Todoroki Dental Office

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Todoroki Dental Office

住所 :

Todoroki, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Todoroki, Setagaya City, 〒158-0082 Tokyo,Japan
kurumi K on Google

Both the reception and the doctor's office are beautiful and have a nice scent. The dentist I used to go to was nervous because of the smell, but I can go there without any consciousness. The dental hygienist is kind, so I'm happy to be able to ask any questions I don't understand. At the time of treatment, he listened to this request in advance and made a treatment plan, so I was convinced that I was able to treat. The counseling room will explain to you, so I'm grateful that you don't have to worry about the eyes of other patients. The teacher's treatment was not like word of mouth.
Y on Google

先生をはじめとして、衛生士さんも受付の方も親切に対応してくれます。カウンセリングルームというものがあり、じっくりとお話の時間も設けてくださいます。 託児サービスの保育士さんもすごく優しくて、無料で利用できて、助かっています。 院内もきれいで、通っていて心地いいです。 入る前にうがいをするように言われたり、みなさん防護服を着用していて、感染対策もしっかりされているようです。安心して通えます。
Including the teacher, the hygienist and the receptionist will be kind to you. There is a counseling room, so please take your time to talk. The nursery teacher of the childcare service is also very kind and can be used for free, which is helpful. The hospital is clean and comfortable to go to. I was told to gargle before entering, and everyone is wearing protective clothing, and it seems that infection control is in place. You can go with confidence.
Tkg 333 on Google

歯科医院はたくさんありますが、治療やメンテナンス、先生の説明も丁寧で安心できる医院です。 いつもお世話になっています。 歯石除去に関しては衛生士の方によって取り残しがある場合があります。磨き方についても衛生士によって教えて頂ける方と全く教えて頂けない方がいるので、バラツキがあります。
There are many dental clinics, but treatment, maintenance, and explanations by the teacher are also polite and reassuring. I am always indebted. Some hygienists may leave behind tartar removal. There are variations in how to polish, as some can be taught by a hygienist and some cannot.
佐野淳子 on Google

清潔で予約時間に正確。 待たされた事がないので助かります。 歯のお掃除に定期的に通院していますが、 ポイントカード(通院回数)でプチプレゼントも貰えてうれしい?
Clean and accurate at the reserved time. I've never been kept waiting, so it's helpful. I go to the hospital regularly to clean my teeth, I'm glad to receive a small gift with a point card (number of hospital visits) ?
Mahaloha630 on Google

電話をしなくてもLINEで予約の取り直しや、相談などができてすごく便利です。しかも迅速な対応 予約のリマインドメールも助かっています。 院内が綺麗で清潔です。 そして何より受付スタッフ、先生、衛生士さんの対応が大人も子どもにもとてもいい対応で優しくて気に入っています。
It's very convenient because you can rebook and consult on LINE without having to call. Moreover, quick response Reminding emails for reservations are also helpful. The hospital is clean and tidy. And above all, the reception staff, teachers, and hygienists are very nice to both adults and children, and I like them kindly.
ひな on Google

定期検診で1年ほど通っていました。 受付の方も先生も歯科衛生士さんも大変感じが良く、削った歯の噛み合わせが悪く翌日修正をお願いした際もすぐ対応して頂けました。 治療前後に先生から丁寧な説明があり、「この歯は今は削る程じゃないけど、丁寧に磨くように」など余計な治療はしない点も信頼出来ました。 歯科衛生士さんの歯磨きアドバイスもわかりやすく、毎回チェックしては褒めてくれるのでやる気が出ます。笑 予約も取りやすく駅の目の前でアクセスもいいのでオススメです。
I went to a regular checkup for about a year. The receptionist, the teacher, and the dental hygienist felt very good, and when I asked for correction the next day due to poor meshing of the sharpened teeth, I was able to respond immediately. Before and after the treatment, the teacher gave me a polite explanation, and I was able to trust that I wouldn't do any extra treatment such as "I don't want to sharpen this tooth now, but brush it carefully." The dental hygienist's tooth brushing advice is also easy to understand, and you will be motivated because he will check and praise you every time. Lol It is recommended because it is easy to make reservations and it is easy to access in front of the station.
s m on Google

歯科衛生士さん、歯科医師などスタッフの方々の対応が皆様とても丁寧です。治療についても細かく説明し処置して下さるので安心して受けることができました。 また施設もとても綺麗で清潔感があります。 LINEで予約も可能なので、便利で良いです。
The staff, including dental hygienists and dentists, are very polite. I was able to receive it with peace of mind because he explained the treatment in detail and treated me. The facility is also very clean and clean. You can also make a reservation on LINE, so it's convenient and good.
Seungho Jang on Google

It is so clean and the and the people is so kind. The workers are so friendly. I go there everytime and they never fail me.

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