善光寺 なで牛

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 善光寺 なで牛

住所 :

〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan

街 : Nagano

〒381-0000 Nagano,Japan
放浪するm on Google

Zenkoji beef statue derived from the anecdote of “Zenkoji, drawn by a cow”
保土原誠 on Google

I told you that if there is a bad place, you can get better by touching the same place on the cow.
blakey “旅好きドラマー” arit on Google

It is in a place that is unexpectedly overlooked.
k yurino on Google

There used to be a real cow.
佐藤恵子 on Google

"A cow pulls you to Zenkoji" is a story about a greedy old woman who is led by a cow who was an incarnation of a Buddha and comes from Komoro City Nunobiki Kannon to Zenkoji. The statue of the cow. The cow motif is repeatedly seen in Zenkoji. Knowing this story makes sense.
bononeko taisyo on Google

#令和元年 #GW #ベビー イラストが入った案内マップがもらえます。乳幼児用設備もありますよ。
# 和 Year # GW # Baby You will receive a guide map with illustrations. There is also equipment for infants.
Pacal Masa on Google

訪問する多くの方々に撫でられて、牛さんは光っています。 ぜひとも、優しさと慈愛に満ちた牛像のまなざしに見つめられてみてください。 優しい心で善光寺にお参りして帰ることができると思います。
The bull is shining, boiled by many people who visit. Be sure to stare at the look of a cow statue full of tenderness and compassion. I think that you can return to Zenkoji with a gentle heart.
Image Creation Studio on Google

The cow of Zenkoji is drawn by the cow. It's hard to understand because it's inside the building, as if it's in such a place.

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