埼玉ダイハツ販売株式会社 新座店 - Niiza

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 埼玉ダイハツ販売株式会社 新座店

住所 :

4 Chome-4-37 Nobitome, Niiza, Saitama 352-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 352-0011
Webサイト : https://www.saitama-daihatsu.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM

4 Chome-4-37 Nobitome, Niiza, Saitama 352-0011, Japan
武彦高田 on Google

I was disturbed by the recall of the company car Hijet. It is not a car sold by Niiza because it is a leased vehicle at a shop near the company, but it is a nice shop with very nice staff.
河内の兄さん on Google

とても丁寧な応接、こちらの意を汲んだ案内、細やかな整備 ここで車を買って良かったと思います。 末長くお付き合いをしたいなと思います。 LINE予約は、LINEをしない私にはなんの価値もなかったが、WEB予約ができるようになり良かったです。
A very courteous reception, guidance with this intention, detailed maintenance I'm glad I bought a car here. I want to be with you for a long time. The LINE reservation had no value for me who did not make a LINE, but it was nice to be able to make a WEB reservation.
koji x on Google

ものすごく対応も良く、他所は「どうせ買わないだろう」みたいな対応だったのに、こちらのお店は個々に挙げると文章長くなるけど、一言いえば「とても親切」あとお店が綺麗。 スタッフさんたちも物腰柔らかで安心しました。
The correspondence was extremely good, and the other places responded like "I wouldn't buy it anyway", but this shop has a long sentence to list individually, but in a word, it is "very kind" and the shop is beautiful. The staff were also soft and relieved.
blueblue diverse on Google

As mentioned in other people's posts, of course I made a reservation, and when I arrived at the store and got out of the car, a female clerk approached me, but I couldn't even say anything. Instead, I was very surprised and headed into the store. And for some reason, I was chosen to take home a drink and left silently.
柳下一也 on Google

スマートキーの具合が悪く行ってみました。 さすがディーラーです。 すぐやってくれました。 入口に消毒液と店の人が検温し入店と、コロナ対策もバッチリでした。
I went sick with the smart key. As expected it is a dealer. He did it right away. The disinfectant solution and the store staff measured the temperature at the entrance and entered the store, and the measures against corona were perfect.
わたりおみつ on Google

整備点検で来店。整備士さんがいつも良く仕事し説明も丁寧でした。 店内もコロナ対策し良い感じ。
Visited the store for maintenance and inspection. The mechanic always worked well and the explanation was polite. The inside of the store is also good with corona measures.
H-RB3 DPC on Google

対応してくれたサービスの人の対応は良かった。しかし、受付の所に何人も人が居たにもかかわらず何にも声掛けしないのは如何なものかと。コロナなのでしょうがないのかな…。なんか寂しい感じ。いつもは知り合いの他メーカーディーラーで修理等をしているが今回は手に負えないということで本場のこちらに。基本的にディーラーは高い!ということは知っていたが見積り見て唖然。特に工賃。直さないと乗れないのでお願いしたが金無しの私にとってはかなりキツかった…。いい修理工場を探す事を決意!出口が2箇所あるが片方は勾配が急なので車高を変えている場合、擦る可能性がある!気を付けて! 後日談 先日交換した部品に不具合があり再度来店。車を停めようとしたら満車。いくら待っても誰も出て来ない。仕方なくここはまずいのでは?と思いつつ無理矢理駐車。ちょっとイラッ!(他のディーラーでは迎えに来てくれていたのでそれが当然!と考えていた自分が悪いと思い後に反省。)店内に入ると受付の人に「誰だお前?」見たいな顔。誰も声をかけてくれない…。先入観があったかもしれないが更にイラッ!イラッ!。 こちらから声をかけるとそれなりに対応。愛想は…、ない。機械的。前回と違う人だったがサービスの方は最初から良い態度。私的には出来れば余り行きたいとは思わない店舗かな。
The response of the service person who responded was good. However, what is it like not to talk to anything even though there are many people at the reception? I wonder if it's a corona ... I feel lonely. I usually repair it at a dealer of another manufacturer I know, but this time it's out of control, so I'm here at home. Dealers are basically expensive! I knew that, but I was stunned to see the estimate. Especially wages. I asked for it because I couldn't ride it unless I fixed it, but it was quite difficult for me without money ... Determined to find a good repair shop! There are two exits, but one has a steep slope, so if you are changing the vehicle height, you may rub it! take care! Later talk There was a problem with the parts I replaced the other day and I came back to the store. When I tried to park the car, it was full. No matter how long I wait, no one will come out. Isn't it bad here? I forcibly parked while thinking. A little irritated! (I thought it was natural because other dealers came to pick me up, so I regret it after thinking that I was bad.) When I entered the store, the receptionist asked me "Who are you?" No one calls out ... There may have been prejudice, but it's even more irritating! Ira! .. If you call from here, it will respond accordingly. There is no amiability ... mechanical. He was a different person from the last time, but the service has a good attitude from the beginning. I think it's a store that I don't really want to go to if possible.
TK 2021 on Google

ディーラーが良いと思い行きましたが 警告ランプが点灯したから行ったのに 点検料とか取られただけで 直りませんでした この店舗には もう行かないかな
I thought the dealer was good I went because the warning lamp turned on Just because the inspection fee was taken Did not heal In this store I wonder if I can go anymore

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