ホビーランドぽち 秋葉原2号店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ホビーランドぽち 秋葉原2号店

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://hobbyland-pochi.net/hpgen/HPB/entries/86.html
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
Shun. S on Google

We have a cashless point redemption system, but VISA is not eligible. I just want to say at the time of accounting. The same applies to the third store as well. I don't know if it's the difference between a franchise and direct management, but it's annoying that there is a difference between stores, so I wanted to unify it.
みなとみらい21 on Google

何軒かある秋葉原のぽちでは品揃えは豊富だと思うが、店員さんの愛想が無さすぎ。 基本用語である挨拶でさえ、ろくに言えない。何度か利用させて貰ってるが、品揃えが良い分残念です。 因みに他の店舗は愛想が良いですよ。
I think there are a wide variety of products at Akihabara's Pochi, but the clerk's amiability is too much. Even the basic term, greetings, can't be said at all. I have been using it several times, but I am sorry that the product lineup is good. By the way, the other stores are amiable.
nc車両区 on Google

この店舗だけでなくこのビルの店舗すべてに言えること。 小さいエレベーターだけでしか行けないの不便すぎる。
The same can be said for all stores in this building, not just this one. It's too inconvenient to go only by a small elevator.
VIC VIPER on Google

The 6th floor of the building. Mainly used model railroads. There is also a used plastic model.
403唯華 on Google

ジャンク品の品揃えが多い印象。スティックジャンクが欲しければ必ずここに行く。 ただエレベーターの数や収容力がビル自体の需要にあっておらず、土日祝ともなれば店舗に入ることすら難しいことも。
Impression that there is a large selection of junk items. If you want stick junk, be sure to go here. However, the number of elevators and the capacity do not meet the demand of the building itself, and it may be difficult to even enter the store on weekends and holidays.
服部剛幸 on Google

Near Akihabara station ... to keep the favorable conditions ... The 7th floor of the multi-tenant building ... It's hard to understand ... Besides, it's a pity that Gundams occupy 1/3 of the rare sales area ... The assortment is halfway and disappointing ?⤵️
8500 hankyu on Google

バラ売り品が割と掘り出し物がある印象。 セットものも安かったりしてよいと思う。 でも1つしかない狭いエレベーターでしか 行けないのはなんとかしてもらいたい。
Impression that there is a bargain for the items sold separately. I think the set is also cheap. But only in a narrow elevator with only one I want you to do something about not being able to go.
徳永達也 on Google

I asked for the purchase of the model railroad from about 10:03 in the morning when the store opened, but it was said that the assessment would be completed in 30 minutes. However, there is no sign of being called even after waiting for more than an hour. On the contrary, about 3 people who accepted the purchase later finished the purchase. When I asked if it would take time for the assessment, "Yes, it's over." … No, why don't you call me? Maybe I called it, but I couldn't hear it. I heard that I was certainly calling to those who had completed other receptions. Moreover, the clerk did not apologize for making me wait. I felt like I was taking a sloppy attitude. I was totally disappointed that Pochi-san was always indebted to me for buying and buying model railroads. I know I'm busy, but I want you to have a minimum of customer service.

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