
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつ三好弥

住所 :

4 Chome−2, Omorinishi, Ota City, 〒143-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : Tokyo

4 Chome−2, Omorinishi, Ota City, 〒143-0015 Tokyo,Japan
SLAYER on Google

お久しのロースカツランチ! (。・ρ・) 実はメンチもふわふわ!∑(๑ºдº๑) (ちょくちょく再訪) 以前と言っても10年以上くらい前だろうか、、こちらに良くランチで通っていた小生。 ( ´_ゝ`) かなり通っていたのだが、当時は何せまだ大食漢だったもので丼一杯ではゴハンが足らず、お替り自由の店を探して回ってしまい足が遠のいたという経緯がある(笑。 (ノ∀`)アチャー だいたい行くとロースカツランチ大盛りに落ち着く。 当時確か750円くらいだったと記憶している。そして大盛り100円増し。 そしてこちらのハンバーグもほんのりバターが利いてかなり美味い。( `∀´)=3 ランチにあればハンバーグとローテーションなのだが、バターが強いのが苦手な小生は、時折このハンバーグがバターたんまりの香りがする時があり、その時は(゚д゚;)って顔していたのである(笑。 それでもこちらのロースカツとハンバーグは良く頂いていた。( ´_ゝ`) そしてカミさんとコロナで夕飯難民時に近くにいたので久しぶりにお伺いしてみたという訳である。‹‹(´ω` )››=3 ダンナさんもオバちゃんも覺えていて下さり、ロースカツライス大盛りをお願い。 ランチでは味噌汁がサービスでついての値段。確か780円しなかったと思う。失念。しかし安い。Σ(゚Д゚) 夜は値段は一緒だが味噌汁は別途という面白いシステムである。( ´д`) 油の香り良く軽く食べられるとんかつ、キャベツも山盛り、その上付け合わせにこれもローテーションのポテサラかマカロニサラダがけっこうしっかりと乗ってくるのである。 特にマカロニサラダのときはツナ入りでこれがけっこうンまい。( `∀´)=3 夜は空いてるし早く閉まるが、お昼は常連さんでけっこう込んでいる。 少し前から時間が止まったような料金設定に思えるこちら、おじちゃんオバちゃんも超の付く話好きなところも昔ながら、その会話を楽しむのも良し。 まあパワーのあるお二人なのでその辺りは推して知るべし(笑。 それでも激安だよなあ、このクオリティでのとんかつ定食は。 (ง ˘ω˘ )ว…。 ご主人は三好弥グループはもう無いなんて言って言ってたけどこちらがあるだけでも十分。 もう無くなりつつある風情、価格、味。 末永くお元気にお願いしたい。 またお伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ (再訪) ガキンチョが行ってみたいというので夜にお伺い。 ‹‹(´ω` )››=3 ハンバーグ、メンチカツは夕方にお弁当が多く出たとのことで品切れ、ロースカツライス大盛りをお願い。(´ω` )/ ハイ オバちゃん達と話をしながらいただくロースカツはンまい、ガキンチョも満足だったそうだ。( `∀´)=3 まあ、今夜はこんなこともあった…。 パワーあるおじちゃんオバちゃん、某宅配デリバリー業者からお弁当の注文が入り、閉店近くにも関わらず少しだけゴハンを炊いて待っていたそうだが、その後メンチカツが売り切れと聞いた相手から急遽キャンセルが入って用意したゴハンや揚げるために下準備したものが無駄になったと電話でブツブツと噛み付いていた(笑。 (ノД`;) 普通はもう用意させておいたんだから、メンチカツがなければロースカツでもいいよっていうのが人情ってもんでしょとかなり怒っておられた。( #`皿´) まあ、ひと昔前のように直接電話のやり取りならそれが当たり前だったのだが、こんなご時世、ネットで顔も見えないし挙げ句に間に業者が入っているものだから簡単にキャンセルされてしまう時代になってしまった故の、欠けてしまった人情話を目の当たりにした小生。(´·ω·`) 食べながら聞いていたのだが、オバちゃん達が可哀想だったので支援でゴハンを追加で一杯大盛りでお替り支援、食べ過ぎてしまったのである(笑。 ( ´д`)…。 まあそれでもお腹いっぱいだし、どーせお替りしても元の値段も安いしで満足の夕飯だ。 心無いカミさんにはなぜアンタがお替りを被る必要があるの( #`皿´)、と怒られたが、たまにはこんなのもいいじゃない…、喜んでくれる人もいるしお腹いっぱいになったしで。 と、小生は思うのだが、夕飯代はカミさんから出ていたのであった(笑。 (ノ∀`)アチャー オチがついたところで、今度はハンバーグを食うとガキンチョは言っていた。 '`,、('∀`) '`,、 またお伺いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ (再訪) ウチのガキンチョがハンバーグだというのでお伺い。ლ(´ڡ`ლ ) ===3 相変わらずふわふわハンバーグでガキンチョもカミさんも美味しいと言っていた。 (メンチで再訪) もうかなり何年も通っていて初めてメンチをお願いしたのに気づいてびっくり(笑。 '`,、('∀`) '`,、 ふわふわハンバーグを揚げたものなのでもちろん過去にないくらいのふわとろ具合! Σ(゚Д゚ノ)ノ ふわふわな上に中がトロッとしている、他では見ない逸品。 売り切れちゃうことも多いから教えたくないナー、このメンチ。(ノД`;) (ちょくちょく再訪) 最近は昼より夜行くことが増えた小生。 ( ´_ゝ`)…。 夕飯食べ損ねそうなときに非常に重宝しているのだが、最近は一見さんとかでけっこう混むようになったようで、ゴハンが無いときもしばしば…。( ´・д・`) ホントは追加でお替りしたいくらいなんだけどナァ。 人気出るのは嬉しいが自分の分が危なかったりするのである(笑。(`_>´) 最近はホントにメンチばかりなので、入るとお母さんに「メンチ大盛りよね?」なんて。 '`,、('∀`) '`,、 これからも末永くお願いしまーすヽ(`∀´)ノ
Loin cutlet lunch after a long time! (. ・ Ρ ・) In fact, the menchi is also fluffy! ∑ (๑ºдº๑) (Revisit frequently) I think it was more than 10 years ago, I used to go here for lunch. ('_ ゝ `) I used to go there a lot, but at that time I was still a big eater, and I didn't have enough gohan with a bowl of rice, so I went around looking for a free refill shop and was far from my feet (laughs). (No ∀`) Acha When I go there, I settle down for a large loin cutlet lunch. I remember it was about 750 yen at that time. And a large serving of 100 yen is added. And this hamburger is also very delicious with a little butter. (`∀´) = 3 If it's lunch, it's a rotation with hamburger steak, but I'm not good at strong butter, but sometimes this hamburger steak smells like butter, and at that time I was faced with (゚ д ゚;). (smile. Still, this loin cutlet and hamburger were well received. ('_ ゝ `) And since I was near Kami-san and Corona when I was a refugee for dinner, I visited him for the first time in a while. ‹‹ (´ω`) ›› = 3 Both Danna-san and Oba-chan are kind enough to ask for a large serving of loin cutlet rice. At lunch, the price of miso soup is a service. I think I didn't pay 780 yen. Forgot. But cheap. Σ (゚ Д ゚) It's an interesting system where the price is the same at night but miso soup is not included. (´д `) The pork cutlet, which has a nice oily aroma and can be eaten lightly, has a heap of cabbage, and the rotating potato salad or macaroni salad is also on top of it. Especially in the case of macaroni salad, it contains tuna and this is quite good. (`∀´) = 3 It's vacant at night and closes early, but it's quite crowded with regulars at noon. It seems that the price has stopped for a while, and it's good to enjoy the conversation, even though uncle Ova and Ova are old-fashioned and talkative. Well, they are two people with power, so you should know about that area (laughs). Still, it's cheap, tonkatsu set meal with this quality. (ง ˘ω˘) ว…. My husband said that there is no Miyoshiya group anymore, but it is enough to have this. The taste, price, and taste that are disappearing. I would like to ask you to stay healthy for a long time. I will visit you again (`∀´) ノ (Revisit) Gakincho wants to go, so I'll visit you at night. ‹‹ (´ω`) ›› = 3 The hamburger steak and minced meat cutlet were out of stock because many lunch boxes were served in the evening, so please have a large serving of loin cutlet rice. (´ω`) / High It seems that Gakincho was also satisfied with the roast cutlet that he had while talking with the babies. (`∀´) = 3 Well, there was something like this tonight ... A powerful uncle, Ova, received an order for a lunch box from a delivery company, and although it was near the closing of the store, he cooked a little bit of gohan and waited, but after that, the person who heard that the minced meat cutlet was sold out suddenly canceled it. I was biting on the phone saying that the uncle I had prepared and the one I had prepared for frying were wasted (laughs). (ノ Д `;) Normally, I had already prepared it, so I was quite angry that it would be nice to have a loin cutlet if I didn't have a minced meat cutlet. (#` Plate') Well, it was natural for direct telephone exchanges like a long time ago, but in such a time, it is easy to cancel because you can not see your face on the net and there is a trader in between. I witnessed the missing humanity story because it was gone. (´ · ω · `) I was listening while eating, but since the babies were pitiful, I added a large amount of gohan to support them, and I ate too much (laughs. (´д `)…. Well, I'm still full, and even if I change it, the original price is cheap and it's a satisfying supper. Kami, who has no heart, was angry at why you need to get a replacement (# `dish'), but sometimes this is not good ... Some people are happy and I'm full. so. I think, but the supper fee was from Mr. Kami (laughs). (No ∀`) Acha Gakincho said that he would eat hamburger steak this time when he got a punch line. '`,, ('∀`)'` ,, I will visit you again (`∀´) ノ (Revisit) I heard that my Gakincho is a hamburger steak. ლ (´ڡ` ლ) === 3 As usual, it was a fluffy hamburger steak, and both Gakincho and Kami said it was delicious. (Revisited with Menchi) I was surprised to find that I asked for Menchi for the first time after many years (laughs). '`,, ('∀`)'` ,, It's fried fluffy hamburger steak, so of course it's fluffy like never before! Σ (゚ Д ゚ ノ) ノ A gem that you can't find anywhere else, with a fluffy top and a sloppy inside. I don't want to tell you because it's often sold out, this Menchi. (ノ Д `;) (Revisit frequently) Recently, I've been going more often at night than at noon. ('_ ゝ `)…. It's very useful when I'm about to miss dinner, but recently it seems that it's getting quite crowded with reservations, and often when I don't have a gohan ... (´ ・ д ・ `) I really want to replace it, but naa. I'm happy that it's popular, but it's dangerous for me (laughs. (`_> ´)) These days, I'm really just a mentor, so when I enter, my mom asks me, "Isn't it a big mentor?" '`,, ('∀`)'` ,, Thank you for your continued support ヽ (`∀´) ノ
田中会社 on Google

お値打ちで美味しいトンカツ屋さん。 カツカレーがボリューミーで、独特の風味で美味しい。 地元の定食屋さんで、お店のお母さんの体調を見守りながらの営業なので、トンカツを求めてわざわざ来て、サービスを求めてはいけない。大事にして欲しい。
A good value and delicious pork cutlet shop. The cutlet curry is voluminous and has a unique flavor and is delicious. It's a local set meal shop, and it's open while watching the physical condition of the shop's mother, so don't bother to come and ask for service. I want you to take good care of it.
風俗専用 on Google

ヒデくん on Google

都内にある定食屋の一大勢力の一つ「三好弥」の暖簾分け店らしい(違ってたらスマン)。店舗の周囲は昔ながらの小さなまち工場(こうば)が多く点在し、客層はそこの職人達がメインである模様。故に、彼等の胃袋を満たすべくどの料理も量が多く、殆どの平均的な大人なら満腹になり、コストパフォーマンスが高い。また、味も良いので人気があるのも十分納得。未訪の人は是非一度食べてみるのをお勧めする。きっと気に入る事間違いなし。 初訪はカツカレーライスを食した。今まで食べた中でベスト3に入る味。一発でこのお店を気に入ってしまった。機会があれば定期的に訪問し、全メニュー制覇を果たしたい!
It seems to be a warm-up restaurant of "Miyoshiya", one of the major set meal restaurants in Tokyo (if different, Sman). There are many old-fashioned small town factories scattered around the store, and it seems that the main customer base is the craftsmen there. Therefore, every dish is large enough to fill their stomachs, and most average adults are full and cost-effective. Also, the taste is good, so I'm quite convinced that it's popular. If you haven't visited, I recommend you to try it once. I'm sure you will like it. My first visit was to eat katsu curry rice. One of the best 3 flavors I have ever eaten. I fell in love with this shop in one shot. If I have a chance, I would like to visit regularly and win the entire menu!
Hiroaki Kaneko on Google

地域に根差した小さな食堂、といった感じのレストランです。周囲の住宅街に溶け込んでいるように佇んでいるため、やや見つけづらいかもしれません。 とんかつを中心とした定食やカレーを主に給仕する食堂ですが、いずれの料理もリーズナブルな価格であるにも関わらず、拵えも雑な感じは無く、さらにボリュームも充分でとても美味しいです。閉店間際の利用だったにも関わらず、店を経営している老夫婦は快く受け入れてくださり、とても丁寧な接客をしていると見受けられました。 一方、この店の特色から、遠方からの来訪はお勧めできません。鉄道の最寄り駅やバス停からも遠く、この店のための駐車場はありません。食材の仕入れる量の関係からか、定休日以外のディナータイムは閉店していることがありますが、それを確認するための連絡手段がありません。それでもこの店を利用する際は、ライチタイムに利用することを強くお勧めします。 店内での飲食だけでなく、テイクアウトでも利用できます。 It's a small restaurant that is rooted in the local community. It may be a little difficult to find, as it seems to blend in with the surrounding residential area. This restaurant mainly serves set meals and curry with a focus on pork cutlets, but even though all the dishes are reasonably priced, they are well prepared and very tasty. Even though I were there just before closing time, the elderly couple who run the restaurant graciously accepted us, and we found them to be very attentive to their customers. On the other hand, due to the features of this store, I would not recommend coming from far away. It's far from the nearest train station and bus stop, and there is no parking lot for this restaurant. Due to the amount of food stocked, the restaurant is sometimes closed even during dinner time except on regular holidays. But there is no way to contact the restaurant to confirm this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you use this restaurant during lunch time. Not only can you eat and drink in the restaurant, but you can also take out.
It's a restaurant that feels like a small restaurant rooted in the area. It may be a little hard to find because it seems to blend in with the surrounding residential area. The restaurant mainly serves set meals and curry, mainly tonkatsu, but despite the reasonable prices of all the dishes, there is no messy feeling, and the volume is sufficient and very delicious. Despite the fact that the store was on the verge of closing, the elderly couple who run the store were willing to accept it, and it seemed that they were serving customers very politely. On the other hand, due to the characteristics of this shop, we do not recommend visiting from afar. Far from the nearest train station and bus stop, there is no parking for this store. Due to the amount of ingredients purchased, the restaurant may be closed during dinner times other than regular holidays, but there is no way to contact us to confirm this. Nevertheless, when using this store, it is highly recommended to use it during lychee time. It can be used not only for eating and drinking in the store, but also for takeout. It's a small restaurant that is rooted in the local community. It may be a little difficult to find, as it seems to blend in with the surrounding residential area. This restaurant mainly serves set meals and curry with a focus on pork cutlets, but even though all the dishes are reasonably priced, they are well prepared and very tasty. Even though I were there just before closing time, the elderly couple who run the restaurant graciously accepted us, and we found them to be very attentive to their customers. On the other hand, due to the features of this store, I would not recommend coming from far away. It's far from the nearest train station and bus stop, and there is no parking lot for this restaurant. Due to the amount of food stocked But there is no way to contact the restaurant to confirm this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you use this restaurant during lunch time. Not only can you eat and drink in the restaurant, but you can also take out.
Hajime Kobayashi on Google

ご高齢のご夫婦がお二人で経営されてる、優しい雰囲気のお店です。 小さい頃街の洋食屋で食べたトンカツってこんなだったよなあと思い出すほんのりとラードの香りのする懐かしい味でした。 近くの蒲田は今時のトンカツの名店揃いですが僕はここの昭和トンカツがとても気に入りました。 貴重な昭和トンカツ屋さんです。
It is a restaurant with a gentle atmosphere, run by an elderly couple. When I was little, the pork cutlet I ate at a Western-style restaurant in the city was like this. It was a nostalgic taste with a slight lard scent. The nearby Kamata is full of famous Tonkatsu restaurants, but I really like the Showa Tonkatsu here. It is a valuable Showa pork cutlet shop.
MASA 310 on Google

家の近くなのに中々お邪魔出来なかった三好弥さんのランチに夫婦で行ってきました。 カツカレーとヒレカツライスを注文。 ほどなく着丼。 カツが美味しいのはもちろんですが特にご飯が美味しかった。 食べ終わった後に、どこか懐かしい感覚にとらわれる素敵なお店です。 二品で¥1850という価格の安さも魅力のひとつ。 まだまだ食べたいものが沢山あるのでまた伺います。
The couple went to lunch for Miyoshiya-san, who was near my house but couldn't bother me. I ordered cutlet curry and fin cutlet rice. Donburi soon. Of course the cutlet was delicious, but the rice was especially delicious. It's a nice restaurant where you can feel nostalgic after you finish eating. One of the attractions is the low price of ¥ 1850 for two items. I have a lot of things I want to eat, so I will come back again.
Tomokazu Y on Google

I got a katsudon. I personally liked the sweetness of the bound egg and it was delicious. From the next time onward, I would like to try other cutlet dishes on another occasion. I visited immediately after the opening of business on Sunday afternoon, but I felt that one customer was already sitting at three of the four tables, and that there were fans in this corona-stricken and Sunday residential area. .. As others have written, the husband and wife are full of personality that makes you feel humanity, and besides cooking, I felt the goodness of the old-fashioned dining room. The price is kind to the bosom, and I remember that there were many menus in the 700-800 yen range.

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