった喜ぶやつ♪ ◆冷麺 950円 メニューを見ていてすごく気になっていたので今更ですが注文、笑 盛り付け方がお洒落! 冷麺の概念が変わりますね。 後からツユをかけて頂くんです。 麺は韓国風のゴリゴリの食感とは違い、程よいコシで喉越しが良くチュルンと入っていきます。 ツユは胡麻油の風味が素晴らしくとっても美味しいかったです。 腹八分目で丁度良いくらいの満腹感。 なので苦しまずに気持ちよく食べれる事が出来ました。 そしてこの高級感あふれる店内でゆっくり落ち着いて食べる事が出来たのも良いですね。 ワイワイと騒ぎながら食べる焼肉も良いですが、こういった上質の雰囲気の中で頂く焼肉も 実に良いものです。 ご馳走さまでした!
What came at the meat party is a restaurant of this reputation that you can eat in a refined and very atmospherey shop. There is atmosphere from the exterior, but when you get off the stairs to the basement store clerk opens the door quickly We welcomed you ♪ Show me a smart customer from entering the store, look forward to the future ^ _ ^ I feel a high-class feeling from dim light and lighting and stylish interior, Feeling that the seats seemed to have seats are semi-private, but there is no door, so it is good to have no sense of blockage. It was a dance course of 7500 yen I asked you this day. If you want to eat a bit more then this will start a course ♪ 【Mai 7500 yen】 ◆ Appetizer Various dishes of a single mouth size are on the plate and it is gorgeous ~! This will raise the tension. Champagne of Shimanto chicken, Tamari-sushi with specialty loin, Smoked salmon, Wagyu beef roast beef, Whether it was a prawn shrimp, quiche of vegetables, boiled with Tsukushi and Tarano bud, Kuroge Wagyu beef terrine. Everything is really delicious ^ ^ This was a wonderful appetizer. Red cray radish and mini tomato salad Mouth cleansing. It is best to eat between meat without eating immediately. Tan from Tottori prefecture I grill it quickly and I'm going to rare. You can enjoy sweetness of Tan and elasticity of moderate ♪ I will not say if it is a bit more flexible. ◆ Grilled vegetables Bamboo shoots, sweet potatoes, and yam. Vegetables are indispensable between meat. ◆ Kuroge Wagyu Beef Steak Cocktail This is the best visual ♪ Everyone wants to take pictures. The meat is a dice steak with sauce. Grilled quickly and meat juice __ ^ ^ Sauce has a good flavor. Because it is a single size, girls will be easy to eat. ◆ Special Sankaku It is sankakubara with beautiful sashi. It's delicious just by looking at it, haha If you bake this rare too, fibers can be loosened in the mouth at last. ^ ^ Good meat feels the taste of fat ♪ ◆ Golden Chateau Brian (additional) 100 g 6800 yen Add a Chateaubriand here and divide it by 3 people ♪ It is gorgeous Chateaubriand because it is sprinkled with gold powder! Meat is delicious with no complaints. Softness, taste of meat something to say. It was naturally the best meat today. ◆ Orange Pound Cake The dessert that treated candy was beautiful ^ ^ This girl's pleasure guy ♪ ◆ Cold noodles 950 yen I was worried because I was watching the menu, so it's time to order, haha How to arrange is fashionable! The concept of cold noodles will change. I will call it for a while. The noodles are different from the Korean style gorillol 's texture, they are reasonably good and the throat goes well with Turun. Tsuyu has a wonderful flavor of sesame oil and it was delicious. Satisfactory feeling of just enough at the bellybone. So I was able to eat pleasantly without suffering. And it is good that you could relax and calm down in this luxurious shop. Grilled meat to eat while racing with yui is also good, but the grilled meat that you get in such a fine atmosphere It is really good. It was a feast!
高本大成 on Google

【食べログベストレストラン受賞】されたことのある焼肉・鉄板焼の『じゅう』さん? 「黒毛和牛ステーキカクテル」はIグラスにお肉というインスタ映するやつ? 定番の壺漬をワイングラスに盛付した「じゅう」さんのオリジナルメニューみたい♪ 旬の焼き野菜盛合わせでは、山芋の断面が瑞々しくて歯の入る感触がたまらんわ~。 このシャクシャク食感が好きやねん? 「特製卵かけご飯」は大分県産の地鶏の卵を使用したスペシャル卵かけご飯! 真っ白でフワフワなメレンゲの上に濃厚な卵黄がちょこんと乗ってました? 少し出汁醤油をかけていただきましたがメレンゲのフワフワ食感が新鮮で美味しかったですね? 高級感あって雰囲気もいいからデートや接待なんかでも使えそうですよ。
[Tabelog Best Restaurant Award] "Ju" -san, a yakiniku and teppanyaki restaurant that has been awarded ? "Kuroge Wagyu Steak Cocktail" is an instagram of meat in an I glass ? It looks like the original menu of "Ju" who puts the classic pot pickles on a wine glass ♪ In the assortment of seasonal grilled vegetables, the cross section of the yam is fresh and you can't help but feel the teeth. I like this crunchy texture ? "Special omelet rice" is a special omelet rice using local chicken eggs from Oita prefecture! A thick egg yolk was a little on top of the pure white and fluffy meringue ? I had a little soy sauce sprinkled on it, but the fluffy texture of the meringue was fresh and delicious ? It's luxurious and has a nice atmosphere, so you can use it for dates and entertainment.
たい焼き大魔王 on Google

高級感のある雰囲気の中で食べる質の良い焼き肉が最高 めちゃくちゃ美味しいし女子からすると量がちょうどいい 服が焼肉臭くなることもないしデートや女子会にぴったり オートの温度調節のプレートでかなり美味しく肉が焼けます
Good quality yakiniku to eat in a luxurious atmosphere is the best It's really delicious and the amount is just right for girls Clothes do not smell like grilled meat and are perfect for dates and girls-only gatherings The auto temperature control plate makes the meat delicious.
ぎゃるまま日記 on Google

心斎橋の「炙り焼肉Dining じゅう」でディナー をしました。 シックで高級感のある店内です。 13周年記念の本日のお任せコースをいただいてきました。 キュヴェ・ド・ミシャール レッド(3,300円) 酸味がなくてとても飲みやすい赤ワインで私好みでした♪ 前菜盛り合わせ きゅうりの酢の物、かぼちゃの煮物、和牛ピリ辛和え、 大分県産地鶏卵の玉子焼き、四万十地鶏の棒棒鶏、 赤海老ボイル、オイキムチ、ポテサラ、ナムル、白菜、大根サラダ 一人1皿ですごいボリューム♪ これだけでワインとビールがめっちゃ進みました♪ 黒ラベル(750円)⠀ ワインとちゃんぽんを繰り返しました(笑) 肉寿司3種(トリュフ、ニラ添え、ホワイトソース掛け) 熊本県産黒毛和牛のカブリを使用した肉寿司は 口の中で蕩ける美味ししさ!こちらも一人3貫でした♪ マレノンクラシック(4,200円)⠀ 熊本県産黒毛和牛リブロース とても綺麗な赤身肉で、あっさりしていてむっちゃ柔らかいです。 黒毛和牛ステーキカクテル 薄味のタレに浸かったサイコロステーキで、 程よい脂が乗っていて激うま!とてもジューシーです♪ じゅう特製冷麺 自家製タレに漬けていただきます。 タレは酸味はなくて和風な感じのタレで病みつきになる美味しさ♪ もちもちっとした麺も最高です。 ガトーショコラ 上質な黒毛和牛と赤ワインのマリアージュが楽しめて 接客もよく、個室でゆっくりくつろげました♪
We had dinner at "Aburi Yakiniku Dining Ju" in Shinsaibashi. It is a chic and luxurious interior. I received today's entrusted course to commemorate the 13th anniversary. Cuvée de Michel Red (3,300 yen) It was a red wine that was not sour and very easy to drink, and I liked it ♪ Assorted appetizers Cucumber vinegared dish, pumpkin simmered dish, Japanese beef spicy sauce, Tamagoyaki of local chicken eggs from Oita prefecture, bon bon chicken of Shimanto local chicken, Red shrimp boil, kimchi, potato salad, namul, Chinese cabbage, radish salad One plate per person is a great volume ♪ With this alone, wine and beer have advanced ♪ Black label (750 yen) ⠀ I repeated wine and champon (laughs) 3 kinds of meat sushi (truffle, with garlic, white sauce) Meat sushi made with Japanese black beef fog from Kumamoto prefecture Deliciousness that swells in your mouth! This was also 3 pieces per person ♪ Malenon Classic (4,200 yen) ⠀ Kumamoto prefecture Japanese black beef rib roast Very beautiful red meat, light and very soft. Japanese black beef steak cocktail A dice steak soaked in a light sauce, It has a moderate amount of fat and is extremely delicious! It's very juicy ♪ 10 special cold noodles Soak in homemade sauce. The sauce is not sour and has a Japanese-style sauce that makes you addicted to it ♪ The chewy noodles are also the best. Gateau chocolat Enjoy the marriage of high-quality Japanese black beef and red wine The customer service was good, and I was able to relax in a private room ♪
Peter W on Google

Taste is not bad, but definitely not good value, and boring atmosphere. Save your money and spend it elsewhere.
Amit Sethi on Google

Well, A five Star Yakiniku, With a 5 Star Meat, 5 Star Star Ambience. Aaaaaaaand a 5 Star price. It is reasonable if compared with Tokyo high class Yakiniku. Just look at the meat It is an ART
Amit Sethi on Google

Wow. Never seen a Udon dish this fancy The heart ❤ is cream cheese. It has roses too. It is a fusion of Italian and Japanese dish. A true Valentine food. It.was a Valentine ? Stunt so you won't be getting now. Just adimire the art What More You want in life my friends ?
twoslow2speed2000 on Google

Food: 4/5 Good meats, cooking method less than optimal Service: 4/5 Good service Value: 3/5 A bit overpriced for what you get Ambiance: 3/5 Table seating, a bit pretentious in the presentation Had the chance to dine at this establishment a few years back. The restaurant's signature "Meat Cocktail" seemed to be popular on social media at the time and a friend wanted to try the restaurant. Hybrid pan style grilling using electric heating elements. The cooking surface had vents, so not a straight teppan style grilling, where you sear the meat on the cooking surface. Ordered the beef tongue (gyu tan), beef skirt (harami), beef filet, and the steak cocktail. Cooking was time consuming due to the mixture of the limited hot cooking surface and limited direct radiant heat from the heating elements. Achieving an uniform distribution of heat was challenging. The presentation was a bit pretentious with the golden plate used for the filet. The meat in the steak cocktail was just steak cut into cubes with some sauce, served in a cocktail glass with some garnish on top. I really question the choice of the hybrid grilling, a straight teppan style or charcoal based grilling would have probably yielded better flavors due to the consistent distribution of heat. I found the overall dining experience underwhelming. Have not been back since.

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