
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おたちゅう。秋葉原3号店/仮面ライダー専門館

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://otachu-akiba3.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
佐藤謙 on Google

今日初めて利用させていただきました。 ショーケースのレイアウトがステキでした。 YouTubeなどで紹介されたりしているので見た事はあったのですが、やっぱり行って見てみるとテンション上がりますね。 商品の値段もリーズナブルなので、予算を決めていかないと大変な事になるかもしれません。 評価に店員の態度が悪い等書いてあり心配でしたが、店員の方も凄く感じが良かったです。 商品の在庫の確認をした際、作業中でしたが。 「売れてしまってソコに並んでるだけなんです。すみません。」 と、丁寧に対応して下さいました。 片道2時間以上かかるので、行くのを躊躇っていましたが、Twitterで欲しかった商品が紹介されていたのでコレは!っと思い本日朝イチで入店。 前日の閉店1時間前にTwitterで紹介していたので、開店と同時に行けば買えると思っていたのですが。 閉店前に買われてしまったのか、3分の1くらいしかのこっておらず、ガッカリ。 こっちがあると思って行ったのが悪いのですが、閉店1時間前のTwitterの紹介は、明日はこの商品を販売開始するよって感じにしていただけたら嬉しいです。 今日はいい買い物が出来ました。 ありがとうございました。
I used it for the first time today. The layout of the showcase was wonderful. I've seen it because it was introduced on YouTube etc., but after all, when I go and see it, the tension rises. The prices of the products are also reasonable, so if you don't decide on a budget, it can be a big deal. I was worried because the evaluation stated that the clerk's attitude was bad, but the clerk also felt very good. I was working when I checked the inventory of the product. "I'm just selling and lining up in Soko. I'm sorry." Thank you for your polite response. It takes more than 2 hours one way, so I hesitated to go, but the product I wanted was introduced on Twitter, so this is it! I entered the store today morning. I introduced it on Twitter one hour before the store closed the day before, so I thought I could buy it if I went there at the same time as the store opened. I was disappointed that it was bought before the store closed, and only about one-third of it was left. I'm sorry I went there because I thought there was one, but I'd be happy if you could feel that the introduction of Twitter one hour before the store closed will start selling this product tomorrow. I made a good purchase today. Thank you very much.
みそグラたん on Google

Well, I have all of them, but the ride watch I wanted was in the lower prize of the 1000 yen lottery, and if I sold it like that, it would be about 200 yen, but it's a lottery, so it's a lot of money loss and things can not be thrown away The feeling of being uncomfortable is not a perfect score because of my worries. Also, there are old belts and SHF is reasonable. The latest 50th anniversary is overpriced, but the Heisei Rider 20th anniversary and non-commemorative ones are cheap
うゆ on Google

初めに言っておくと、ものは多いがその分色々な表記をしない店。ほとんど細かいことは口頭でとの事。信頼できない。実際★を一つもつけたくは無い。 以下、あったことをそのまま書いておく。 フィルムに包まれている状態で中身が見えない“良い” ”非常に良い”の表記のもの(傷や汚れ等の表記がないもの)を購入したのだが、購入の際に中身確認の案内や動作確認等はその場でしない。そもそも、そういった話を客に申し出ない。 そして、帰って箱を開けてみると傷や汚れ等が目立つ商品だった為店に連絡。「お客様の意向にそぐわない商品であれば、返品返金の対応をさせて頂く」との事。わざわざ店頭まで足を運ぶもいざ店頭で話しをすると「当店ではこれくらいのものであれば、返品交換等はできない」とこのと。 購入時に返品交換等は出来ないという話もなかったが、、 電話での対応と随分違う。 基準も何も全て店側が把握しているだけで、客には表示のひとつも無く、後から「購入時にお客様から確認してもらうかたち」「中身が見たければ、言っていただければ」なんてのは、接客業としてどうなのかと感じられた。非常に良い・良い表記だけでなくその状態がどのようなものかは店側が把握していれば良い。買い手には敢えて伝えないという考え方は極めて悪質だと感じられた。加えて店員の態度も上から目線で最悪。話の最後の方では「返品返金の対応はできない」の一点張りだったので、ここはこういう店なのだと分かった。 返品出来ないならと買取に出したが、4分の1以下の値段に。高い授業料だと思って諦めたが。。これを読んで同じような目に合う人が居なくなればと思う。私はもうここに行くことは無い。
First of all, there are many things, but the store doesn't have various notations. Most of the details are verbal. Untrusted. In fact, I don't want to add any ★. Below, I will write down what happened. I bought a "good" or "very good" notation (no scratches, stains, etc.) that the contents cannot be seen while wrapped in a film. Operation check etc. is not done on the spot. In the first place, I do not offer such a story to customers. Then, when I returned and opened the box, I contacted the store because it was a product with noticeable scratches and dirt. "If the product does not meet the customer's intention, we will refund the returned goods." When I went all the way to the store and talked to him at the store, he said, "If it's about this size, we can't return or exchange it." There was no talk that returns and exchanges cannot be made at the time of purchase, but ... It's quite different from the telephone response. The store only knows all the standards, and the customer does not have one of the indications. Later, "a form that the customer confirms at the time of purchase" and "if you want to see the contents, please tell me". I felt what it was like as a hospitality business. It is only necessary for the store to know what the condition is, as well as the very good and good notation. The idea of ​​not telling the buyer was felt extremely malicious. In addition, the attitude of the clerk is also the worst from the top. At the end of the story, there was a single point that "returns and refunds are not available", so I knew that this was a store like this. I bought it if I couldn't return it, but the price was less than a quarter. I gave up thinking it was a high tuition fee. .. I hope that after reading this, there will be no one who has similar eyes. I won't go here anymore.
大和 on Google

自宅の片付けと来年の引っ越し資金を兼ねて 仮面ライダーシリーズの変身ベルトの 買い取りをお願いしました。 商品の内容 ① 開封済みの未使用品 ② 未開封の未使用品 ③ 未開封の未使用品 買い取り待ちの間に店内を見て 飽きたのでカウンターの前で待ってると ①と②と③の品物を開封して動作確認をしていました。(手で触った時点で中古品と思ってます) その時は何とも思わずただ見ていたのですが買い取り金額見て驚きました。 ①は中古品で2割減 ②と③は開封済みの中古品で2割減 正直最初に未開封って言っておけば良かったのと「開封して動作確認させて頂けませんか?」って一言くれないの?って思いました。 最終的にほぼ満額予想してたのに1万円ぐらい損して帰ってきました。 買い取り額の時に言っても良かったんですが 買い取り不可を考え敢えて黙ってました。 最後に買い取りで アドバイスしておきます。 買い取り時に未開封、未使用品は 必ず伝えておく 開封された時を考えて いっぱい買い取り品を持ち込まずに 一品など様子を見る ネットの買い取り価格の 2割減と見ておく事 自分で出来てすぐにお金が必要でなければヤフオクやメルカリを使う 以上 私はもう行きませんし 損した分返金して欲しいです。 後日Twitterに私の買い取りしたと 思われる商品がアップされてて 全て「非常に良い」とラベルが貼られてました。 満額ならこんなに長々と不満も書きませんし評価も5にしてました。
To clean up my house and fund my move next year Kamen Rider series transformation belt I asked you to buy it. Product content ① Unused item that has been opened ② Unopened unused item ③ Unopened unused item Look inside the store while waiting for purchase I got tired of it so I was waiting in front of the counter I opened the items ①, ② and ③ and checked the operation. (I think it's a used item when I touch it with my hand) At that time, I was just looking at it, but I was surprised to see the purchase price. ① is a 20% reduction in second-hand goods ② and ③ are used items that have been opened and are reduced by 20%. Honestly, I should have said that it was unopened first, and could you say "Can you open it and check the operation?" I tought. In the end, I expected the full amount, but I lost about 10,000 yen and came back. I should have said it at the time of purchase I dared to keep silent because I couldn't buy it. Finally by purchase I'll give you some advice. Unopened and unused items at the time of purchase Be sure to tell Thinking about when it was opened Without bringing in a lot of purchased items See the situation such as one item Of the net purchase price See it as a 20% reduction If you can do it yourself and don't need money right away, use Yahoo Auction or Mercari that's all I won't go anymore I want you to refund the loss. I bought it on Twitter at a later date The product that seems to be uploaded All were labeled "very good". If it is full, I will not write any complaints for such a long time and I gave it a rating of 5.
福田浩平 on Google

We have used the home delivery purchase here several times. We always respond promptly, and the purchase price tends to be higher than other stores. It is helpful because the assessment and payment of the consent fee are very quick.
しんしん on Google

It's best not to draw 1000 yen gacha. When I went today, I pulled this gacha for 10,000 yen, but all of them were 5 mag and my cancer was withered. If it is only gacha, it will be evaluated as ★ 1. However, the assortment of shops other than 1000 yen gacha is very good, so if you have something you want, it is worth going, in short, 1000 yen gacha will definitely regret after pulling anything. I hope the word-of-mouth will be helpful.
和人 on Google

貸ビルの最上階?の、所にある狭い店舗で、狭いなりに工夫しながら商品を陳列してる感じです。 一番くじのフィギュアの中古が意外とあり購入しに行きますが、価格設定は商品によってネット相場と同じくらいか、少し高いです。 ただ、品揃えが良いので見る価値は、あると思います。 1000円ガチャは、誰かが大量にやったのか、景品がスカスカだったので、あまり良い景品が残っていなく、最低でも他の店舗100〜200円くらいで販売している商品がカゴから2個ほど当たりで選べる感じの内容でした。
The top floor of a rental building? It's like displaying products in a small store in a small space. The used figure of Ichiban Kuji is unexpectedly used and I go to buy it, but the price setting is about the same as the net market price or a little higher depending on the product. However, I think it is worth seeing because the product lineup is good. As for the 1000 yen gacha, maybe someone did a lot of it, the prize was squishy, ​​so there aren't many good prizes left, and at least two other stores sell for about 100 to 200 yen from the basket. It was a content that you can choose by hitting.
なーさん on Google

This store is small, hot and cold, without disinfection, and the items are quite expensive overall. If you are a Kamen Rider specialty store, check the market price of toys and sell them. The dirty heart trying to make a profit is completely visible. My friend played 1000 yen gacha 8 times, but all of them won the 5th prize at the bottom. I want you to put out about 4 mag at least once every 5 times. Also, the condition of the product is difficult to understand, so please write down what the condition is. I don't want to go again. To be honest, I don't even want to get a star

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