
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 伊勢塚古墳

住所 :

岡138, Kamiochiai, Fujioka, 〒375-0057 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997
Webサイト : https://www.city.fujioka.gunma.jp/kakuka/f_bunkazai/isedukakohun.html
街 : Gunma

岡138, Kamiochiai, Fujioka, 〒375-0057 Gunma,Japan
空想無職 on Google

七輿山古墳を見たあとこちらも訪問。歩いて5分くらいの距離にあります。 小さめな古墳ですが中にも入れます。
I also visited after seeing the Nanakoshiyama Kofun. It is about 5 minutes on foot. It's a small tumulus, but you can put it inside.
JJ on Google

小ぶりの古墳。現地の解説版には二段の不正八角形と出ているが、ホームページには円墳あるいは不正八角形の4段と出てます。遠くから見ると円墳のようです。 この古墳の見どころは石室の石の積み方です。模様積石室と呼ばれるこの地域で見られるという、大きい石の周りに細い石を配置して模様を作ってます。伊勢塚古墳はそれら古墳の中でも特に素晴らしいと言われてます。 この古墳には駐車場がないので、そばのコンビニを利用させていただきました。買い物をしたあとに、店員さんに古墳を見に行きたいので少し停めさせていただけないかと訪ねたら快く許可をいただけました。
A small burial mound. The local commentary version has a two-tiered illegal octagon, but the homepage has a four-tiered round paddle or an illegal octagon. Seen from a distance, it looks like a circle. The highlight of this burial mound is how to stack stones in the stone chamber. Patterns are made by placing thin stones around large stones that can be seen in this area called the pattern stone chamber. Isezuka burial mounds are said to be particularly wonderful among those burial mounds. Since there is no parking lot in this old burial mound, I used a convenience store nearby. After shopping, I wanted to go to see the old burial mounds, so I was happy to ask if I could stop.
おっつぁん on Google

Although the scale is small, you can encounter works of art that are said to be the completed form of the patterned stone chamber.
まほろば紀行 on Google

I am impressed by the unique pattern masonry room in this area. There are many pebbles around the big stones, and it seems that they are showing that they are using pebbles. Kawahara's pebbles are probably chosen to be long and thin. This masonry technique is of an exceptional level. There are also river-specific ones in this area such as Ushibushi sandstone, chlorite and crystalline schist. This area is the eastern end of the Median Tectonic Line and is also a region of Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks, so it may be fun just to see the types of stones.
あぼちぁん on Google

20220407 歴史館から少し離れているので車で来ました。外から見ると小さな円墳です。南の道から石室が開いているのが見えます。参道から身を屈めて狭い前室に入ります。横壁は河原石と思われる小さな礫と頭ほどの丸みを帯びた河原石を丁寧に緻密に組み合わせてあります。玄室は天井が高く立つことができますが、真っ暗な為iPhoneのライトを点けて周りを見るとビックリ。壁面は小さな河原石をビッシリと詰め、その中に大きな丸い河原石を規則的に配置して美しく作られています(暗くてまともな写真が撮れませんでした。残念!)どうやって作ったのでしょうか?天井は大きな平な石で作られています。外からは小さな円墳なのにこんな大きな石室があるとは想像出来ませんでした。
20220407 I came by car because it is a little far from the history museum. Seen from the outside, it is a small circular burial mound. You can see the stone chamber open from the south road. Bend over from the approach to enter the narrow front room. The side wall is a careful and precise combination of small gravel that seems to be a river stone and a rounded river stone that is about the size of a head. The ceiling can stand high in the entrance room, but it's pitch black, so I was surprised when I turned on the iPhone light and looked around. The walls are beautifully made by stuffing small river stones and arranging large round river stones regularly (I couldn't take a decent picture because it was dark. Sorry!) How did you make it? ?? The ceiling is made of large flat stone. From the outside, I couldn't imagine that there was such a big stone chamber even though it was a small burial mound.
山城大好 on Google

古墳はつい大きさとらわれがちですが、小さくても歴史的には価値があることが多々あります。円墳と云われていましたが、不正八角形墳のようです。説明板が、消えかけているので何処までが本当なのか疑問が残ります。今は円墳みたいです。直径27.2m高さ6mで群馬県指定史跡です。 この古墳は石室に入れます。中の積みかたが模様積みで積んであり、藤岡近辺の固有の積みかただそうです。七興の門の石柱が模様積みを模しています。駐車場がないので南側の道路に止め歩きました。七興の門の駐車場から歩くと行けます。(10分はかかりません)
Tumulus is often thought of as being large, but even if it is small, it is often historically valuable. It was called a circular burial mound, but it seems to be an illegal octagonal burial mound. Since the explanation board is disappearing, I still have doubts about how true it is. It looks like a burial mound now. It is a historic site designated by Gunma Prefecture with a diameter of 27.2m and a height of 6m. This burial mound is placed in a stone chamber. The stacking inside is a pattern stacking, and it seems that it is a peculiar stacking in the vicinity of Fujioka. The stone pillars of the Shichiko Gate imitate the pattern stacking. Since there is no parking lot, I stopped and walked on the road on the south side. You can walk from the parking lot of Shichikomon Gate. (It does not take 10 minutes)
池田宗浩 on Google

An acquaintance told me that it was better to go inside the stone room once and see it, and I was impressed by the wonderful stone set. ❗️ On bad weather, it may be better to have a flashlight just in case.
ホタ on Google

白石古墳群の1つです。径27.2mの円墳あるいは不正八角形墳と推定されています。墳丘は4段に造られた古墳で、特に、3段目は最上段の葺石を積み上げてから、その外側に河原石を敷き詰めていると言われています。出土遺物に円筒埴輪・人物埴輪・盾形(たてがた)埴輪があり、6世紀末ごろに造られたと推定されています。ここは石室の内部の石が美しいと思い紹介します。できればヘッドライト持参が良いです。 小さな石の間に大きな石を散りばめて模様として美しく作られています。この様な石組みはあまり見かけません。一見の価値があると思います。石室内部へのアクセスもそれほどしんどくないです。
It is one of the Shiraishi burial mounds. It is estimated to be a circular burial mound with a diameter of 27.2 m or an illegal octagonal burial mound. The burial mound is an old burial mound built in four stages, and in particular, it is said that the third stage is made by stacking the top-level butterbur stones and then laying river stones on the outside. The excavated relics include a cylindrical haniwa, a figure haniwa, and a shield-shaped haniwa, which are estimated to have been built around the end of the 6th century. I would like to introduce here because the stones inside the stone chamber are beautiful. If possible, bring your own headlights. It is beautifully made as a pattern by sprinkling large stones between small stones. I don't see many stonework like this. I think it's worth a look. Access to the inside of the stone chamber is not so difficult.

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