
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 等々力整体院

住所 :

32, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.todoroki-seitai.jp/
街 : Tokyo

32, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan
亀ヶ谷潤一 on Google

私は、理学療法士として医療機関で働いていますが、及川先生には4年ほどお世話になっております。 及川先生は、解剖学、運動連鎖(1つの関節の動きが、他の関節にどのような動きを与えるか)、筋筋膜経線(筋肉と筋肉の繋がりのライン)などを熟知されており、その豊富な知識を元に施術を行っているように感じます。 自分が受けている施術や会話の中には、治療のヒントもたくさん隠されています。 平均寿命が延びた今、健康寿命を延ばすことが課題となっている時代。予防医学という観点からも、身体のメンテナンスだと思って来院されてみてはいかがでしょうか?
I work at a medical institution as a physical therapist, and I have been taking care of Prof. Oikawa for about 4 years. Prof. Oikawa is familiar with anatomy, movement chain (how movement of one joint gives other joints), fascia meridian (muscle-muscle connection line), etc. I feel that I am performing treatment based on that abundant knowledge. A lot of treatment tips are hidden in the treatments and conversations I receive. Now that the average life expectancy has been extended, it has become a challenge to extend the healthy life expectancy. Why don't you come to the hospital thinking that it is maintenance of the body from the viewpoint of preventive medicine?
けいくん on Google

院長先生にお世話になってから5年となり、2週に1回の頻度でメンテナンスしてもらっています。 特に足の張りが辛く、当初は身体を動かすこともままならない状態でした。定期的なメンテナンスのほか、自分でできる体操を教えてもらいながら、負荷のかからない運動から始めて、お陰様で今では趣味であった山登りも再開することが出来ました。 自分の身体にあった施術メニューで、毎回、気になる箇所を重点的に施してもらえるので、満足しています。 今後とも宜しくお願いします!
It has been five years since the director was taken care of, and maintenance is performed once every two weeks. In particular, the tension of the legs was difficult, and at first it was impossible to move the body. In addition to regular maintenance, I was able to resume the hill climbing, which was now a hobby, thanks to an exercise that puts no stress on me while teaching me the gymnastics I can do. I am satisfied with the treatment menu that suits my body so that I can focus on the points I care about every time. Thank you in the future!
00 cherrytree on Google

We ask for regular maintenance. I came to be able to spend every day without feeling stiff shoulders. I also feel that the figure is also clean because it will correct the distortion properly. It teaches me stretching and gymnastics, and I am told that it is not impressive and that the patient thinks that they can spend their days comfortably. Cospa may be good considering the treatment time and contents. It is especially recommended for those who want to improve their physical condition in the long run.
菊池美子 on Google

月に2回程度通っています。 肩や背中が痛い時も、それほどつらく感じない時もありますが、施術が終わると毎回とてもすっきりして、知らず知らずのうちに身体は疲れていたのだと分かります。 定期的に施術を受けることで疲れがたまりすぎず、風を引きにくくなったような気がします。 効き目が長持ちすることも魅力だと思います。 今後もよろしくお願いします。
I go about twice a month. Sometimes you have pain in your shoulders and back, and sometimes it doesn't feel so hard, but every time you finish the procedure, you feel very refreshed and know that your body was tired without your knowledge. I feel like I've become less difficult to get tired by taking regular treatments and not getting wind. I think that it is also attractive that the effect lasts long. I hope to work with you in the future.
Apple Green on Google

丁寧な診療のもと、患者に合った最適な施術をしてもらえます! 腰痛がひどく、最初は色々原因調べても埒が明かず、頭でっかちになった状態で、偶然こちらの整体院に入りました。 同じやり方でなく、その時点での患者に合った施術をしていただけるので安心してお願いできます。 施術後は身体が動きやすく軽くなります。 お忙しい中、新しい施術研修にも参加されているので、行く度に先生の技術が進化しています。 前提知識や思い込みを持たずに、プロフェッショナルに一任するのがおすすめです。
Under the careful medical treatment, you can do the best treatment that suits the patient! I had a bad back pain, and at first I did not know if I had any problems, so I went into this manipulative clinic by chance, with my head upset. You can rest assured that the treatment will be tailored to the patient at that time, not the same way. After treatment, the body is easy to move and light. Since you are participating in new medical treatment training while you are busy, your skills are evolving every time you go. It is recommended to leave it to a professional without having any prerequisite knowledge or assumptions.
T m on Google

3週間に1度定期的に通ってます。 姿勢と立ち方が悪いせいもあり首肩股関節の痛みが酷かったのですが、今は首肩の痛みはかなり良くなりました。 股関節は内股になる癖があり、歩けなくなる事もありましたが、今は施術後2週間は痛みもほとんど出ません。 身体も軽くなり、疲れにくくこれからも定期的に通いたいです。
I go there once every three weeks. The pain in my neck and shoulders was severe due to my bad posture and standing posture, but now my neck and shoulder pain is much better. My hip joint had a habit of becoming an inseam and sometimes I couldn't walk, but now I have almost no pain for 2 weeks after the procedure. My body is lighter and I'm less tired so I would like to continue going regularly.
星野淳史 on Google

埼玉県東川口でほしのカイロプラクティックを開業している星野淳史と申します。 及川先生とは同じ専門学校で学び、現在も定期的に勉強会で共にさせていただいております。 高い技術、豊富な知識はもちろんですが、及川先生の素晴らしい所はクールな見た目に反して、 「きちんとした技術、知識をしっかりと患者さんに伝えたい」 という真っ直ぐな正義感、そして熱い想いを持っている所です。 同業者から見ても尊敬できる先生で、自信を持ってお勧めできる整体院です!
My name is Yoshifumi Hoshino, who has opened a chiropractic at Hoshino in Higashikawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture. I studied at the same vocational school with Oikawa-sensei, and I have been together regularly at study sessions. Of course high technology, abundant knowledge, but Oikawa's wonderful place is contrary to the cool look, "We want to give the patient the proper technology and knowledge." It is a place that has a straight sense of justice and hot feelings. A teacher who can be respected even from the peers, and can be recommended with confidence!
Nagisa Tajima on Google

Always we are indebted. I started going to the opportunity when my body got sick due to the corona. Originally I had a headache and had a lot of stiff shoulders, but I feel that my physical condition has gradually improved since I started going. Of course, one treatment does not dramatically improve your body, but I think that living while paying attention to your daily exercise and posture will have a synergistic effect. I am very happy to feel that the blood circulation is very good after the treatment, probably because I have you understand the deep part of the muscle that I can not reach by myself. It's fun to talk to my teacher every time, and I'm grateful for the polite treatment. Thank you for your continued support.

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