Oozawa - Osaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oozawa

住所 :

うめだ地下街 7 Kakudacho, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 530-0017
Webサイト : http://oozawa.jp/

うめだ地下街 7 Kakudacho, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan
徳正人 on Google

この時期にはやっばりおでんは合っていて、サイコーですね^ ^ 遊びに行った帰りにそっと寄りました♩ 行ったのが日曜日の夜だったので、そんなに多くないのかなーと思って行ってみたらお客さんがにぎやかで多かったです!! 金曜日、土曜日だったらもっと多いのかもと思いました。 がっつり食べるにも良いですし、2件目でちょっと飲むにも使えるお店だなと思いました。 また、行ってまたいお店の一つになりました!! 店員さんの気配りも良かったです。 ぜひ、行ってみて下さい。
At this time of year, the yabari oden is good and it's great ^ ^ I gently stopped by on the way home from playing ♩ I went there on Sunday night, so I wondered if there weren't that many, and when I went there, there were a lot of customers! !! I thought there would be more on Friday and Saturday. It's good to eat solidly, and I thought it's a shop that can be used for a little drink in the second case. In addition, I went to one of the shops again! !! The clerk's attention was also good. Please go by all means.
ritsuko ritsuko on Google

It was cold, so I suddenly wanted to eat oden and entered this shop. It was full of customers and very lively. I'm happy to eat red pickled ginger tempura for the first time in a long time.
とんぺいうさぎ on Google

I stopped by the economic boom before watching a professional baseball day game. A cheerful older sister (?) recommends "Compare foreign beer drinks". It is also fun to dare to enjoy riding. The dishes were all delicious. I often see tomato oden recently, but I got a cold one, but it goes well with beer.
Kou K on Google

梅田地下街・ホワイティうめだの飲食店のゾーンにある居酒屋。 値段が安居わけではないが、味がいいのとお店の雰囲気が好き。 季節の一品もありメニュー豊富。 何より午前から飲める。店員さんの客さばきも浸し見やすい。
Izakaya is located in the Umeda underground shopping area, Whitey Umeda restaurant zone. The price is not cheap, but I like the taste and the atmosphere of the shop. There is also a seasonal dish and a rich menu. Best of all, you can drink from the morning. It is easy to see the clerk's judgment.
ヨッパのホッシー on Google

Izakaya that you can drink from the morning. There are several stores in Kita and Minami, and it is crowded with people who enjoy lunch. There are counter seats and table seats in the store, which can be enjoyed by one person or a group. You can order and drink a dish that is conscientious. It's easy to use for a quick drink.
kazuchi on Google

梅田です。 さ~て、お昼を何処で食べましょうかね。 色々と考えてみます。 最近の梅田は色々な施設が出来ましたからね。 ヨドバシの下に新しく出来たところでもいいしな~って考えていたら。 ホワイティで大ざわが見えて来ました。 久しぶりにここでも良いかなって感じでinです。 空いていましたしね。 中に入って日本酒の飲み比べからのスタートです。 あっ、ニゴリも頼みましょう。 飲んでみるしいい感じです。 やっぱり日本酒はいいですよね。 ゲソとかキズシとか頼んじゃいます。 日本酒と合いますね。 後はハイボールを楽しみましたよ。 サクサクと飲んでフィニッシュです。 さあ、次に行きましょう!!
I'm Umeda. Where are you going to eat your lunch? Let's think about various things. Recently, various facilities have been opened in Umeda. If I was thinking that it would be nice to have a new work under Yodobashi. The whirlpool came into view. It's been a while since I've been here for a long time. It was free. We went inside and started drinking sake. Oh, let's also ask Nigori. It feels good to drink. After all sake is good. I'll ask for guesso or scratches. It goes well with sake. After that, I enjoyed highball. It's a crispy drink and the finish. Let's go next! !
kou on Google

The居酒屋って感じで賑わっている雰囲気等含めて大満足でした。 はしごする予定で食べたいメニューを全部食べられなかったので次はこの店だけを楽しみたい… 牛すじおでんとキノコの天ぷらを頂きました。
The Izakaya was very satisfying, including the bustling atmosphere. I was planning to go on a ladder and couldn't eat all the menus I wanted to eat, so I just want to enjoy this restaurant next time ... I had beef tendon oden and mushroom tempura.
Judy OBrien on Google

Great Japanese izakaya. The food is good, the atmosphere is friendly. No English menu.

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