
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 田八

住所 :

5 Chome, Yatsuyamada, Koriyama, 〒963-8052 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:30PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Monday 11AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday 11AM–7:30PM
Friday 11AM–7:30PM
街 : Fukushima

5 Chome, Yatsuyamada, Koriyama, 〒963-8052 Fukushima,Japan
_ m.sato on Google

こんな穴場があったのか! とっても美味しいです!お蕎麦屋さんなのにお餅が絶品です!売り切れがあるので早めの来店をお勧めします!
Was there such a little-known spot! It's very delicious! Even though it's a soba restaurant, the mochi is excellent! It is sold out, so we recommend you to come to the store early!
まーちー(まーちー) on Google

山菜そば 太めで黒いそば 程よい甘さのあるつゆ 好みです!
Wild vegetable soba Thick and black buckwheat Soup with moderate sweetness I like it!
miho sata on Google

The strong soba and soba hot water are also strong and I like it. If you order mochi, it will be sweetened and you will be very satisfied.
pingu pingu on Google

こじんまりしたキレイな店内 満席になると狭さを感じるかもしれません。 蕎麦は太くてコシがある。見た目物足りかなと思うもいざ食べてみるとちょうど良い量でした。天ぷらは・・好みが分かれるかもしれません。 味噌田楽も美味しかった。こんにゃくが大きくお勧めです! 女性の店員さん、丁寧に接している良い印象を受けました。 また行きたいと思わせる良いお店です。
Small and beautiful interior You may feel cramped when it is full. Soba is thick and chewy. I think it looks good, but when I tried it, it was just the right amount. Tempura may have different tastes. Miso Dengaku was also delicious. Konjac is highly recommended! I got a good impression that the female clerk was polite. It's a good shop that makes you want to go again.
ゆんあとこ on Google

福島県郡山市にある蕎麦うどん店 連れが前々から行きたがってたお店 雪降る年末、年越しそば食べに初訪問しました 注文したのは ●『鴨ねぎ棒焼き』¥200 サッパリした鴨肉の脂とネギの甘味があり旨い ●『よもぎ生麩田楽』¥250 もっちもちの生麩に甘じょっぱい味噌がたまらん ●『末広そばの酒 蕎』¥650 会津美里町の地酒、炒った蕎麦の実の香りがする ●私『鴨ざる、大盛』¥1200 黒っぽく殻付き挽きの10割蕎麦や思うけど 蕎麦の味と香りは殆どしなかった(ーー;)? つゆは鴨脂の旨味と出汁の塩気もちょうど 柚子と胡麻の香りもええね ●連れ『野菜天ざる、大盛』¥1200 私 「天ぷらどうやった?」 連れ「普通」 私 「もちょい解りやすい感想ないんかい!」 連れ「カリカリしてた(´ω`)b」 以上です(笑) ●『くるみ餅』¥150 ●『豆腐餅』¥150 他店でも豆腐餅食べたがコチラの 豆腐餅味付けが1番美味しい(人*´∀`)。*゚+ 気持ち良い笑顔接客と美味しい酒があり 蕎麦飲みが出来る郡山では貴重なお店 お蕎麦は期待してたもんと違ったが 今度はうどん食べてみようかな♫ コロナに負けず頑張ってや〜⁽⁽◝( •▽• )◜⁾⁾ 年内営業は31日15:00(蕎麦なくなるまで) 年始営業は2日昼〜15:00 6日から通常営業らしいで
Soba udon shop in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture A shop that my companion has always wanted to visit At the end of the snowy year, I visited for the first time to eat Toshikoshi soba I ordered ● "Duck green onion stick grilled" ¥ 200 The refreshing fat of duck meat and the sweetness of green onions are delicious. ● "Yomogi Miso Dengaku" ¥ 250 Sweet and sour miso is irresistible in mochi-mochi raw fu ● "Suehiro Soba Sake" ¥ 650 Local sake from Aizumisato, with the scent of roasted buckwheat ● I "Duck Zaru, Omori" ¥ 1200 I think it's 100% buckwheat noodles that are blackish and ground with shells There was almost no taste and aroma of soba (---;)? The soup has the umami of duck fat and the saltiness of the soup stock. The scent of yuzu and sesame is also good. ● Companion "Vegetable Tenzaru, Omori" ¥ 1200 I "How did you do tempura?" Companion "normal" I "Do you have any impressions that are easy to understand!" My companion "I was crunchy ('ω`) b" That's it (laughs) ● "Walnut mochi" ¥ 150 ● "Tofu mochi" ¥ 150 I ate tofu mochi at other stores, but here The tofu mochi seasoning is the most delicious (people * ´∀ `). * ゜ + There is a pleasant smile and delicious sake A valuable shop in Koriyama where you can drink soba The soba was different from what I expected Let's eat udon this time ♫ Do your best without losing to Corona ~ ⁽⁽◝ (• ▽ •) ◜⁾⁾ Open this year at 15:00 on the 31st (until the soba is gone) New Year holidays are from noon to 15:00 on the 2nd It seems to be open from the 6th
村上久子 on Google

The mochi was soft, the bean paste was mashed, and the sweetness was just right, which was good ?
うさきちもちもち on Google

美味しいお蕎麦屋さんを教えていただいて、行ってみてください!と言われてついに来れました! あとお餅おいしいので是非!と言われて 天ぷらそばときなこもちを注文しました。 わ〜!美味しそう!!? ちょうどこの日寒くてあったかいおそばが食べたかったのでよかったです。おそばがとても美味しいです。汁も出汁がきいてて美味しい。そして天ぷらが脂っこくなくサクサクで美味しすぎました!!!食べてえっ!?ってなりました…!茄子の天ぷらは切り込みが入っていて汁によく染みて美味しいしかぼちゃ天ぷらはホクホクしていて美味しいしエビもぷりぷりで美味しいし…とにかく最高です!!! あとお餅も美味しすぎました…。食べ応え抜群です。大満足です。 また絶対食べに行きます!!!!!!
Please tell us about a delicious soba restaurant and go! I was finally able to come! Also, the mochi is delicious, so come on! Said I ordered tempura soba and soybean flour. circle~! looks delicious! !! ? I'm glad I just wanted to eat cold and warm soba on this day. The soba is very delicious. The soup stock is also delicious. And the tempura was not greasy and crispy and delicious! !! !! Eat it! ?? It became ...! The eggplant tempura has a notch and is soaked in the juice so it's delicious. The pumpkin tempura is chewy and delicious, and the shrimp is also delicious ... Anyway, it's the best! !! !! Also, the mochi was too delicious ... Excellent response to eating. I am very satisfied. I will definitely go to eat again! !! !! !! !! !!
OO ohiohi on Google

清潔感があり、きれいなお店。感じがよいお店。おもちのいろいろな味が味わえる庫とが女性にも嬉しいかも。 蕎麦は、つなぎをしっかり使った歯にもっちりくる歯触り。かえしは、鰹ぶしのかおりがしましたが、個人的にはもう少し甘みがあったほうが好き。
A clean and clean shop. A nice shop. Women may be happy to have a warehouse where you can enjoy the various flavors of mochi. Soba has a nice texture that fits well with the teeth that use the binder firmly. The bonito had a bonito scent, but I personally prefer it to be a little sweeter.

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