自家製麺 風心(4-19閉店)

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自家製麺 風心(4/19閉店)

住所 :

Kanaike, Yonezawa, 〒992-0012 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://www.shinshin-g.com/%3Fpage_id%3D76
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Yamagata

Kanaike, Yonezawa, 〒992-0012 Yamagata,Japan
ride on OK on Google

正直、 こんな辛味噌ラーメンの (正確には鶏そば辛味噌らしい) ビジュアルは初めてでした。 金平にそぼろ、 ブロックチャーシュー❓ だが、これが合う❗️ ビビるぐらいに旨い❗️ 嫁の煮干しも コッテリだが、かなり好きな味。 初訪問で 一本取られたって感じ。 すすれない ワシワシ太麺が特に良かった。 食わず嫌いや 先入観は良い事無いね❗️ 接客も良かったし いい時間おしょうしなっす❗️
honest, This spicy miso ramen (To be exact, it seems to be chicken soba spicy miso) It was my first time to see the visuals. Soboro in Kinpira, Block char siu ❓ But this fits ❗️ Delicious enough to be scared ❗️ Niboshi of the bride It's a coterie, but I really like the taste. On the first visit It feels like one was taken. Don't sip The eagle thick noodles were especially good. I hate it without eating There is no good prejudice ❗️ The customer service was also good Let's have a good time ❗️
愛(pono) on Google

Shio ramen has a gentle flavor and is delicious. Chinese food was delicious like old-fashioned Yonezawa ramen!
松田満 on Google

So I kind and care has ordered listen ramen shop Did ? salt pork, but it was not very frankly with ? refreshing taste ? in Yamagata of the noodle shop is the price high class, is kind and polite customer service ? tissue clerk and are restlessly looking for was Sukasazu I received over the voice ? is grateful ? feast ?
群れない狼 on Google

I was surprised at the soup, which looks like salty soy sauce that doesn't feel like soup stock and is divided with hot water. It's a shame because the noodles are delicious. I didn't mind eating char siu with a little refrigerated odor with noodles, but ... sorry. There were many stores of all ages, including elderly couples and parents and children, but did they make the wrong choice, or did they forget to put something in the first place ... "Individual payment refusal" is also the first pattern. In the end, I paid them all together and divided the change of 300 yen among the three people (laughs) I don't understand the meaning.
犬殺し三太郎 on Google

前々から気なってたお店です。 以前は夜だけの営業だった気がしますが……今回はお昼時にお邪魔しました。 塩ラーメンとつけ麺を注文。 米沢の心心グループではありますが ダントツのこちらのお店が好みです。 また伺います。
It's a shop I've always been interested in. I think it used to be open only at night, but this time I visited at noon. I ordered salt ramen and tsukemen. Although it is Yonezawa's heart and soul group I like this shop in Dantotsu. I will visit you again.
83 pandama on Google

塩ラーメンについて皆さんの口コミが多かったので、トッピング全部乗ってる塩特盛頼みました。 麺は塩なので細めんの縮れを選びました。 しっかりした味で美味しいです。 煮卵は、ちょっとしょっぱいかなという感じ。 鰹節を少しずつ麺と一緒に食べるのも美味しい。 ブロックチャーシューは油っぽかったので、薄いノーマルチャーシューが私は好きです。 中盤になると、なかなか麺が減っていない事にビックリ。 結構な量だと感じました。 早く食べないと伸びて細めんが中太麺になってしまう。
There were many reviews about salt ramen, so I asked for Shio Tokumori with all the toppings. Since the noodles are salt, I chose the curly thin noodles. It has a solid taste and is delicious. Boiled eggs are a little salty. It is also delicious to eat dried bonito little by little with noodles. The block char siu was oily, so I like the thin normal char siu. In the middle of the game, I was surprised that the noodles weren't decreasing. I felt it was a good amount. If you don't eat it early, it will grow and the thin noodles will become medium-thick noodles.
etinu cf on Google

初訪問で塩と迷いましかが、辛味噌(手もみ ちぢれ麺)にしました。 4種類の麺から選べるのもポイントが高いです。 濃厚味噌スープ自体は甘めですが、辛味噌を混ぜるとバランスが良いスープになり、とても美味しく完飲しました。 きんぴらごぼうが入っているのには驚きましたが、ラーメンにとても合っていて美味しかったです。
On my first visit, I was confused with salt, but I chose spicy miso (hand-momi chijire noodles). The point is that you can choose from 4 types of noodles. The rich miso soup itself is sweet, but when mixed with spicy miso, it becomes a well-balanced soup, and I drank it very deliciously. I was surprised that it contained kinpira burdock, but it was very good with ramen and it was delicious.
α龍王 on Google

まず駐車場 あります お店の横にかなり停められます。 開店前に到着し お店前の長椅子で 10分少々待ちました。11時ちょうど お店の方がノボリを持って出てこられた ので 元気きよく おはようございます とお声がけしましたが、ほぼ無反応 声がけが大きすぎたかな と反省 一応 どうぞと促され店内に 短期に辛みそ系を、他店で続けていただ いていたので 米沢ラーメンにしようと チャーシューメンを注文 スタッフは3 名で 先程のノボリさんと男性 女性で 男性スタッフに店内写真いいですか?と 確認し 快く了承をいただきました。 いい感じの方です。 程なく、チャーシューメンがやってきて スープを一口 究極の出汁なのか、調味料 なのか?チャーシューも狙いなのかそれと も?といった感じです。硬めで味は5、6 枚のうち1枚はとてもいい味でした。 ネギの味が新鮮切りたての感じでいい風味 2つのっている つみれ かな それが とても美味しかったです。 鶏そば系をいただいていないので・・・
First of all, there is a parking lot It can be parked next to the shop. Arrived before the store opened, in the chaise lounge in front of the store I waited for 10 minutes. Just at 11 o'clock The shop came out with a nobori So good morning I said, but there is almost no reaction I regret that my voice was too loud. For the time being, I was urged to go inside the store I just continued to use spicy food at other stores in a short period of time. I was there, so I tried to make Yonezawa ramen Order the char siu men, the staff is 3 By name, Mr. Nobori and a man and a woman Is it okay for the male staff to take a picture of the store? When I confirmed it and kindly agreed. It's a nice person. Soon, the char siu noodles came A bite of soup, maybe the ultimate soup stock, seasoning Is it? Is it also aimed at char siu? and? It's like that. Hard and tastes 5 or 6 One of the pieces tasted very good. The taste of green onion is fresh and has a nice flavor I wonder if there are two fish balls. It was very delicious. I haven't received chicken soba, so ...

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